Daily Calendar California Public Utilities Commission Thursday, May 6, 1999 Page 34 Public Utilities Commission of the State of California Wesley M. Franklin, Executive Director Headquarters Southern California Office 505 Van Ness Avenue 320 West 4th Street, Suite 500 San Francisco, CA 94102 Los Angeles, CA 90013 (415) 703-2782 (213) 576-7000 Website: http://www.cpuc.ca.gov Daily Calendar Thursday, May 6, 1999 ú Regular Commission Meetings ú Notices ú Subscription Information (Daily Calendar and Agenda) ú Commissioner Office Hours ú Public Meetings and Workshops ú Notice of Draft Resolutions (PU Code 311(g)) ú New Filings ú Petitions for Modification of Applications for Rehearing ú Draft Decisions/Proposed Decisions/Alternates/Presiding Officer's Decisions/Arbitrator's Reports/ ú Advice Letter Filings ú Miscellaneous Transportation Items ú Miscellaneous Telecommunication Matters ú Adjournments/Resettings/Submissions ú Removals from Calendar ú New Settings ú Law and Motion Hearings ú Hearings ú Notice of Denial of Request for Ex Parte Meeting ú Notice of All-Party Meetings (PU Code 1701.3(c)) ú Notice of Ex Parte Communications Commission Decision and Resolution Summaries for the Conference of April 22, 1999, are included in this calendar. REGULAR COMMISSION BUSINESS MEETINGS May 13, 1999 10 am San Francisco May 27, 1999 10 am San Francisco June 10, 1999 10 am San Francisco REGULAR COMMISSION ADMINISTRATIVE MEETINGS May 11, 1999 4 pm San Francisco May 18, 1999 4 pm San Francisco May 25, 1999 4 pm San Francisco June 1, 1999 4 pm San Francisco For further information contact the Public Advisor (415) 703-2074, e-mail: Public advisor@cpuc.ca.gov. COMMISSION RATESETTING DELIBERATIVE MEETINGS (Not Open to the Public) Ratesetting Deliberative Meeting dates are reserved as noted but will only be held if there are ratesetting matters to be considered. May 10, 1999 1:30 pm San Francisco May 24, 1999 1:30 pm San Francisco June 7, 1999 1:30 pm San Francisco NOTICES Delivery of Formal Pleadings for Filing Unless otherwise directed, all courier-delivered documents submitted for filing as part of the formal record in a proceeding should be hand-carried directly to the Commission's Docket Office, Room 2001, 505 Van Ness Avenue in San Francisco; Suite 500, 320 West 4th Street in Los Angeles; or Room 4006, 1350 Front Street in San Diego. All documents sent through the mail for formal filing should be addressed ONLY to the Commission's Docket Office, Room 2001, 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102. Charge for Commission Documents To purchase Commission documents, there is a charge of 20 cents a printed page (postage prepaid) with a minimum purchase of $2.00. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Subscription Notice for Draft Agenda Items In compliance with Public Utilities Code Section 311.5, parties who wish to subscribe to receive draft agenda items may do so by writing to the Public Utilities Commission; Attention: Poly Arca, Room 1003, 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102, or by calling (415) 703-1798. The cost for a one-year subscription to the entire public agenda package (which excludes Executive Session materials) is $1,000. You may also order a partial agenda package (energy agenda items only or telecommunication agenda items only) at the cost of $500 per year. The package you receive via mail will include only those agenda items available at the time of the agenda distribution date, which is usually 10 to 12 days prior to the Commission meeting. If agenda items (including revisions) are not ready on the distribution date, they will be made available at no charge in the lobby outside the Commission Auditorium at 9:00 a.m. on the morning of the Commission meeting, but not earlier. In addition, the Commission will make draft agenda items available for viewing and photocopying (at 20 cents per page) at the Commission's Central Files Office (Room 2002), 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, and in the Los Angeles, San Diego, and the following field offices: El Centro, Eureka, Sacramento and San Bernardino. Since the agenda package will be mailed to these locations, it will be available at these locations a day or two after the distribution date. These locations will not receive agenda items that are not ready on the distribution date. If an agenda item is held over to a subsequent Commission meeting, that agenda item and any revisions to that agenda item that were available on the morning of the initial Commission meeting (as well as any further available revisions) will be mailed in the Escutia package for the subsequent Commission meeting; the item and its revisions will also be available for viewing and photocopying in the Commission's Central Files Office and field offices as set forth above. Intervenors who have a financial hardship determination pending or granted shall be eligible to receive draft agenda item packets at no charge. The cost to receive the agenda only, without copies of draft agenda items, remains at $75 per year. Subscription Notice for Daily Calendar and/or Agenda Parties who wish to subscribe to the Daily Calendar and/or the Agenda may do so by writing to the Public Utilities Commission; Attention: Poly Arca, Room 1003, 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102, or by calling (415) 703-1798. The subscription cost for the Daily Calendar is $225 per year. The Biweekly Daily Calendar is $50 per year. The Agenda is $75 per year. Checks are to be made payable to the Public Utilities Commission. COMMISSIONER OFFICE HOURS (For further information or to make an appointment, please contact Sandra Graham at (213) 576-7055. Date/Time Commissioner Location 5/18/99, 9 am - Josiah L. State Office Building 12 pm Neeper 320 West 4th Street, Suite 500 Los Angeles 5/20/99, 9 am - Josiah L. State Office Building 12 pm Neeper 1350 Front Street, Room 4006 San Diego 6/8/99, 10 am - Henry M. Duque State Office Building 12 pm 320 West 4th Street, Suite 500 Los Angeles PUBLIC MEETINGS & WORKSHOPS Workshop Notice May 5 - 6, 1999 California Public Utilities 9:30 am Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue *May 6 workshop will be Room 3204 (May 5) held only if an Training Room (May 6)* additional day is San Francisco necessary Notice of workshop to address the implementation details associated with D.98-12-084, ordering GTEC to pay $4.85 million over a three-year period, to be used for a Telecommunications Consumer Protection Fund. Parties to this proceeding have been asked to send their proposals to James Simmons of the Telecommunications Division by April 15, 1999. The workshops will provide parties the opportunity to discuss suggested implementation plans to evolve the proposals into a common proposal which can then be presented to the Commission for adoption via resolution. For further information, contact James Simmons at 415-703-2883. Public Meeting May 6, 1999 California Public Utilities 10 am Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue Hearing Room A San Francisco The Energy Division will facilitate an informal session to assist the parties in understanding the Consumer Services Division's investigation of Pacific Gas and Electric Company's power outage which occurred on December 8, 1998. Dr. Chong Chiu of Performance Improvement International, Inc. and some of his key associates will be available to explain their report, An Independent, Full Scope Root Cause Investigation of San Francisco December 8, 1998 Outage (Interim Report). Questions about the informal session may be directed to Kevin Coughlan at (415) 703- 2408 or kpc@cpuc.ca.gov. Public Meeting - Low Income Governing Board - (REVISED AS OF 4/29/99) May 11, 1999 Pacific Energy Center 10 am - 4 pm Green Room 851 Howard Street San Francisco The Board will meet to discuss the following topics: (1) public Comment; (2) report from the Chair; (3) approve and adopt meeting minutes; (4) deliberate and adopt recommendations on per diem issues and changes; (5) review and modify critical path schedule; (6) presentations by PG&E, So Cal Edison, So Cal Gas, and SDG&E on administrative costs, standardized reporting format, competitive bidding/expanded partnership, and AEAP proposals; (7) updates from the CPUC Energy Division, Office of Ratepayer Advocates, and Legal Division; (8) deliberate and approve action on proposed Commission orders; (9) deliberate and approve action on pending utility