Daily Calendar California Public Utilities Commission Monday, July 12, 1999 Page 10 Public Utilities Commission of the State of California Wesley M. Franklin, Executive Director Headquarters Southern California Office 505 Van Ness Avenue 320 West 4th Street, Suite 500 San Francisco, CA 94102 Los Angeles, CA 90013 (415) 703-2782 (213) 576-7000 Website: http://www.cpuc.ca.gov Daily Calendar Monday, July 12, 1999 ú Regular Commission Meetings ú Notices ú Subscription Information (Daily Calendar and Agenda) ú Commissioner Office Hours ú Public Meetings and Workshops ú Notice of Draft Resolutions (PU Code 311(g)) ú New Filings ú Petitions for Modification of Applications for Rehearing ú Draft Decisions/Proposed Decisions/Alternates/Presiding Officer's Decisions/Arbitrator's Reports/ ú Advice Letter Filings ú Miscellaneous Transportation Items ú Miscellaneous Telecommunication Matters ú Adjournments/Resettings/Submissions ú Removals from Calendar ú New Settings ú Law and Motion Hearings ú Hearings ú Notice of Denial of Request for Ex Parte Meeting ú Notice of All-Party Meetings (PU Code 1701.3(c)) ú Notice of Ex Parte Communications Commission Decision and Resolution Summaries for the Conferences of May 27 , June 3, June 10, and June 24, 1999, are included in this calendar. REGULAR COMMISSION BUSINESS MEETINGS July 22, 1999 10 am San Francisco August 5, 1999 10 am San Francisco September 2, 10 am San Francisco 1999 COMMISSION RATESETTING DELIBERATIVE MEETINGS (Not Open to the Public) Ratesetting Deliberative Meeting dates are reserved as noted but will only be held if there are ratesetting matters to be considered. July 19, 1999 1:30 pm San Francisco August 2, 1999 1:30 pm San Francisco August 30, 1:30 pm San Francisco 1999 NOTICES Delivery of Formal Pleadings for Filing Unless otherwise directed, all courier-delivered documents submitted for filing as part of the formal record in a proceeding should be hand-carried directly to the Commission's Docket Office, Room 2001, 505 Van Ness Avenue in San Francisco; Suite 500, 320 West 4th Street in Los Angeles; or Room 4006, 1350 Front Street in San Diego. All documents sent through the mail for formal filing should be addressed ONLY to the Commission's Docket Office, Room 2001, 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102. Charge for Commission Documents To purchase Commission documents, there is a charge of 20 cents a printed page (postage prepaid) with a minimum purchase of $2.00. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Subscription Notice for Draft Agenda Items In compliance with Public Utilities Code Section 311.5, parties who wish to subscribe to receive draft agenda items may do so by writing to the Public Utilities Commission; Attention: Poly Arca, Room 1003, 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102, or by calling (415) 703-1798. The cost for a one-year subscription to the entire public agenda package (which excludes Executive Session materials) is $1,000. You may also order a partial agenda package (energy agenda items only or telecommunication agenda items only) at the cost of $500 per year. The package you receive via mail will include only those agenda items available at the time of the agenda distribution date, which is usually 10 to 12 days prior to the Commission meeting. If agenda items (including revisions) are not ready on the distribution date, they will be made available at no charge in the lobby outside the Commission Auditorium at 9:00 a.m. on the morning of the Commission meeting, but not earlier. In addition, the Commission will make draft agenda items available for viewing and photocopying (at 20 cents per page) at the Commission's Central Files Office (Room 2002), 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, and in the Los Angeles, San Diego, and the following field offices: El Centro, Eureka, Sacramento and San Bernardino. Since the agenda package will be mailed to these locations, it will be available at these locations a day or two after the distribution date. These locations will not receive agenda items that are not ready on the distribution date. If an agenda item is held over to a subsequent Commission meeting, that agenda item and any revisions to that agenda item that were available on the morning of the initial Commission meeting (as well as any further available revisions) will be mailed in the Escutia package for the subsequent Commission meeting; the item and its revisions will also be available for viewing and photocopying in the Commission's Central Files Office and field offices as set forth above. Intervenors who have a financial hardship determination pending or granted shall be eligible to receive draft agenda item packets at no charge. The cost to receive the agenda only, without copies of draft agenda items, remains at $75 per year. Subscription Notice for Daily Calendar and/or Agenda Parties who wish to subscribe to the Daily Calendar and/or the Agenda may do so by writing to the Public Utilities Commission; Attention: Poly Arca, Room 1003, 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102, or by calling (415) 703-1798. The subscription cost for the Daily Calendar is $225 per year. The Biweekly Daily Calendar is $50 per year. The Agenda is $75 per year. Checks are to be made payable to the Public Utilities Commission. COMMISSIONER OFFICE HOURS (For further information or to make an appointment, please contact Sandra Graham at (213) 576-7055. Date/Time Commissioner Location 7/30/99, 9 am - Josiah L. City Hall 12 pm Neeper Department of Public Works Conference Room B 300 North D Street, 3rd Floor San Bernardino PUBLIC MEETINGS & WORKSHOPS Public Meeting July 12, 1999 California Public Utilities 1 pm - 5 pm Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue, Auditorium (Corner of Van Ness Avenue and McAllister Street) San Francisco The California Public Utilities Commission will hold a roundtable discussion session on electricity demand price responsiveness. The purpose of the roundtable is to discuss market solutions to enhance customer response to varying electricity prices. The roundtable session is open to the public and is wheelchair accessible. For further information please contact Philippe Auclair at 415-703-1183. Public Meeting - California Board for Energy Efficiency July 13, 1999 Pacific Energy Center 10 am - 5 pm 851 Howard Street (1 block west of & the Moscone Center) July 14, 1999 San Francisco 9 am - 1 pm Teleconference Information: This meeting is accessible by teleconference. To call in, dial: 1-800-226-1024. After the prompt, enter the access code (566123) followed by the pound sign (#). Please contact Elizabeth Gunn, Board Coordinator, at (415) 703-1956, or by e-mail at egunn@cpuc.ca.gov with any questions regarding teleconferencing. The California Board for Energy Efficiency (CBEE) will meet to discuss the following topics: Program Year (PY) 1999 Programs and Priorities for PY 1999 and PY 2000/2001; Follow-up on Prior Briefings on Program Priorities, Including the June 30 Briefing on Emerging Technologies; Program Planning for PY 2000/2001, Including