filings; (10) deliberate and approve action on ongoing Commission proceedings; and (11) deliberate and approve action on pending legislation; (13) deliberate, discuss and reconcile Board members' terms; (14) deliberate and discuss E-3601; (15) deliberate and discuss for action on comments and recommendations that will appear in the Energy Division's report based on the workshop; and (16) deliberate and discuss for archiving LIGB files. An agenda for the meeting is being developed and can be obtained from the LIGB's website at www.ligb.org. This location is wheelchair accessible. The meeting is open to the public. For more information contact Charlene Treat at (510) 251-2888, extension 2090. Public Meeting - Low Income Governing Board - (REVISED AS OF 4/29/99) May 12, 1999 Pacific Energy Center 9 am - 4 pm Conference Room (Street Level) 851 Howard Street Note: Earlier start San Francisco time than usual. The Board will meet to discuss the following topics: (1) Public Comment; (2) Report from the Chair; (3) deliberate and adopt recommendations on the specific tasks the Energy Division RFP on technical and administrative services should specify; (4) update on the Energy Division workshop of April 12-13, 1999; (5) deliberate and adopt recommendations for Phase II; (6) update from Advisory Committee and ratification of new Advisory Committee members; (7) approve and adopt Board position regarding performance incentives (AEAP schedule); (8) updates from the CPUC Energy Division, Office of Ratepayer Advocates, and Legal Division; (9) deliberate and approve action on proposed Commission orders; (10) deliberate and approve action on pending utility filings; (11) deliberate and approve action on ongoing Commission proceedings; (12) deliberate and approve action on pending legislation; (13) deliberate, discuss and reconcile Board members' terms; (14) deliberate and discuss E-3601; (15) deliberate and discuss for action on comments and recommendations that will appear in the Energy Division's report based on the workshop; and (16) deliberate and discuss for archiving LIGB files. An agenda for the meeting is being developed and can be obtained from the LIGB's website at www.ligb.org. This location is wheelchair accessible. The meeting is open to the public. For more information contact Charlene Treat at (510) 251-2888, extension 2090. Public Meeting May 12, 1999 California Public Utilities 9:30 am - 3:30 pm Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 3204 San Francisco The ULTS Marketing Board (ULTSMB) will hold its regular meeting to discuss the following: Review/Approve Meeting Minutes, Review/Approve Administrative Report and Action Items, Review/Approve ULTSMB Expenses for April 1999, Begin Discussion of Year 2000 Marketing Plan, Interim Marketing Program Update, Review ULTSMB Correspondences, PUC Report and Action Items, Review Previous Studies and Data, Announcements, Set Agenda Items for Future Discussion, Discuss/Approve Interim Marketing Program Contract, and Hear Public Comments. Executive Session: Review and Approve Market Research RFP. This meeting is open to the public. The Board reserves the right to limit the time allocated to public comments and each speaker. If you would like to join the meeting by phone conference or in person, and/or receive a full meeting packet, please notify the ULTS Trust Office at (510) 452-2757. Public Meeting May 13, 1999 Deaf and Disabled 10 am - 4 pm Telecommunications Program 1939 Harrison Street DDTP Conference Room, Suite 555 Oakland The EQUIPMENT PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEE of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold its regular monthly meeting. For more information about the meeting, or if you plan to attend the meeting and need sign language interpretation or real-time captioning, contact Elana Kalisher at (510) 874-1410 VOICE or (510) 874-1411 TTY. Environmental Reminder: Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings, because people with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity must reduce their exposure in order to attend. Public Meeting - California Board for Energy Efficiency May 13, 1999 9240 E. Firestone Boulevard 10 am - 4 pm Downy Teleconference Information: This meeting is accessible by teleconference. To call in, dial: 1-800-226-1024. After the prompt, enter the access code (566123) followed by the pound sign. Please contact Elizabeth Gunn, Board Coordinator, at (415) 703-1956, or by e-mail at egunn@cpuc.ca.gov with any questions regarding teleconferencing. The California Board for Energy Efficiency (CBEE) will meet to discuss the following topics: Program Planning and Implementation for Program Year (PY) 1999; PY 2000/2001 Program Planning, Including the CBEE's May 10 Filing; PY 1998 Annual Reports from the Utilities; Energy Division Workshop on Board Structure and Operating Procedures Including Preparing the CBEE's Reply Comments; Board Compensation; Board Operations; CBEE Annual Report; Market Assessment and Evaluation (MA&E), Including the Utility Advice Letter on 1999 MA&E; CBEE Work Plan and Schedule for 1999; Organizational Planning and Staffing; Phase 2 Process on Future Administration; Legislative Update; Reporting Requirements; Updates and Status Reports from Committees; and Scheduling and Agenda Planning for Future Meetings. The meeting is open to the public. The contact person is Mark Thayer (619) 594-5510. For further information about the CBEE and this meeting consult the CBEE Web Page at www.cbee.org. Public Meeting May 17, 1999 California Public Utilities 1:30 pm - 4 pm Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 3204 (Corner of Van Ness Avenue and McAllister Street) San Francisco The Universal Lifeline Telephone Service (ULTS) Administrative Committee will hold its regularly scheduled monthly meeting to address the following: Review/Approve Meeting Minutes, Review/Approve Telephone Claims, Review/Approve ULTS/ULTSMB Expenses and Authorize Administrative Transfer, PUC Report and Action Items, Review/Acceptance of the Amervest Report and Recommendations, Review/Approve Administrative Report and Action Items, Set Agenda for Future Meetings, and Hear Public Comments. This meeting is open to the public. The Board reserves the right to limit the time allocated to public comments and each speaker. If you would like to join the meeting by phone conference and/or receive a meeting packet please notify the ULTS Trust Officer at (510) 452-2757. Public Meeting - (REVISED AS OF 3/30/99) May 21, 1999 Department of Rehabilitation 10 am - 4 pm 2000 Evergreen Street Feather River Room, 1st Floor Sacramento The CALIFORNIA RELAY SERVICE ADVISORY COMMITTEE of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold its regular monthly meeting. For more information about the meeting, or if you plan to attend the meeting and need sign language interpretation or real-time captioning, contact Elana Kalisher at (510) 874-1410 VOICE or (510) 874-1411 TTY. Environmental Reminder: Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings, because people with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity must reduce their exposure in order to attend. NOTICE OF DRAFT RESOLUTIONS (Pursuant to PU Code 311(g)) NONE NEW FILINGS 4/14/99 A99-04-011 CORRECTION FROM THE DAILY CALENDAR OF 4/16/99, VarTec Telecom, Inc., for a certificate of public convenience and necessity to offer local exchange and access services and to acquire the majority membership interest in, and the certificate of public convenience and necessity of Choctaw Communications, LLC 4/26/99 A99-04-042 Worldwide Telecommunications Corporation, for registration as an interexchange carrier telephone corporation pursuant to the provisions of Public Utilities Code Section 1013 4/26/99 A99-04-043 Marathon Communications Corporation, for registration as an interexchange carrier telephone corporation pursuant to the provisions of California Public Utilities Code Section 1013 4/28/99 A99-04-044 Global-Sat, LLC,. for registration as an interexchange carrier telephone corporation pursuant to the provisions of Public Utilities Code Section 1013 and D97-06-107 4/29/99 A99-04-039 Avista Corporation, for an order authorizing the issuance, sale, delivery, and/or guarantee of debt securities, in one or more series, with an aggregate stated value of up to and including $400,000,000 4/29/99 A99-04-041 City of Fremont, to improve the Nunes Lane crossing of the Union Pacific Railroad