Utility Status Reports on Planning Workshops and Meetings, and Preliminary Funding and Budgets; Proposed Decision on the CBEE's Recommendations for PY2000/2001; Energy Division Workshop on Board Structure and Operating Procedures; CBEE Annual Report; Market Assessment and Evaluation (MA&E); Annual Earnings Assessment Proceeding (AEAP); CBEE Work Plan and Schedule for 1999; Organizational Planning and Staffing, Including the Recent ACR; Board Operations, Membership, and Terms; Board Compensation; CBEE Budget Compliance Filing; Reporting Requirements; Updates and Status Reports from Board Committees; and Scheduling and Agenda Planning for Future Meetings. The meeting is open to the public. The contact person is Mark Thayer (619) 594-5510. For further information about the CBEE and the meeting consult the CBEE Web Page at www.cbee.org. Public Meeting July 13 and 14, 1999 Chicano Federation of San Diego 10 am - 5 pm 2414 Hoover Avenue (On Hoover Avenue at 24th Street) San Diego The ULTS Marketing Board (ULTSMB) will hold its regular meeting to discuss the following: Review/Approve Meeting Minutes, Review/Approve Administrative Report and Action Items, Review/Approve ULTSMB Expenses for June 1999, Review ULTSMB Correspondences, Low Income Governing Board Resolution Discussion, PUC Report and Action Items, Continue discussion of Year 2000 Plan, Review Previous Studies and Data, Announcements, Set Agenda Items for Future Discussion, and Hear Public Comments. Executive/Closed Session: Review and Approve Market Research RFP, and Finalize Interim Marketing Program Contract with Deen & Black Public Relations. This meeting is open to the public. The Board reserves the right to limit the time allocated to public comments and each speaker. If you would like to join the meeting by phone conference or in person, and/or receive a full meeting packet, please notify the ULTS Trust Office at (510) 452-2757. Public Meeting - Low Income Governing Board - (AMENDED NOTICE) July 14, 1999 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 10 am - 4 pm Energy Center & 851 Howard Street (1 block west of July 15, 1999 the Moscone Center) 9 am - 4 pm San Francisco The Board will meet to discuss the following topics: Report and update from Advisory Committee, Approve and adopt meeting minutes, Deliberate and approve action on pending legislation, Review recent Commission rulings and adopt a Board position regarding customer eligibility (G.O. 153, liquid asset test, etc.), Updates from the CPUC Energy Division, Office of Ratepayer Advocates, and Legal Division, Presentation of draft LIGB PY2000 Operating Budget for LIGB consideration , Discuss, deliberate and develop draft recommendations regarding utility competitive bid applications for submission to CPUC on July 15, Discuss and determine draft schedule for preparation of LIGB PY2001 program and policy recommendations, Request utilities to develop a joint proposal for uniform statewide implementation of CARE and LIEE programs for PY2001 program development, Update on pilot ideas, Update on AEAP testimony/comments following July 7 prehearing conference, Potential response to CPUC reaction to LIGB informational compliance filing pursuant to E-3601, , Discuss and refine critical path, Discuss new nominees for Board, Review and discuss Board expenditures, Discuss Call Center activities, Discuss pending Commission decisions or orders and Potential comments on Draft Resolution concerning the needs assessment pursuant to E-3601. This location is wheelchair accessible. The meeting is open to the public. For more information, please contact Janis Metoyer / Donna Wagoner at (415) 703-3175. Public Meeting July 19, 1999 California Public Utilities 10 am - 1 pm Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 3204 (Corner of Van Ness Avenue and McAllister Street) San Francisco The Universal Lifeline Telephone Service (ULTS) Administrative Committee will hold its regularly scheduled monthly meeting to address the following: Review/Approve Meeting Minutes, Review/Approve Telephone Claims, Review/Approve ULTS/ULTSMB Expenses and Authorize Administrative Transfer, PUC Report and Action Items, Review/Acceptance of the Amervest Report and Recommendations, Review/Approve Administrative Report and Action Items, Review/Approve 1999 Budget Re-Allocation, Set Agenda for Future Meetings, and Hear Public Comments. This meeting is open to the public. The Board reserves the right to limit the time allocated for public comments and each speaker. If you would like to join the meeting by phone conference and/or receive a meeting packet please notify the ULTS Trust Office at (510) 452-2757 or e-mail at ultstrust@email.msn.com. Public Meeting - DDTP Field Operations Subcommittee Meeting July 19, 1999 The Deaf and Disabled 10 am - 4 pm Telecommunications Program 1939 Harrison Street DDTP Conference Room 555 Oakland The Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program Field Operations Subcommittee will conduct a meeting to address the following: a.) Public Input; b.) Review and discussion of information received from the local telcos regarding field service and walk-in center operations; c.) Miscellaneous Field Operations-related issues; d.) Formulation of recommendations for DDTPAC; e.) Next Meeting. For more information about the meeting, or if you plan to attend the meeting and need sign language interpretation or real-time captioning, contact Elana Kalisher at 510-874-1410 VOICE or 510- 874-1411 TTY. ENVIRONMENTAL REMINDER: Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings, because people with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity must reduce their exposure in order to attend. Public Meeting July 21,1999 California Public Utilities 9:30 am Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue Room 3204 San Francisco The Administrative Committee of the California High Cost Fund (CHCF) -A, CHCF-B and the California Teleconnect Fund (CTF) will be holding its regularly scheduled meeting. The agenda for the meeting includes: Introductions; Public Comments; Review and Approval of 6/30/99 Public Meeting Minutes; Review and Approval of CHCF-B and CTF Trust Account Contracts; Status Report on Remittance for CHCF-B and CTF; Status Report on Interest on Remittance for CHCF-B and CTF; Status Report on Interest on Claims for CTF; Development of CHCF-A, CHCF-B and CTF Program Budgets for Year 2000; Review and Approval of CHCF-A, CHCF-B and CTF expenses; Status Report of CHCF-A Annual Audit; Status of the Development of CTF claims Process; Review and Approval of CHCF-B Claims; Schedule for the Next Public Meeting. The meeting is open to the public. For more information contact Nora Gatchalian at (415) 703-2124. Workshop Notice July 21, 1999 California Public Utilities 10 am - 4 pm Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue Room 4010 San Francisco The Energy Division staff will conduct a workshop to discuss: The background of Application 96-03-054 and D. 97-05-088 leading to the Energy's Division audit of Pacific Gas and Electric Company's Investment in Diablo Canyon. The findings and