Company tracks and designate the improved crossing as an emergency vehicle access to the City of Fremont, County of Alameda 4/29/99 A99-03-017 Amendment - Shibli Azar, dba Silicon Valley Airporter, for certificate of public convenience and necessity to operate as a passenger stage carrier between Alameda County and the Oakland, San Francisco and San Jose International Airports; amends description of the proposed area of service, amends the requested relief to include a request for authority to establish a zone of rate freedom and amends the title of the proceeding 5/3/99 A99-05-002 San Diego Gas & Electric Company, for authority to increase its gas and electric revenue requirements to reflect its accomplishments for demand- side management program years 1994 and 1997, energy efficiency program year 1998, low income program year 1998, and to address policy and procedural issues for future program years 1999 through 2001 in the 1999 annual earnings assessment proceeding 5/3/99 A99-05-004 Pacific Gas and Electric Company, for rehearing of Resolution E-3592, authorizing 1999 energy efficiency programs 5/4/99 A99-05-003 Flecha Amarilla Del Norte, L.L.C., to establish and operate a pre-arranged on-call, city-to-city passenger stage service between the Port of Entry at Calexico or San Ysidro, on the one hand, the cities of Los Angeles, San Bernardino and intermediate points, on the other hand, pursuant to Section 1031, et seq., of the Public Utilities Code (2006 East 7th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90021; (213) 623-1843) 5/4/99 A99-05-001 Ventura County Shuttle, Inc., dba Ventura County Airporter, to establish a zone of rate freedom (1050 Schooner Drive, Ventura, CA 93001; (805) 650- 6600) PETITIONS FOR MODIFICATION AND APPLICATIONS FOR REHEARING 5/3/99 A97-10-024 Southern California Edison Company, for authority to recover capital additions to its fossil generating facilities made between 1/1/96 and 12/31/96; Application for Rehearing of D99-03-055 by The Utility Reform Network 5/3/99 I87-11-033 Commission Order Instituting Investigation, into alternative regulatory frameworks for local telecommunications exchange carriers; Application for Rehearing of D99-04- 071 by Pacific Bell DRAFT DECISIONS * PROPOSED DECISIONS * ALTERNATES * PRESIDING OFFICER'S DECISION * ARBITRATOR'S REPORTS NONE ADVICE LETTER FILINGS NONE MISCELLANEOUS TRANSPORTATION ITEMS May 6, 1999 Filings with Rail Safety and Carriers Division NONE MISCELLANEOUS TELECOMMUNICATION MATTERS May 6, 1999 NONE ADJOURNMENTS * RESETTINGS * SUBMISSIONS A99-03-047 Pulsifer - In the matter of the petition of Pacific Bell for arbitration of an interconnection agreement with MFS/Worldcom pursuant to Section 252(b) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, Initial Arbitration Meeting held and no report given REMOVALS FROM CALENDAR A98-11-012 Econome - Application of Lodi Gas Storage, LLC for certificate of public convenience and necessity for construction and operation of gas storage facilities, Evidentiary Hearing set for May 17 and Closing Argument set for May 25, removed from calendar NEW SETTINGS 6/14/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - Application of Lodi Gas ALJ A.98-11-012 Storage, LLC for Certificate of Econome Public Convenience and Necessity for Comr construction and operation of gas Bilas storage facilities, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also June 15-18, 9:00 a.m., also (CA) June 22, 1:30 p.m.) 5/17/99 1:30 p.m. (PHC) - In the matter of the ALJ A.99-03-064 application of Southern California Patrick Water Company (U 133 W) for an order Comr authorizing it to include the Neeper remaining $1,600,000 of the cost of A.99-03-065 the Sonoma Treatment Plant in the utility plant in service for the Clearlake District, (PHC) - In the matter of the application of the Southern California Water Company (U-133 W) for an order authorizing a general A.99-03-066 rate increase in its Wrightwood A.99-03-067 Customer Service area to increase A.99-03-068 gross revenues by $5.98 or 13.06% in the year 2000; $7.04 or 13.595 in the year 2001; and $6.84 or 11.63% in the year 2002, }(PHC) - and related matters, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco LAW AND MOTION Law and Motion Hearings are held before Administrative Law Judge Steven Kotz at 9:30 am in one of the Commission's San Francisco Office Hearing Rooms, unless otherwise noted. Law and Motion procedures are governed by Resolution ALJ 164. Copies of Resolution ALJ 164 are available from the Commission's Documents Desk (415) 703-1713 or from Central Files (415) 703-2045 4/20/99 9:30 a.m. NONE SCHEDULED 4/30/99 9:30 a.m. CONCLUDED 5/4/99 9:30 a.m. NONE SCHEDULED FINAL ORAL ARGUMENTS 5/10/99 10:00 a.m. (FOA) - In the Matter of the revenue ALJ A.98-07- adjustment proceeding (RAP) Malcolm 006 application of San Diego Gas and Comr Bilas Electric Company (U 902-E) for approval of 1) Consolidated changes in 1999 authorized revenue and revised rate components; 2) the CTC rate component and associated headroom calculations; 3) RGTCOMA balances; 4) PX credit computations; 5) disposition of various A.98-07- balancing/memorandum accounts; and 003 6) electric revenue allocation and rate design changes, (FOA) - Application of Pacific Gas and Electric Company for A.98-07- verification, consolidation and 026 approval of costs and revenues in the transition revenue account, (FOA) - Application of Southern California Edison Company (U-388-E) to: 1) consolidate authorized rates and revenue requirements; 2) verify residual competition transition charge revenues; 3) review and dispose of amounts in various balancing and memorandum accounts; 4) verify regulatory balances transferred to the transition cost balancing account on January 1, 1998; and 5) propose rate recovery for Santa Catalina Island diesel fuel costs, Commission Auditorium, San Francisco 5/11/99 1:00 p.m. (FOA) - Order instituting rulemaking ALJ Kenney R.98-09- on the Commission's own motion to Comr 005 consider modifications to the Neeper universal lifeline telephone service program and general order 153, Commission Auditorium, San Francisco HEARINGS Dates in parentheses following the word "also" are subject to change without notice. the assigned Commissioner's name is listed next to the proceedings as matter of record; the assigned Commissioner may not be present at the hearing. (PHC) = Prehearing Conference (FOA) = Final Oral Argument (EH) = Evidentiary Hearing (WS) = Workshop (PPH) = Public Participation (FPH) = Full Panel Hearing Hearing (IAM) = Initial Arbitration (AH) = Arbitration Hearing Meeting (M) = Mediation (CA) = Closing Argument 5/10/99 10:00 a.m. (OA) - Investigation on the ALJ I.98-03-013 Commission's own motion into whether Bennett existing standards and policies of Comr the Commission regarding drinking Duque water quality adequately protect the public health and safety with respect to contaminants such as Volatile Organic Compounds, Perchlorate, MTBEs, and whether those standards and policies are being unifornly complied with by Commission regulated utilities, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 5/10/99 1:30 p.m. (EH) - Pacific Gas and Electric ALJ A.99-01-016 Company for authority to establish Malcolm post-transition period electric ALJ A.99-01-019 ratemaking mechanisms, Minkin (EH) - San Diego Gas & Electric Comr Company for authority to implement Duque A.99-01-034 post rate freeze ratemaking mechanisms, (EH) - Southern California Edison Company (U-338-E) to: (1) propose a method to determine and implement A.99-02-029 the end of rate freeze; and (2) propose ratemaking which should be in place after the end of the rate freeze periods, (EH) - Application of San Diego Gas and Electric Company: (1) informing the Commission of the probable timing of the end of its electric rate freeze, (2) for authorization to change electric rates through implementation of interim ratemaking mechanisms concurrent with termination of the electric rate freeze, and (3) for authorization to change electric rates by adding, and revising or terminating existing, rate and revenue mechanisms and rate designs, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also May 11-14, 9:00 a.m.) 5/10/99 11:00 a.m. (PHC) - Application of Southern ALJ Biren A.99-03-020 California Edison Company (U 338-E) Comr for approval of further guidelines Bilas for evaluation and reporting requirements on the distribution performance based