recommendations of its report entitled: "Statement of Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant Sunk Costs and Independent Auditor's Report as of December 31, 1996." And, "Agreed Upon Special Procedures Review of Diablo Canyon Sunk Costs" dated September 3, 1998. What PG&E's next step should be regarding these reports. The workshop is open to the public. For more information contact Mark Kent Bumgardner of the Energy Division (phone: (415) 703- 2887, or e-mail MBumgardner@CPUC.CA.Gov). NOTICE OF DRAFT RESOLUTIONS (Pursuant to PU Code 311(g)) NONE NEW FILINGS 6/30/99 I95-04-044 Petition # 152, ReFlex Communications, Inc., for a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide competitive resold and facilities-based local exchange service 7/1/99 A99-07-006 Cat Communications International, Inc., for registration as an interexchange carrier telephone corporation pursuant to the provisions of Public Utilities Code Section 1013 7/6/99 C99-07-005 Samuel Anderson, Pro Engineering, and Oasis Nuclear, Inc. vs. Pacific Gas and Electric Company for violations in hiring, selection and renewal of vendor contracts PETITIONS FOR MODIFICATION AND APPLICATIONS FOR REHEARING 7/2/99 A97-11-004 Pacific Gas and Electric Company, to identify cost savings for revenue cycle services provided by other entities and to propose credits for end-use customers in such circumstances. A97-11-011 Southern California Edison Company, to identify cost savings for revenue cycle services provided by other entities and to propose net avoided cost credits for end-use customers in such circumstances for implementation on 1/1/99. A97-12-012 San Diego Gas & Electric Company, to identify cost savings for revenue cycle services provided by other entities and to propose credits for end-use customers in such circumstances for implementation no later than 1/1/99; Petition for modification of D98-07-032 by San Diego Gas & Electric Company, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Southern California Edison Company DRAFT DECISIONS * PROPOSED DECISIONS * ALTERNATES * PRESIDING OFFICER'S DECISION * ARBITRATOR'S REPORTS NONE ADVICE LETTER FILINGS NONE MISCELLANEOUS TRANSPORTATION ITEMS July 12, 1999 Filings with Rail Safety and Carriers Division NONE MISCELLANEOUS TELECOMMUNICATION MATTERS July 12, 1999 NONE TABLE OF SUBMISSION DATES FOR THE PRECEDING TWO WEEKS 4/9/99 C97-09-024 Bennett - Snow Valley, Inc., vs. Southern California Edison Company. 6/23/99 A98-07-046 Weiss - Application of Sereno Del Mar Water Company doing business as Sereno Del Mar Water Company to sell and Russian River Utility, a California corporation to buy the water system in Sonoma County. ADJOURNMENTS * RESETTINGS * SUBMISSIONS NONE REMOVALS FROM CALENDAR NONE NEW SETTINGS 7/21/99 7:00 - 9:00 (PPH) - Order instituting ALJ Vieth p.m. investigation on the Commission's Comr I.98-12-012 own motion into the rates, charges, Duque and practices of water and sewer utilities providing service to mobilehome parks and multiple unit residential complexes and the circumstances under which those rates and charges can be passed to the end user, Sacramento State University, Union Auditorium, 600 "J" Street, Sacramento (also August 18, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m., Anaheim Convention Center, Room 2-3, 800 West Katella Avenue, Anaheim 8/2/99 7:00 p.m. (PPH) - In the matter of the ALJ A.93-12-042 application of Southwest Gas Wright Corporation for a certificate of Comr public convenience and necessity Duque under Section 1001 of the California Public Utilities Code extend its service in Placer County, California and into portions of El Dorado and A.94-01-021 Nevada Counties, California all of which are lcoated contiguos to Southwest Gas Corporation's existing certificated service area, A.99-02-032 (PPH) - In the matter of the application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to change natural gas rates in San Bernardino and Placer Counties, California, (PPH) - In the matter of the application of Southwest Gas Corporation and Oneok, Inc. for authorization to implement the agreement and plan of merger, dated December 14, 1998, Truckee Donner Public Utility District, Board Room, 11570 Donner Pass Road, Truckee 7/29/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - Sonoma County Airport ALJ A.98-07-061 Express, Inc., dba Airport Express Rosenthal for amendment of certificate of Comr public conveninence and necessity to Neeper C.98-08-044 obtain citywide authority for City of Santa Rosa, (EH) - Airporter, inc. dbaa Santa Rosa Airporter vs. Sonoma County Airport Express, Inc., dba Airport Express for violations of the terms of its passenger stage certificate by serving a point in Santa rosa without the commission authority, Santa Rosa State Building, 50 "D" Street, Room 210, Santa Rosa LAW AND MOTION Law and Motion Hearings are held before Administrative Law Judge A. Kirk McKenzie at 9:30 am in one of the Commission's San Francisco Office Hearing Rooms, unless otherwise noted. Law and Motion procedures are governed by Resolution ALJ 164. Copies of Resolution ALJ 164 are available from the Commission's Documents Desk (415) 703-1713 or from Central Files (415) 703-2045. 6/22/99 9:30 a.m. NONE SCHEDULED 6/29/99 9:30 a.m. NONE SCHEDULED 7/6/99 9:30 a.m. NONE SCHEDULED FINAL ORAL ARGUMENTS NONE HEARINGS Dates in parentheses following the word "also" are subject to change without notice. The assigned Commissioner's name is listed next to the proceedings as matter of record; the assigned Commissioner may not be present at the hearing. (PHC) = Prehearing Conference (FOA) = Final Oral Argument (EH) = Evidentiary Hearing (WS) = Workshop (PPH) = Public Participation (FPH) = Full Panel Hearing Hearing (IAM) = Initial Arbitration (AH) = Arbitration Hearing Meeting (M) = Mediation (CA) = Closing Argument 7/12/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - In the matter of the joint ALJ A.98-12-005 application of GTE Corporation Mattson ("GTE") and Bell Atlantic 98-12-005 Comr Control of GTE's California Utility Neeper Subsidiaries to Bell Atlantic, which will occur indirectly as a result of GTE's merger with Bell Atlantic, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also July 13-16, July 19-23, July 26-30, 10:00 a.m.) 7/12/99 10:00 a.m. (OA) - Application of Western Gas ALJ Biren A.99-04-010 Resources-California, Inc. for a Comr certificate of public convenience Bilas and necessity to provide public utility gas transmission and distribution services through the C.99-04-004 use of certain existing facilities and to construct additional interconnection facilities, (OA) - Western Gas Resources vs. Pacific Gas and Electric Company (U- 39-G), Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 7/12/99 1:30 p.m. (PHC) - Application of the City of ALJ A.99-03-003 Richmond for an order granting a Ryerson variance to General Order No. 135 to Comr further limit the time permitted for Bilas blocking the public streets with crossings at Richmond Avenue and Marina Bay Parkway in the City of Richmond, Contra Costa County, California, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 7/13/99 10:00 a.m. (WS) - Order instituting rulemaking ALJ Reed R.97-10-016 on the Commission's own motion into Comr monitoring performance of operations Bilas I.97-10-017 support systems, (WS) - Order instituting investigation on the Commission's own motion into monitoring performance of operations support systems, Commission Auditorium, San Francisco (also July 14-16) 7/13/99 7:00-10:00 (PPH) - Application of Mountain ALJ p.m. Utilities (U 906-E) for authority, DeUlloa A.99-01-037 among other things, to more Comr precisely define its revenue Duque requirement and increase rates and charges for electric service, Commission Auditorium, San Francisco, (also (PPH) July 17, City Council Chambers, City of South Lake Tahoe, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.) 