ratemaking (PBR) mechanism, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 5/10/99 1:00 p.m. (EH) - Application of Sereno Del Mar ALJ Weiss A.98-07-046 Water Company doing business as Comr Sereno Del Mar Water Company to sell Duque and Russian River Utility, a California Corporation to buy the water system in Sonoma County, Santa Rosa State Building, Room 410- B, Santa Rosa 5/10/99 1:30 p.m. (PHC) - Application of the City of ALJ A.99-03-003 Richmond for an order granting a Ryerson variance to General Order No. 135 to Comr further limit the time permitted for Bilas blocking the public streets with crossings at Richmond Avenue and Marina Bay Parkway in the City of Richmond, Contra Costa County, California, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 5/11/99 10:00 a.m. (PHC) - Application of the San ALJ A.99-02-012 Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit DeUlloa District for authority to institute Comr revenue passenger service utilizing Bilas the advanced automatic train control system for safety-critical motion control, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 5/12/99 9:30 a.m. (EH) - Joint application of ALJ Vieth A.99-02-003 Dominguez Water Company (U-330-W) Comr and Hawkins Water Service (U-114-W) Duque for approval of the acquisition of the utility assets of Hawkins Water Service by Dominguez Water Company, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 5/12/99 10:00 a.m. (PHC) - Application of Pacific Gas ALJ A.99-03-014 and Electric Company to revise its Malcolm electrical marginal costs, revenue Comr allocation and rates at the end of Bilas the rate freeze, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 5/12/99 1:30 p.m. (EH) - Joint application of ALJ Vieth A.99-02-005 Dominguez Water Company (U-330-W) Comr and Coast Springs Water Company (U- Duque 130-W) for approval of the acquisition of the Utility Assets of Coast Springs Water Company by Dominguez Water Company, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 5/14/99 10:00 a.m. (DISCOVERY CONFERENCE) - Application ALJ Biren A.99-04-010 of Western Gas Resources - Comr California, Inc. for a Certificate Bilas of Convenience and Necessity to provide public utility gas transmission and distribution C.99-04-004 services through the use of certain existing facilities and to construct additional interconnection facilities, (DISCOVERY CONFERENCE) - Western Gas Resources - California, Inc. vs. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 5/17/99 10:00 a.m. (PHC) - In the matter of the ALJ A.99-03-025 application of Roseville Telephone O'Donnell Company (U 1015 C) to review its new Comr regulatory framework, Neeper Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 5/17/99 1:30 p.m. (PHC) - Application of Pacific Gas ALJ Hale A.99-03-039 and Electric Company to consolidate Comr the review of PG&E's expenditures in Duque 1997 and 1998 to enhance transmission and distribution system safety and reliability pursuant to Section 368(e) of the California Public Utilities Code (U 39 E), Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 5/17/99 1:30 p.m. (PHC) - In the matter of the ALJ A.99-03-064 application of Southern California Patrick Water Company (U 133 W) for an order Comr authorizing it to include the Neeper remaining $1,600,000 of the cost of A.99-03-065 the Sonoma Treatment Plant in the utility plant in service for the Clearlake District, (PHC) - In the matter of the application of the Southern California Water Company (U-133 W) for an order authorizing a general A.99-03-066 rate increase in its Wrightwood A.99-03-067 Customer Service area to increase A.99-03-068 gross revenues by $5.98 or 13.06% in the year 2000; $7.04 or 13.595 in the year 2001; and $6.84 or 11.63% in the year 2002, }(PHC) - and related matters, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 5/19/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - Robert W. Merwin vs. Citizens ALJ C.97-09-054 Communications, Walker Jean Harvie Community Center, 14273 Comr River Road, Walnut Grove Duque 5/19/99 10:00 a.m. (PHC) - In the matter of the ALJ A.99-03-027 application of Citizens O'Donnell Telecommunications Company of Comr California, Inc. (U-1024-C) to Neeper review its new regulatory framework, Department of Education Building, Room 288, 560 "J" Street, Sacramento 5/24/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - In the Matter of the ALJ A.98-07-020 Application of Pacific Bell a Galvin corporation, for Authority to Comr A.98-07-029 Categorize Centrex as a Category III Duque Service, (EH) - In the Matter of the Application of Pacific Bell a corporation, for Authority to Categorize Toll-Free (8XX) and Business MTS IntraLATA Toll Services as Category III Services, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also May 25-28, June 1-4) 5/24/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - In the matter of the ALJ Vieth A.99-01-006 application of Maria Avelar Wosick Comr and Timothy Allen Wosick, dba Bottom Bilas Line Results Moving for a household goods carrier permit, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also May 25-26) 5/26/99 10:00 a.m. (PHC) - Application of Southern ALJ Bytof A.97-10-024 California Edison Company (U 338-E) Comr for authority to recover capital Bilas additions to its fossil generating facilities made between January 1, 1996 and December 31, 1996 and related substantive and procedural relief, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 6/1/99 10:00 a.m. (FPH) - Order instituting Rulemaking ALJ Wong R.98-12-015 on the Commission's own motion to Comr solicit comments and proposals on Duque distributed generation and competition in electric distribution service, Commission Auditorium, San Francisco 6/2/99 2:00 p.m. (PHC) - Order instituting rulemaking ALJ R.96-11-004 for electric distribution facility Malcolm standard setting, Comr Commission Courtroom, San Francisco Neeper 6/3/99 10:00 a.m. (PHC) - Marcella Beagle vs. Pacific ALJ Vieth C.99-03-016 Bell, for improper billing Comr practices, Neeper Commission Courtroom, Los Angeles 6/4/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - Pacific Gas and Electric ALJ A.99-01-016 Company for authority to establish Malcolm post-transition period electric ALJ A.99-01-019 ratemaking mechanisms, Minkin (EH) - San Diego and Electric Comr A.99-01-034 Company for authority to implement Duque post rate freeze ratemaking mechanism, (EH) - Southern California Edison Company (U 338-E) to: (1) propose a A.99-02-029 method to determine and implement the end of rate freeze; and (2) propose ratemaking which should be in place after the end of the rate freeze period, (EH) - Application of San Diego Gas & Electric Company: (1) informing the Commission of the probable timing of the end of its electric rates through implementation of interim ratemaking mechanisms concurrent with termination of the electric rate freeze, and (3) for authorization to change electric rates by adding new, and revising or terminating existing, rate and revenue mechanisms and rate designs, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 6/7/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - In the matter of the joint ALJ A.98-12-005 application of GTE Corporation Mattson ("GTE") and Bell Atlantic 98-12-005 Comr Control of GTE's California Utility Neeper Subsidiaries to Bell Atlantic, which will occur indirectly as a result of GTE's merger with Bell Atlantic, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also June 8-11, June 14-18, June 21- 25) 6/8/99 10:00 a.m. (PHC) - Application of Western Gas ALJ Biren A.99-04-010 Resources - California, Inc. for a Comr Certificate of Public Convenience Bilas and Necessity to provide public utility gas transmission and distribution services through the C.99-04-004 use of certain existing facilities and to construct additional interconnection facilities, (PHC) - Western Gas Resources- California, Inc., vs. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 6/9/99 1:00 p.m. (EH) - Commission Order Instituting ALJ A.99-04-021 Investigation on the Commission's Bennett own motion into the operations and Comr practices of Aijaz Ali Khan and Bilas Clara Ines Martinez dba People's Electric Supply Company, ESP # 1222 Stockton State Building Auditorium 31 East Channel Street, Stockton 6/11/99 10:00 a.m. (PHC) - Application of Southern ALJ Bytof A.99-03-049 California Gas Company (U 904 G) Comr under the catastrophic event Duque memorandum account (CEMA) for recovery of costs related to the El Nino storms, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 6/14/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - San Diego Gas & Electric ALJ A.97-12-039 Company for authority to sell Barnett electrical generation facilities and Comr power contracts, Conlon Commission Courtroom, San Francisco Comr (also June 15-18) Bilas 6/14/99 10:00 a.m. (PHC) - Application of Pacific Gas ALJ A.98-09-003 and Electric Company for Review and Minkin Recovery of the Costs and Revenues Comr in the Transition Cost Balancing Duque A.98-09-008 Account (U 39 E), Comr (PHC) - Application of Southern Conlon California Edison Company to Review and Recovery Transition Cost Balancing Account Entries from A.98-09-009 January 1, 1998 through June 30, 1998 and Various Generation-Related Memorandum Account Entries, (PHC) - Application of San Diego Gas & Electric Company in the Annual Transition Cost Proceeding Regarding the Transition Cost Balancing Account (TCBA), Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also (EH) June 21-25, June 28-30, July 1-2, July 5-8, (CA) 9:00 a.m., July 9 6/14/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - Application of Lodi Gas ALJ A.98-11-012 Storage, LLC for Certificate of Econome Public Convenience and Necessity for Comr construction and operation of gas Bilas storage facilities, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also June 15-18, 9:00 a.m., also (CA) June 22, 1:30 p.m.) 6/28/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - Application of the Southern ALJ A.98-05-053 California Edison Company (U 338-E) Barnett for Review of the Reasonableness of Comr Southern California Edison Company's Neeper Operations During the Period from April 1, 1997 through December 31, 1997, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also June 29-30) 6/28/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - Application of the Southern ALJ A.98-09-040 California Water Company for Walker authority pursuant to Public Comr Utilities Code Section 454 to Duque restructure the water rates of its Barstow, Calipatria-Niland, Claremont, Desert, Orange County, San Dimas, San Gabriel and Wrightwood Districts into region- wide tariffs, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also June 29-July 2) 6/30/99 9:30 a.m. (EH) - Reuben and Blanche Bercovitch ALJ C.98-11-027 vs. San Diego Gas & Electric Company DeUlloa and Sempra Energy, for cutting out Comr electric poles to complainants' Neeper property, Kearny Mesa Lab Conference Room, 7177 Opportunity Road, San Diego 7/6/99 10:00 a.m. (PHC) - In the matter of the joint ALJ A.98-12-005 application of GTE Corporation Mattson ("GTE") and Bell Atlantic 98-12-005 Comr Control of GTE's California Utility Neeper Subsidiaries to Bell Atlantic, which will occur indirectly as a result of GTE's merger with Bell Atlantic, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also (EH) July 12-16, July 19-23, July 26-30, 10:00 a.m.) 7/13/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - In the matter of the ALJ A.98-12-028 application of Elk Grove Water Works Walker (U 135-W) for an order authorizing Comr it to increase rates for water Duque service for its total service area, and approving its planned water filtration plant installation, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also July 14-16) 7/13/99 7:00-10:00 (PPH) - Application of Mountain ALJ p.m. Utilities (U 906-E) for authority, DeUlloa A.99-01-037 among other things, to more Comr precisely define its revenue Duque requirement and increase rates and charges for electric service, Commission Auditorium, San Francisco, (also (PPH) July 17, City Council Chambers, City of South Lake Tahoe, 1052 Tata Lane, South Lake Tahoe, 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.) 7/19/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - The Greenlining Institute and ALJ Vieth C.99-01-039 Latino Issues Forum vs. Pacific Bell Comr for undisclosed untariffed charges Neeper for voicemail services, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also July 20-21) 7/26/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - In the matter of the ALJ A.97-12-039 application of San Diego Gas & Barnett Electric Company (U 902-E) for Comr authority to sell electrical Bilas generation facilities and power contracts, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also July 27-30) 7/26/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - In the matter of the ALJ Weiss A.98-11-003 application of the Southern Comr California Water Company (U 133 W) Duque for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity pursuant to California Public Utilities Code A.98-11-015 Section 1001 to extend its West Orange County System to the Bolsa Chica planned community, (EH) - In the matter of the application of the Southern California Water Company (U 133 W) for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity pursuant to California Public Utilities Code Section 1001 to operate and maintain a wastewater system to provide service to the Bolsa Chica planned community, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 8/9/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - Application of Mountain ALJ A.99-01-037 Utilities (U 906-E) for authority, DeUlloa among other things, to more Comr precisely define its revenue Duque requirement and increase rates and charges for electric charges, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also August 10-13) 8/9/99 2:00 p.m. (EH) - Pacific Gas and Electric ALJ A.98-11-023 Company to establish performance- Barnett based ratemaking for electric and Comr gas utility distribution service Duque effective January 1, 2000, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also August 10-13, August 16-20, August 23-27, August 30-31, September 1-3, September 6-10, September 13-17, September 20-24, September 27-30, October 1) 8/23/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - In the matter of the ALJ Weiss A.98-11-03 application of Southern California Comr Water Company (U 133 W) for a Duque Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity pursuant to California Public Utilities Code Section 1001 A.98-11-015 to extend its West Orange County System to the Bolsa Chica Planned Community, (EH) - In the matter of the application of Southern California Water Company (U 133 W) for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity pursuant to California Public Utilities Code Section 1001 to operate and maintain a wastewater system to provide service to the Bolsa Chica Planned Community, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also August 24-27) 8/23/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - Pacific Gas and Electric ALJ A.99-01-016 Company for authority to establish Malcolm post-transition period electric ALJ A.99-01-019 ratemaking mechanisms, Minkin (EH) - San Diego Gas & Electric Comr Company for authority to implement Duque A.99-01-034 post rate freeze ratemaking mechanisms, (EH) - Southern California Edison Company (U-338-E) to: (1) propose a method to determine and implement A.99-02-029 the end of rate freeze; and (2) propose ratemaking which should be in place after the end of the rate freeze periods, (EH) - Application of San Diego Gas and Electric Company: (1) informing the Commission of the probable timing of the end of its electric rate freeze, (2) for authorization to change electric rates through implementation of interim ratemaking mechanisms concurrent with termination of the electric rate freeze, and (3) for authorization to change electric rates by adding, and revising or terminating existing, rate and revenue mechanisms and rate designs, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also August 24-27, August 30- September 3, 9:00 a.m.) 8/31/99 10:00 a.m. (PHC) - Application of Pacific Gas ALJ A.99-01-011 and Electric Company to recover Malcolm costs recorded in the catastrophic Comr event memorandum account (CEMA) Duque effective January 1, 2000 (U 39 M), Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also (EH) September 8-10, September 13-15, 10:00 a.m.) 8/31/99 2:00 p.m. (PHC) - Pacific Gas and Electric ALJ A.98-11-023 Company to establish performance- Barnett based ratemaking for electric and Comr gas utility distribution service Duque effective January 1, 2000, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also (EH) September 8, 2:00 p.m.) 9/7/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - Application of Pacific Gas ALJ A.98-08-003 and Electric Company for review and Minkin recovery of the costs and revenues Comr A.98-09-008 in the transition cost balancing Duque account, Comr (EH) - Application of Southern Conlon California Edison Company to review and recovery transition cost A.98-09-009 balancing account entries from January 1998 through June 30, 1998 and various generation-related memorandum account entries, (EH) - Application of San Diego Gas & Electric Company in the annual transition cost proceeding regarding the transition cost balancing account, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also September 8-10, 9:00 a.m.) EXECUTIVE ORDERS SIGNED 4/12/99 D99-04-034 A99-03-010 - Gates Communications, Inc. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service as a switchless reseller. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-04-035 A99-03-009 - Korea Telecom America, Inc. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service as a switchless reseller. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-04-036 C98-04-056 - Bunteang Chay and Tha Chan vs. Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Dismisses the complaint with prejudice, under Public Utilities Code section 308 and Resolution A-4638. 4/14/99 D99-04-037 C98-05-043 - Bill L. Tate vs. Pacific Bell. Dismisses the complaint without prejudice, pursuant to the unopposed request of the complainant. 4/15/99 D99-04-038 A95-05-030 - Roseville Telephone Company. To restructure intrastate rates and charges and to implement a new regulatory framework for telephone services furnished within the State of California. I95-09-001 - related matter. Corrects D99-04- 027 to change the last sentence in the summary from "This proceeding is closed" to "This proceeding remains open for consideration of the verification/nonregulated operations audit." 4/19/99 D99-04-040 A99-03-021 - Atlantic Telephone Company, Inc. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service as a switchless reseller. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-04-041 A99-03-022 - Impact Telecommunications, Inc. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service as a switchless reseller. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-04-042 A99-03-031 - Advantage Telecommunications, Corp. dba ADV Telecom. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service as a switchless reseller. Granted. This proceeding is closed. 4/26/99 D99-04-075 A99-03-036 - Maxxis Communications, Inc. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service as a facilities-based carrier. Granted. This proceeding is closed. 4/26/99 D99-04-076 A99-03-038 - The Free Network, LLC. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service as a switchless reseller. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-04-077 A99-03-040 - TON Services, Inc. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service as a switchless reseller. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-04-078 A99-03-041 - Conversant Technologies, Inc. a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service as a switchless reseller. Granted. This proceeding is closed. 4/23/99 D99-04-079 C98-11-016 (ECP) - Aerosprays, Inc. vs. Southern California Edison co., Edison International, et al. Dismisses with prejudice upon written and unopposed request of complainant. 4/28/99 D99-04-080 A98-07-061 - Sonoma County Airport Express, Inc., dba Airport Express. For amendment of certificate of public convenience and necessity to obtain citywide authority for City of Santa Rosa. C98-08-044 - related matter. Amends ordering paragraph 1d of D99-02-068 and Appendix PSC-1120 of D90-09-021, as set forth. D99-04-081 C99-02-022 (ECP) - Rebecca Niederlander and Michael Turmon vs. Airtouch Cellular. Dismissed upon written and unopposed request of complainants. D99-04-082 C98-02-044 - Utility Audit Company, Inc. vs. Southern California Gas Company. Dismissed with prejudice upon written and unopposed request of complainant. D99-04-085 A99-03-052 - America One Communications, Inc. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service as a switchless reseller. Granted. This proceeding is closed. PRESIDING OFFICER DECISIONS WHICH HAVE BECOME COMMISSION DECISIONS PURSUANT TO P.U CODE SECTION 1701.2(a) 4/19/99 D99-04-039 C98-07-032 - Pamela Gruszka vs. San Diego Gas and Electric Company. Dismisses the case by reason of failure of complainant to prove any wrongdoing on the part of defendant. COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 1, 1999 4/1/99 D99-04-030 C97-02-027 - Pacific Bell vs. MCI Telecommunications Corporation (MCI). Denies application for rehearing of D98-11-063 filed by MCI; modifies the decision to clarify a statement describing the effect ofD96-06-018; lifts the stay of the decision's ordering paragraph 8. COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 22, 1999 D99-04-043 C97-02-028 - Harold A. Curry vs. Southern California Gas Company. C97- 08-022 - Related matter. Dismisses complaints for want of prosecution. These proceedings are closed. D99-04-044 C98-08-002 - Anthony Ricco vs. MCI Telecommunications Corporation. Dismisses the complaint for failure to state a cause of action. This proceeding is closed. D99-04-045 A96-07-001 - Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E), and Southern California Edison Company (Edison). For ex parte interim approval of a loan guarantee and trust mechanism to fund the development of an Independent System Operator (ISO) and a Power Exchange (PX) pursuant to D95-12-063, et al. Dismisses, at TURN's request, its application for rehearing of D96-08- 038; requires the applzicants to file new applications for winding down the ISO Restructuring Trust and PX Restructuring Trust. This proceeding is closed. D99-04-046 A98-12-026 - Roseville Telephone Company (Roseville). For annual depreciation. Dismissed: Roseville shall continue to use current depreciation rates, and need not file another depreciation rate review application unless certain events occur as specified herein. This proceeding is closed. D99-04-047 A99-01-001 - Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E). For an order under Section 853 of the California Public Utilities Code for an exemption from the requirements of PUC Section 851, or, alternatively, for an order under PUC Section 851 approving 73 sales transaction for certain public utility properties. Reviews and approves the agreement at issue. This proceeding is closed. D99-04-048 A98-11-017 - Pacific Bell (Pacific). For authority pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 851 to lease space to affiliates. Dismisses, at Pacific's request, the application; requires that future applications to lease space to affiliates clearly identify proposed leases of space at central office locations; determines that no hearings are necessary. This proceeding is closed. D99-04-049 A98-09-001 - Xpress Management Systems, LLC (Xpress). To provide door-to-door passenger stage service to the extent required to enter into concessionaire agreement with Los Angeles World Airport. Interim opinion - Grants interim passenger stage corporation operating authority to Xpress to provide on- call, door-to-door service to transport passengers and their baggage between points in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura Counties and Los Angeles International Airport. D99-04-050 A98-07-043 - Rideshare Port Management, L.L.C., dba Prime Time Shuttle (Rideshare). To provide on call door-to-door passenger stage service to the extent required to enter into a concessionaire agreement with Los Angeles International Airport. Grants a certificate of public convenience and necessity to operate as a passenger stage corporation between Los Angeles International Airport and points in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura Counties; partially grants the applicant's request for relief from certain regulatory requirements. This proceeding is closed. D99-04-051 C98-09-020 - Greg Roberts vs. Pacific Bell and Southwestern Bell Corporation. Dismisses complaint with prejudice. This proceeding is closed. D99-04-052 R93-09-026 - Order Instituting Rulemaking on the Commission's own motion to revise General Order (GO) 156. Denies the request of Greenlining Institute (Greelining) for compensation for its contributions to D95-12-045, D98-11- 030 and D98-12-048 in which we revised GO 156, because Greenlining failed to comply with the notice requirements of Section 1804(a). This proceeding is closed. D99-04-053 C98-06-016 - The Utility Consumer's Action Network (UCAN) vs. MCI Metro Access Transmission Services, Inc. (MCI Metro). Finds that MCI Metro has acknowledged billing errors and has committed to correct all errors and make full restitution to all affected customers; compliance report is due by 11/30/99. This proceeding is closed. D99-04-054 C97-12-037 - Dirk Hughes-Hartogs, Thomas McWilliams vs. GTE California Incorporated. Dismisses complaint, without prejudice, for failure to meet the requirements of Public Utilities Code Section 1702 and Rule 9 for a complaint challenging the reasonableness of rates. This proceeding is closed. D99-04-055 C98-03-008 - Michael Monasky, et al. vs. Citizens Communications. Dismissed with prejudice for failure to allege a violation of Commission order or rule. This proceeding is closed. D99-04-056 A99-02-006 - Yousif A. Ibrahim, dba Safety Airport Express. For authority to operation as a passenger stage corporation between points in San Francisco, Alameda and Contra Costa Counties and the San Francisco and Oakland International Airports and to establish a zone of rate freedom. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-04-057 A98-12-019 - West San Martin Water Works, Inc. For authority under Public Utilities Code Section 851 to sell a portion of its public utility water system in San Martin, Santa Clara County, to the San Martin County Water District. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-04-058 A98-06-048 - San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E). For authority to recover ISO/PX Implementation Delay Memorandum Account costs; and a finding of reasonableness of certain utility operations and expenses for the periods identified within this application. Approves the recovery of costs in SDG&E's Independent System Operator/Power Exchange Implementation Delay Memorandum Account in the amount of $87,707,389, applicant having reduced its application request by $2,006,080 as recommended by Office of Ratepayer Advocates; approves the reasonableness of SDG&E's nonprocurement gas system operations, Qualifying Facilities contract administration, and nuclear fuel expenditures as set forth. This proceeding is closed. D99-04-059 A99-02-024 - Shell California Pipeline Company (Shell), Texaco California Pipelines Inc. (Texaco), Texaco California Pipeline Company LLC (Texaco California LLC) and Equilon California Pipeline Company LLC (ECPC). For authority to merge Shell California Pipeline Company, Texaco California Pipeline Inc., Texaco California Pipeline Company LLC and Equilon California Pipeline Company LLC with the surviving entity being Equilon California Pipeline Company LLC. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-04-060 A96-11-007 - Southern California Water Company. For an order pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 454 and 1001 et seq. To participate in the State Water Project and to recover all present and future costs under contract with the Central Coast Water Authority and other related costs to deliver water to its Santa Maria District. Denied. This proceeding is closed. D99-04-061 C98-09-025 - Sierra Club, Angeles Chapter vs. Valencia Water Company. Dismissed with prejudice. This proceeding is closed. D99-04-062 A98-10-007 - CCCCA, Inc. dba Connect!. For authority to operate as a resale provider of local exchange service. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-04-063 C98-04-019 - The Utility Reform Network and the Office of Ratepayer Advocates vs. Southern California Edison Company. Extends the 12-month statutory time for resolving this complaint. D99-04-064 I98-04-033 - Order Instituting Investigation on the Commission's own motion into the operations and practices of affiliated companies FutureNet, Inc. and FutureNet Online, Inc., dba Future Electric Networks, and individuals in control of operations: Alan Setlin and Larry Huff, Respondents. Extends statutory deadline. D99-04-065 R87-11-012 - Order Instituting Rulemaking to revise the time schedules for the rate case plan and fuel offset proceedings. Dismisses Pacific Gas and Electric Company's petition to modify the rate case plan decision D89-01-040. D99-04-066 A98-07-019 - Southern California Edison Company (Edison). For authority to lease available land to Instant Storage on transmission line right of way. Authorizes Edison to lease to Instant Storage available land on its Barre-Ellis transmission line right of way for the purpose of operating a self-storage facility, with the revenue shared between ratepayers and shareholders. This proceeding is closed. D99-04-067 A98-05-041 - San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E). For authority to report assessments of materials and supplies inventories and to establish principles necessary to appraise retained assets. The Commission agrees that for purposes of calculating the competition transition charge, SDG&E's December 31, 1997, book value of its materials and supplies is equal to the market value of its inventory. This proceeding is closed. D99-04-068 A95-10-024 - Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E). For authority to implement a plan of reorganization which will result in a holding company structure. Granted, subject to the conditions set forth in D96-11-017 and in this present decision; modifies D96-11- 017 and D91-12-057 as set forth. This proceeding is closed. D99-04-069 R97-04-011 - Order Instituting Rulemaking to establish standards of conduct governing relationships between energy utilities and their affiliates. I97-04-012 - Related matter. Grants the December 14, 1998, petition of Southern California Edison Company (Edison) for modification of the Affiliate Transaction Rules under the terms set forth in this decision. Grants Edison and other utilities subject to the Affiliate Transaction Rules a limited exemption from the disclaimer requirement of Rule V.F.1 of the Affiliate Transaction Rules in the following limited situations: (a) building signage; (b) company vehicles; (c) employee uniforms; and (d) installed equipment on customer premises. D99-04-070 R95-04-043 - Order Instituting Rulemaking on the Commission's own motion into competition for local exchange service. I95-04-044 - Related matter. Approves the proposed overlay relief plan for the 650 numbering plan area as set forth. D99-04-071 I87-11-033 - In the matter of alternative regulatory frameworks for local exchange carriers. Denies a petition to modify D97-04-083; directs Pacific Bell (Pacific) to comply with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) order dated March 23, 1999, as such order may be modified by the FCC or appropriate court order, in implementing dialing parity; directs Pacific to comply with the equal access, consumer notice and other requirements in D97-04-083, as set forth. D99-04-072 R95-04-043 - Investigation on the Commission's own motion into competition for local exchange service. I95-04-044 - related matter. Grants the applications for rehearing of D97-08-059 filed by MFS Intelnet of California Inc., AT&T Communications of California, Inc. and MCI Telecommunications Corp. (jointly), and Business Telemanagement Inc. and Frontier Telemanagement Inc. (jointly) for the limited purpose of developing an additional record for the retention of restrictions on the resale of Centrex and CentraNet service, as well as restrictions prohibiting CLCs from aggregating end user toll usage in order to qualify for ILEC volume discount plans. D99-04-073 R95-04-043 - Investigation on the Commission's own motion into competition for local exchange service. I95-04-044 - related matter. Denies application of Pacific Bell for rehearing of D98-11- 065 for failure to substantiate legal error; rescinds certain sections of D98-11-065 on the Commission's own motion as set forth. D99-04-074 C96-06-042 - West San Martin Water Works, Inc. vs. San Martin County Water District (District). Dismisses the District's application for rehearing of D97-02-040 as moot. This proceeding is closed. I99-04-020 - Investigation on the Commission's own motion into the operations, practices, and conduct of Vista Group International, Inc. dba Vista Communications (Vista), Thomas Coughlin, Chief Executive Officer of Vista, and Philip Bethune, President of Vista, to determine whether they have violated the laws, rules, and regulations governing the manner in which California consumers are switched from one long distance carrier to another. Categorized this proceeding as adjudicatory; hearing is needed. I99-04-022 - Order instituting investigation into the operations and practices of the Southern California Gas Company, concerning the accuracy of information supplied to the Commission in connection with its Montebello Gas Storage Facility. Categorizes this proceeding as adjudicatory; hearing is needed. I99-04-023 - Investigation into Accutel Communications, Inc. dba Florida Accutel Communications, Inc. Categorizes this proceeding as adjudicatory; hearing is needed. RESOLUTIONS 4/20/99 T-16300 Advice Letter 19996 of Pacific Bell (Pacific). Request to realign approximately 0.424 square miles of territory from the Orange Exchange boundary to the Yorba Linda Exchange boundary. Additionally, Pacific requests to continue providing Orange Exchange service to affected subscribers located in the territory to be transferred to its Yorba Linda Exchange. Granted. 