7/13/99 10:00 a.m. (PHC) - Order to show cause why the ALJ I.99-06-005 Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Ryerson Company and the Union Pacific Comr Wood Railroad Company should not be ordered to comply with California Labor code Section 6906, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 7/14/99 10:00 a.m. (PHC) - Big Bear Chamber of ALJ C.98-11-013 Commerce, a California non-profit Rosenthal corporation #223129 vs. GTE Comr California Incorporated (U 1002 C), Neeper Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 7/14/99 10:00 a.m. (PHC) - San Diego Gas & Electric Comr A.99-05-002 Company for authority to increase Neeper its gas and electric revenue ALJ requirements to reflect its Stalder accomplishments for demand-side management program years 1994 and 1997, energy efficiency program year 1998, low income program year 1998, and to address policy and procedural issues for future program years 1999 through 2001 in the 1999 annual earnings assessment proceeding, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 7/15/99 9:30 a.m. (PHC) - In the matter of the ALJ A.99-04-045 application of Southern California Econome Edison Company pursuant to D.98-08- Comr 035 for authorization to allow non- Bilas discriminatory access to its customer communication center, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 7/15/99 2:00 p.m. (ECP) - Ron Baker vs. San Diego Gas ALJ C.99-06-024 & Electric Company, Barnett San Diego State Office Building, 1350 Front Street, Room B-102, San Diego 7/15/99 10:00 a.m. (PHC) - In the matter of the ALJ A.99-01-003 application of Hornblower Marine Ryerson Services East Bay Express, a Comr California corporation, for a Bilas certificate of public convenience and necessity to establish and operate a scheduled vessel common carrier service between Alameda and Oakland, on the one hand, and, on the other, San Francisco Ferry Terminal and Fisherman's Wharf Area, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 7/16/99 2:00 p.m. (ECP) - Steve Addor vs. Apple Valley ALJ C.99-06-026 Ranchos Water Company, Barnett City of San Bernardino Council Chambers, 300 North D Street, San Bernardino 7/20/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - In the matter of the ALJ A.98-12-028 application of Elk Grove Water Works Walker (U 135-W) for an order authorizing Comr it to increase rates for water Duque service for its total service area, and approving its planned water filtration plant installation, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also July 21-23) 7/20/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - In the matter of the ALJ A.99-01-018 application of Antone Sylvester Tug McVicar Service, Inc. for a Certificate of Comr Public Convenience and Necessity as Bilas a common carrier of property by vessel between points in the Los Angeles, Long Beach, and Redondo Beach Harbor Areas, on the One Hand, and, on the other, Points on Santa Catalina Island, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 7/21/99 7:00 - 9:00 (PPH) - Order instituting ALJ Vieth p.m. investigation on the Commission's Comr I.98-12-012 own motion into the rates, charges, Duque and practices of water and sewer utilities providing service to mobilehome parks and multiple unit residential complexes and the circumstances under which those rates and charges can be passed to the end user, Sacramento State University, Union Auditorium, 600 "J" Street, Sacramento (also August 18, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m., Anaheim Convention Center, Room 2-3, 800 West Katella Avenue, Anaheim 7/26/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - In the matter of the ALJ A.97-12-039 application of San Diego Gas & Barnett Electric Company (U 902-E) for Comr authority to sell electrical Bilas generation facilities and power contracts (SONGS), Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also July 27-30) 7/26/99 1:30 p.m. (PHC) - In the matter of the ALJ Kotz A.97-03-052 application of California American Comr Water Company (U 210 W) for a Duque certificate that the present and future public convenience and necessity requires applicant to construct and operate the 24,000 acre foot Carmel River Dam and Reservoir in its Monterey Division and to recover all present and future costs in connection threwith in rates, Hyatt Regency, Spy Glass 2, Conference Center, One Old Golf Course Road, Monterey 7/27/99 7:00-10:00 (PPH) - Order instituting rulemaking ALJ p.m. on the Commission's own motion Kenney R.98-12-014 regarding commission policy on area Comr code relief, Neeper Fresno Convention Center, Wine Room, 700 M Street, Fresno 7/29/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - Sonoma County Airport ALJ A.98-07-061 Express, Inc., dba Airport Express Rosenthal for amendment of certificate of Comr public conveninence and necessity to Neeper C.98-08-044 obtain citywide authority for City of Santa Rosa, (EH) - Airporter, inc. dbaa Santa Rosa Airporter vs. Sonoma County Airport Express, Inc., dba Airport Express for violations of the terms of its passenger stage certificate by serving a point in Santa rosa without the commission authority, Santa Rosa State Building, 50 "D" Street, Room 210, Santa Rosa 8/2/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - In the matter of the ALJ A.99-03-065 application of the Southern Patrick California Water Company (U 133 W) Comr for an Order Authorizing a General Neeper Rate increase in its Wrightwood Customer Service area to increase gross revenues by $5.98 or 13.065 in A.99-03-066 the year 2000; $7.04 or 13.59% in A.99-03-067 the year 2001; and $6.84 or 11.63% A.99-03-068 in the year 2002, (EH) - and related matters, (EH) - and related matters, (EH) - and related matters, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also August 3-6) 8/2/99 7:00 p.m. (PPH) - In the matter of the ALJ A.93-12-042 application of Southwest Gas Malcolm Corporation for a certificate of ALJ public convenience and necessity Wright under Section 1001 of the California Comr Public Utilities Code extend its Bilas service in Placer County, California Comr and into portions of El Dorado and Duque A.94-01-021 Nevada Counties, California all of which are lcoated contiguos to Southwest Gas Corporation's existing certificated service area, A.99-02-032 (PPH) - In the matter of the application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to change natural gas rates in San Bernardino and Placer Counties, California, (PPH) - In the matter of the application of Southwest Gas Corporation and Oneok, Inc. for authorization to implement the agreement and plan of merger, dated December 14, 1998, Truckee Donner Public Utility District, Board Room, 11570 Donner Pass Road, Truckee 8/4/99 10:00 a.m. (PHC) - Application of Southern ALJ Bytof A.97-10-024 California Edison Company (U 338-E) Comr for authority to recover capital Bilas additions to its fossil generating facilities made between Januar 1, 1996 and December 31 1996 and related substantive and procedural relief, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also (EH) August 4; August 5-6, 9:00 a.m.) 8/9/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - Application of Mountain ALJ A.99-01-037 Utilities (U 906-E) for authority, DeUlloa among other things, to more Comr precisely define its revenue Duque requirement and increase rates and charges for electric charges, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also August 10-13) 8/9/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - In the matter of the ALJ A.99-04-003 application of the California- McVicar American Water Company (U 210-W) for Comr an order authorizing it to increase Duque its rates for water service in its Monterey Division to increase revenues by $2,594,600 in the year 2000; $1,039,400 in the year 2001; and $893,300 in the year 2002, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also August 10-13) 8/17/99 9:00 a.m. (EH) - Application of Southern ALJ Hale A.99-03-062 California Edison (U 338-E) for an Comr order under Section 701 of the Bilas Public Utilities Code granting Southern California Edison Company authorization to establish a pilot program for reselling bilateral forward purchases into the PX and ISO, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also August 18, also (CA) August 19) 8/23/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - In the matter of the ALJ Weiss A.98-11-03 application of Southern California Comr Water Company (U 133 W) for a Duque Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity pursuant to California Public Utilities Code Section 1001 A.98-11-015 to extend its West Orange County System to the Bolsa Chica Planned Community, (EH) - In the matter of the application of Southern California Water Company (U 133 W) for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity pursuant to California Public Utilities Code Section 1001 to operate and maintain a wastewater system to provide service to the Bolsa Chica Planned Community, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also August 24-27) 8/23/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - Pacific Gas and Electric ALJ A.99-01-016 Company for authority to establish Malcolm post-transition period electric ALJ A.99-01-019 ratemaking mechanisms, Minkin (EH) - San Diego Gas & Electric Comr Company for authority to implement Duque A.99-01-034 post rate freeze ratemaking mechanisms, (EH) - Southern California Edison Company (U-338-E) to: (1) propose a method to determine and implement A.99-02-029 the end of rate freeze; and (2) propose ratemaking which should be in place after the end of the rate freeze periods, (EH) - Application of San Diego Gas and Electric Company: (1) informing the Commission of the probable timing of the end of its electric rate freeze, (2) for authorization to change electric rates through implementation of interim ratemaking mechanisms concurrent with termination of the electric rate freeze, and (3) for authorization to change electric rates by adding, and revising or terminating existing, rate and revenue mechanisms and rate designs, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also August 24-27, August 30- September 3, 9:00 a.m.) 8/24/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - The Greenlining Institute and ALJ Vieth C.99-01-039 Latino Issues Forum vs. Pacific Bell Comr and Pacific Information Services, Neeper Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also August 25-26, 10:00 a.m.) 8/31/99 10:00 a.m. (PHC) - Application of Pacific Gas ALJ A.99-01-011 and Electric Company to recover Malcolm costs recorded in the catastrophic Comr event memorandum account (CEMA) Duque effective January 1, 2000 (U 39 M), Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also (EH) September 8-10, September 13-15, 10:00 a.m.) 8/31/99 2:00 p.m. (PHC) - Application of Pacific Gas ALJ A.98-11-023 and Electric Company to establish Barnett performance-based ratemaking for Comr electric and gas utility Duque distribution service effective January 1, 2000, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 9/7/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - Application of Pacific Gas ALJ A.98-08-003 and Electric Company for review and Minkin recovery of the costs and revenues Comr A.98-09-008 in the transition cost balancing Duque account, (EH) - Application of Southern California Edison Company to review and recovery transition cost A.98-09-009 balancing account entries from January 1998 through June 30, 1998 and various generation-related memorandum account entries, (EH) - Application of San Diego Gas & Electric Company in the annual transition cost proceeding regarding the transition cost balancing account, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also September 8-10, 9:00 a.m.) 9/8/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - Application of Pacific Gas ALJ A.98-11-023 and Electric Company to establish Barnett performance-based ratemaking for Comr electric and gas utility Duque distribution service effective January 1, 2000, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also September 9; September 13-16; September 20-23; September 27-30; October 4-7, 10:00 a.m.) 9/20/99 9:00 a.m. (EH) - In the matter of the ALJ A.99-03-063 application of Southern California Stalder Edison Company (U 388-E) for a Comr finding of reasonableness for the Neeper ratepayer expenditures for the ENVEST pilot program, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also September 21-24) 9/22/99 9:00 a.m. (EH)- Investigation on the ALJ I.99-04-020 Commission's own motion into the Bennett operations, practices, and conduct Comr of Vista Group International, Inc. Bilas (U-5650-C), doing business as Vista Communications (Vista), Thomas Coughlin, Chief Executive Officer of Vista, and Philip Bethune, President of Vista, to determine whether they have violated the laws, rules, and regulations governing the manner in which California consumers are switched from one long distance carrier to another, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also September 23-24; September 27- 29) 10/4/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - Order instituting rulemaking ALJ R.96-11-004 for electric distribution facility Malcolm standard setting, Comr Commission Courtroom, San Francisco Neeper (also October 5-8) 10/4/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - In the matter of the ALJ A.99-03-025 application of Roseville Telephone O'Donnell Company (U-1015-C) to review its new Comr regulatory framework, Neeper Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also October 5-8, 9:30 a.m.) 10/7/99 9:30 a.m. (PHC) - Order instituting ALJ I.99-04-022 investigation into the operations Econome and practices of the Southern Comr California Gas Company, concerning Duque the accuracy of information supplied to the Commission in connection with its Montebello Gas Storage Facility, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also (EH) October 12 through 22; October 12 & 18 at 10:00 a.m.; October 13-15, October 19-22 at 9:00 a.m. 10/12 & 10:00 a.m. (EH) - In the matter of application 15/99 A.99-03-027 of Citizens Telecommunications ALJ Company of California, Inc. (U-1024- O'Donnell C) to review its new regulatory Comr framework, Neeper Planning and Development Services Dept., 1231 "I" Street, 1st floor, Sacramento (also October 13 & 14, 10:00 a.m., Dept. of Education Bldg., 721 Capitol Mall, Room 166-B, Sacramento 10/12/99 10:00 a.m. (PHC) - Application of Southern ALJ Bytof A.99-03-049 California Gas Company (U 904 G) Comr under the catastrophic event Duque memorandum account (CEMA) for recovery of costs related to the El Nino storms, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (to be followed by (EH); also (EH) October 13-15, 9:00 a.m.) 10/18/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - Pacific Gas and Electric ALJ Hale A.99-03-039 Company to consolidate the review of Comr PG&E's expenditures in 1997 and 1998 Duque to enhance transmission and distribution system safety and reliability pursuant to Section 368(e) of the California Public Utilities Code, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also October 19-21, 9:00 a.m., also (CA), 3:00 p.m.) 11/1/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - Joint application of ALJ Vieth A.99-02-004 California Water Service Company (U- Comr 60-W), Dominguez Water Company (U- Duque 330_W), Kern River Valley Water Company (U-295-W), and Antelope Valley Water Company (U-281-U) for approval of a plan of merger of California Water Service Company, Dominguez Water Company, Kern River Valley Water Company, and Antelope Valley Water Company, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also November 2-5) 11/16/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - In the matter of the ALJ A.98-08-001 application of Airporter, Inc., DeUlloa doing business as Santa Rosa Comr Airporter, to amend and modify its Neeper passenger stage certificate #9023, by removing the "reservation only restrictions" for five listed cities in Marin County, and to expand its authorized service to all points in the cities of Novato, Marinwood, Terra Linda, San Rafael, Corte Madera, and Mill Valley for both routes 1 (SFO) and 2 (OAK), with retention of the current "Half-Mile proximity restriction" within these cities, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco 11/16/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - Application of Pacific Gas ALJ Hale A.99-03-013 and Electric Company submitting Comr electric revenue cycle services cost Neeper and rate proposals in compliance A.99-03-019 with Decision 98-09-070, (EH) - Application for Commission consideration of post-transition proposals for long-run marginal cost A.99-03-024 pricing and geographic de-averaging of revenue cycle services, (EH) - Application of Southern California Edison Company (U 338-E) relating to long-run marginal costs for unbundled metering and billing services, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco, (also November 17-19, November 22- 24, also (CA) November 24) 12/1/99 10:00 a.m. (EH) - Application of Pacific Gas ALJ A.99-03-014 and Electric Company to revise its Malcolm electric marginal costs, revenue Comr allocation, and rates at the end of Bilas the rate freeze, Commission Courtroom, San Francisco (also December 2-3; December 6-10; December 13-14) COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 13, 1999 5/13/99 D99-05-037 A99-03-002 - Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E). For confirmation of DeWitt F. Bowman to serve on the Committee of its Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Funds. Granted. This proceeding is closed. EXECUTIVE ORDERS SIGNED 5/21/99 D99-05-045 A99-04-014 - Zenex Long Distance, Inc., certain shareholders of Zenex Long Distance, Inc., and Prestige Investments, Inc. For approval of a stock purchase agreement and related transactions. Granted. This proceeding is closed. 5/20/99 D99-05-046 A99-04-015 - U.S. Telestar Communications Group. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service as a switchless reseller. Granted. This proceeding is closed. 5/24/99 D99-05-047 A99-04-018 - Enhanced Communications Network, Inc. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service as a switchless reseller. Granted. This proceeding is closed. 5/25/99 D99-05-052 A97-09-020 - Santa Clara County Transit District. For an order authorizing construction of an at- grade Mozart Development pedestrian crossing across the westbound LRT tracks at the west end of the Middlefield Station of the Tasman Corridor Project in the City of Mountain View, County of Santa Clara. Dismissed, upon the written request of the applicant. 6/1/99 D99-06-020 A99-04-029 - San Diego Telemanagement, Inc. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service as a switchless reseller. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-021 A99-04-030 - United States Advanced Network, Inc. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service as a switchless reseller. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-022 A99-04-031 - Network Enhanced Telecom, LLC. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service as a facilities-based carrier. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-023 A99-04-035 - Navigator Telecommunications, LLC. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service as a switchless reseller. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-024 A99-04-036 - FON Digital Network, Inc. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service as a facilities-based carrier. Granted. This proceeding is closed. 6/7/99 D99-06-025 A99-04-040 - DSLnet Communications LLC. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service as a facilities-based carrier. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-026 A99-04-043 - Marathon Communications Corporation. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service as a switchless reseller. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-027 A99-04-044 - Global-Sat, LLC. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service as a switchless reseller. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-028 A98-10-023 - Ross A. Vitalie and Irene F. Vitalie, dba Door-To-Door Airporter Shuttle Service. To transfer the PSC-10974 certificate to Ross A. Vitalie, individual, dba Door-To-Door Airporter Shuttle Service. Corrects an error by ordering removing of Appendix PSC- 10631 and replacing it with Appendix PSC-10974. 