4/22/99 ALJ-176- Ratification of preliminary 3014 determinations of category for proceedings initiated by application. The preliminary determinations are pursuant to Article 2.5, Rules 4 and 6.1 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure. Adopted. E-3577 Advice Letter 1115-E-A of Diego Gas & Electric Company. Requests approval to reallocate transmission rates subject to refund as a credit to the utility's transition cost balancing account. Granted subject to Commission decisions in A99-01-016, A99-01-019, A99-01-034 and A99-02-029, to the extent balances exist in the Transition Cost Balancing Account at the end of the rate freeze period. E-3596 Advice Letters (AL) 1697-E/2040-G and Supplement AL 1697-E-A/2040-G-A of Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Request approval to revise Form 01- 6630, Energy Statement Central Mailing. Granted. The protest by Residential Energy Efficiency Clearing House, Inc. is denied without prejudice. G-3253 Advice Letter 2773 of Southern California Gas Company. Request to amend its agreement with BC Gas Utility Ltd. to add another redelivery point and change redelivery nomination lead time. Granted. T-16278 Advice Letters 19814 and 19918 of Pacific Bell. Request to permanently close public offices located in Oakland and San Francisco (Mission Street), and to replace them with authorized payment locations. Granted as set forth in Appendix A. T-16284 Advice Letter 8960 of GTE California, Incorporated (GTEC). Request to voluntarily waive the non-recurring installation charges for number changes for residential and business customers whose Calling Party Number Information might have been displayed without their knowledge when certain GTEC central offices were converted to Common Channel Signaling System 7. In addition, the affected customers will not be charged for GTEC operator intervention required to complete a call to a called party who has subscribed to Anonymous Call Rejection. Granted. T-16288 Advice Letters (AL) 19795, and Supplement ALs 19795A and 19795B of Pacific Bell (Pacific). Request to provide Nationwide Listing Service (NLS) as a category III service. Granted. For a period of at least 180 days. Pacific will provide a recording to callers of 411 advising of the availability of NLS and the charge therefor. With the exception of issues addressed by this resolution, the protests are otherwise denied. TL-18887 Resolution approving issuance of charter-party carrier certificates pursuant to Section 5374(b) of the Public Utilities Code. Adopted as set forth in attachment. W-4127 San Jose Water Company, Inc. (SJWC). Appeal of the staff's rejection of Advice Letters 278 and 278-A and ordering a rate decrease of $14,523. Granted. SJWC shall credit its purchased power balancing account by $14,523, $5,164 previously credited, the ratepayers' share of the "profit". The shareholders shall receive the other half of the profit, $19,687. W-4143 Advice Letter 31-W of Rio Plaza Water Company. For an offset rate increase producing an additional annual revenue of $4,736 or 3.76%. Granted. W-4144 Conlin Strawberry Water Company, Inc. For an interim general rate increase producing additional annual revenues of $25,170 or 24.4% in 1999. Granted as set forth in Appendix A. NOTICE OF DENIAL OF REQUEST FOR EX PARTE MEETING On September 20, 1996, the Commission adopted Resolution ALJ 169 regarding the "Filing of Notice of Denial of Request for Ex Parte Meeting." The resolution implements an interim procedure whereby a party whose written request for an ex parte meeting with a Commissioner has been denied will be allowed to file a notice of such denial. Copies of Resolution ALJ 169 are available from the Commission's Central Files Office at 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 2002, San Francisco; telephone (415) 703-2045. Copies of tendered notices are available in the Central Files Office for review and/or reproduction under existing procedures. They are also available from the filing party who is under the obligation to provide copies of the notice without delay. NONE FILED NOTICE OF ALL-PARTY MEETINGS (PU Code 1701.3(c) ) NONE NOTICE OF EX PARTE COMMUNICATIONS Copies of tendered notices are available in the Central Files Office for review and/or reproduction under existing procedures. They are also available from the filing party who is under the obligation to provide copies of the notice without delay. 4/30/99 A95-08-038 San Jose Water Company, for authority to increase rates by $3,867,000 or 4.16% in 1995; $4,348,000 or 4.43% in 1996; & $1,713,000 or 1.67% in 1997 in Los Gatos, Saratoga, Monte Sereno, Campbell, portions of San Jose, Cupertino, & Santa Clara & in territory within the County of Santa Clara surrounding & adjacent to these municipalities * Summary: On April 29, 1999 the San Jose Water Company ("SJWC") told Commissioner Duque the proposed decision ("PD") erred in disallowing $621,090 of IDC ("interest during construction") from rate base as of 1/1/96. Palle Jensen and Patricia A. Schmiege of SJWC initiated the meeting at CPUC, and during the discussion set forth the history of SJWC's treatment of IDC both before the passage of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 and subsequent to D88-01-061. SJWC described its three (3) advice letter filings and two (2) general rate case filings subsequent to that decision and how it treated IDC and CWIP ("construction work in progress") in those filings. A handout was provided the commissioner to support the oral presentation. Among the statements in the handout: "Fair and Just Result: Adopt RRB/SJWC Stipulation" and "Disallowance is retroactive ratemaking." Advisor Tim Sullivan also attended the meeting. Filer: San Jose Water Company Contact: Patricia Schmiege Phone: (415) 984-8715 5/4/99 A98-11-024 Pacific Bell, for arbitration of an interconnection agreement with Pac- West Telecomm, Inc., pursuant to section 256(b) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 Summary: On April 29, 1999, Pac-West Telecomm, Inc. ("Pac- West") conveyed their views regarding the Final Arbitrator's Report to Commission advisors. James M. Tobin and Mary Wand of Morrison & Foerster, LLP, on behalf of Pac-West initiated the ex parte meeting at CPUC with Lester Wong, advisor to Commission President Bilas, and Tim Sullivan, advisor to Commissioner Duque. Mr. Tobin stated two (2) of the three (3) major issues were decided correctly in the arbitration (the treatment of calls to internet service providers ("ISP") and the rating and routing of local calls). The report, Mr. Tobin said, rejected PacWest's position on the third issue involving pricing for call termination. Mr. Tobin indicated PacWest is not waiving its appellate rights on this issue, and explained the alternate position of PacWest that the most recent PacBell OANAD prices should be used in this agreement. Mr. Tobin provided the advisors a fifteen (15) page Nevada PUC order finding that reciprocal compensation is applicable to traffic terminating to ISP's and which rejected an arbitration decision to the contrary by the presiding officer- -and previously distributed by PacBell. The printout of the order at the bottom of the handout indicated it had been taken from the following website: "www.state.nv.us/.puc/telcom/810015o2.htm." Filer: Pac-West Telecomm, Inc. Contact: Scott Anderson Phone: (415) 268-6390