6/8/99 D99-06-029 C98-12-003 - McMullen Cabinet Manufacturing vs. Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Upon written and unopposed request of complainant, dismissed with prejudice. D99-06-065 A99-05-009 - ATX Telecommunications Services, Ltd. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service a s a switchless reseller. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-066 A99-05-010 - AsiaTone, LLC. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service as a facilities-based carrier. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-067 A99-05-012 - Fnet Corp. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service as a facilities-based carrier. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-068 A99-05-018 - Lotel, Inc., dba Coordinated Billing Services. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service as a switchless reseller. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-069 A99-05-021 - Blackstone Communications Company. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service as a switchless reseller. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-070 A99-05-025 - NOW Communications, Inc., dba NOW Communications of Mississippi, Inc. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service as a switchless reseller. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-071 A99-05-028- RDST, Inc. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service as a facilities-based carrier. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-072 A99-05-030 - Wireless USA, Inc. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service as a facilities-based carrier. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-073 A99-01-016 - Pacific Gas and Electric Company. For authority to establish post-transition period electric ratemaking mechanism. Corrects typographical error in the caption for D99-05-051, which lists A99-02-029 twice and omits the lead docket, A99-01-016. D99-06-074 C99-08-008 - Dorothy Dominguez and Ralph A. Martinez vs. Great American Stageline. Dismissed, upon written and unopposed request of all parties. D99-06-075 A99-05-037 - Advanced Communications Group, dba ACG Telecom Services Incorporated. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service as a switchless reseller. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-076 A99-05-032 - Global West Network, Inc. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service as a facilities-based carrier. Granted. This proceeding is closed. COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 27, 1999 5/27/99 D99-05-048 A98-12-021 - Southern California Edison Company (Edison). for authority to terminate a negotiated power purchase agreement between Edison and O'Brien California Cogen Limited. Reaffirms the Assigned Commissioner's Ruling dated April 16, 1999 changing the preliminary determination on need for hearing from yes to no. Cmmr. Duque, being necessarily absent, did not participate. D99-05-049 A98-12-021 - Southern California Edison Company (Edison). For order approving termination agreement for termination of a negotiated power purchase agreement between Southern California Edison Company and O'Brien California Cogen Limited. Approves Edison's proposed buyout and termination of a 1985 power purchase agreement with O'Brien California Cogen Limited; determines that expected customer benefits from the buyout are $13.7 million in net present value; finds the settlement embodied in the agreement to be reasonable. This proceeding is closed. Cmmr. Duque, being necessarily absent, did not participate. D99-05-050 A97-03-007 - Island Boat Service (IBS). For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to operate as an "on-call" vessel common carrier between points at and offshore of Santa Catalina Island. A98-05-037 - Related matter. Grants that portion of IBS and Island Navigation Company's (Island Navigation) motion for approval of settlement in which IBS seeks to amend the application A97-03-007 to request authority to provide non-scheduled vessel common carrier service in the form of on-call and charter service; denies that portion of IBS' and Island Navigation's motion for approval of settlement in which they seek to amend both applications to request zone of rate freedom authority; denies IBS' motion to dismiss; approves A97-03- 007, as amended; approves the settlement agreement included with this decision as Appendix A. These proceedings are closed. Cmmr. Duque, being necessarily absent, did not participate. D99-05-051 A99-02-029 - San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E). To inform the Commission of the probable timing of the end of its electric rate freeze, to change electric rates through implementation of interim ratemaking mechanisms concurrent with termination of the electric rate freeze, and to change electric rates by adding new, and revising or terminating existing, rate and revenue mechanisms and rate designs. A99-01-019, A99-01-034, A99-02-029 - Related matters. Approves, with certain conditions set forth, a settlement filed in this proceeding on April 15, 1999, which establishes accounting, ratemaking, and customer information requirements for SDG&E in ending the transition period enacted by Assembly Bill (AB) 1890. Cmmrs. Bilas and Neeper filed a concurrent opinion. JUNE 3, 1999 CONTINUATION OF COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 27, 1999 6/3/99 D99-06-001 I97-04-046 - Order Instituting Investigation into the operations and practices of Future Telephone Communications and its president Manuel G. Zepeda, Jr., and vice president Carlos G. Zepeda. Revokes the certificate of Future Telephone Communications for charging consumers for long distance services without their agreement, charging rates not in a filed tariff, and failure to follow Commission orders; imposes a fine. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-002 A97-12-020 - Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E). For authority, among other things, to increase rates and charges for electric and gas service effective January 1, 1999. I97-11-026 - Related matter. Grants James Weil an award of $4,936.17 in compensation for his contribution to D98-12-078. D99-06-003 A98-10-026 - Pacific Gas and Electric Company. For a permit to construct the Monta Vista/Wolfe/Stelling Looping Project pursuant to General Order 131-D. Approves Assigned Commissioner's Ruling dated April 14, 1999, changing the preliminary determination on need for hearing from yes to no. D99-06-004 C98-05-052 - Dagwani "Dag" Andom, et al. vs. Southwest Gas Corporation (SW Gas). Finds that complainants did not meet their burden of proof in demonstrating that the gas rates of SW Gas in the Victorville area are unreasonable and not affordable; denies the complaint. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-005 I96-02-043 - Investigation on the Commission's own motion into the operations, practices, and conduct of Communication Telesystems International and Edward S. Soren, President of Communication Telesystems International to determine whether they have complied with the laws, rules, regulations and applicable tariff provisions governing the manner in which California consumers are switched from one long distance company to another, and other requirements for long distance carriers. Approves the settlement agreement affixed to the decision as Attachment A. D99-06-006 A97-06-011 - CABAC, Inc. For authority to operate as a on-call Passenger Stage Corporation pursuant to Section 1031 of the California Public Utilities Code between points in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura Counties and International Burbank, Long Beach, John Wayne and Ontario Airports, San Pedro Harbor, and the Los Angeles Amtrak Terminal, and for a zone of rate freedom for its tariff rates. Dismissed without prejudice for lack of prosecution. D99-06-007 A98-12-025 - Southern California Edison Company (Edison), and San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E). For authority to set contribution levels for the companies' Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Funds (Trusts) and address other related decommissioning issues. Approves a settlement (attached to the decision as Attachment A) proposed by Edison, SDG&E, the Office of Ratepayer Advocates, and The Utility Reform Network; authorizes annual revenue requirements for the Trusts; authorizes the decommissioning of San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Unit 1 (SONGS 1) and amendment of the master Trust Agreements to facilitate timely availability of the funds to pay the cost of decommissioning; adopts the utilities decommissioning cost estimates, etc. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-008 I84-10-009 - Investigation on the Commission's own motion into the rules, practices, and procedures of all telephone corporations, as listed in Appendix A attached to the OII, concerning disclosure of non- published telephone numbers and other subscriber information. Finds that this proceeding is moot and should be closed. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-009 A99-03-030 - Prepaid Tel.com Inc. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to offer local exchange, access and interexchange telecommunication services. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-010 A98-09-012 - Apple Valley Ranchos Water Company (AVR). For authority to transfer its sewer division to the Town of Apple Valley (Town). Grants the all-party motion for adoption of settlement filed April 6, 1999, with the attached stipulation, as set forth. Phase 2 of A95-03-012 is closed; A98-09-012 is closed. D99-06-011 A99-03-011 - DMJ Communications, Inc. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to operate as a competitive switchless local exchange provider. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-012 A99-01-017 - Union Pacific Railroad Company (UP). For an order authorizing the construction of one at-grade crossing for East Long Beach Avenue, between 50th and 51st Streets, and the abandonment of two existing at-grade crossings of Alameda Street between 50th Street and Saluson Boulevard in City of Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles Granted, as set forth. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-013 A99-01-004 - City of Hayward (City). For an order authorizing the construction of at-grade and overhead crossings of the tracks of the Union Pacific Railroad Company. Granted, as set forth. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-014 A99-02-013 - Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority (ACTA). For an order authorizing the construction of a two-track grade separation above the reconstructed intersection of Henry Ford Avenue with the on- and off-ramps of State Route (SR) 47 Freeway and above a Union Pacific Railroad Company's (UP) connecting track; authorizing the reconstruction of the said intersection at-grade across a UP track and ACTA track number 3; authorizing the relocation of the West Basin Lead Track across reconstructed and widened Henry Ford Avenue; and authorizing the construction of a Transferred Yard Connecting track across Henry Ford Avenue, in the City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles County. Granted, as set forth. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-015 A99-02-031 - Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) and the Cities of Monterey, Morgan Hill, and Watsonville. For an order under section 851 of the California Public Utilities Code to sell and convey streetlight systems. Granted, as set forth. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-016 A99-03-015 - Interoute Telecommunications, Inc. (Interoute), and American International Telephone, Inc. (AIT). For approval of transfer of control of authorized carrier. Grants the transfer of control of AIT, a certificated interexchange carrier, to Interoute through an acquisition of AIT's stock. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-017 A99-03-006 - Mamdouh F. Hassan. To transfer his PSC-11528 certificate to California Airporter, Inc. and to establish a zone of rate freedom. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-018 A88-03-024 - Southern California Edison Company (Edison). For authority to issue Debt Securities, and/or guarantee the Debt Securities of an Edison affiliate, to finance its Fuel Oil, Nuclear Fuel, and Coal Inventories in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $900,000,000. Grants Edison an extension of the expiration date of D94-03-037, as modified, from June 30, 1997 to June 30, 2000. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-019 C98-06-008 - Pacific Bell and Pacific Bell Public Communications (Pacific) vs. AT&T Communications Company of California, Inc. (AT&T). Orders AT&T to remit to Pacific the Pay Station Service Charge (PSSC) that AT&T billed and collected for non-coin calls made from Pacific's payphones during the period of April 1, 1997, through October 6, 1997; authorizes AT&T to subtract the PSSC it is ordered to remit to Pacific from the compensation that AT&T must pay to Pacific for non-coin calls pursuant to federal regulations, as set forth. This proceeding is closed. C99-06-002 (I&S) - Investigation and suspension on the Commission's own motion of the tariff filed by Advice Letter No. 1831-E of Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E). Converts PG&E's advice letter (AL) 1831-E into an investigation of the issues raised by that AL; suspends PG&E's proposed tariff for 120 days; requests that initial briefs be filed by June 28, 1999, reply briefs - by July 14, 1999; determines that an evidentiary hearing may be necessary; categorizes this proceeding as a ratesetting; determines that the decision should issue well before the 18-month deadline. I99-06-005 - Order to show cause why the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company and the Union Pacific Railroad Company should not be ordered to comply with California Labor Code Section 6906. Categorizes this proceeding as adjudicatory; sets a hearing on the order to show cause for July 19, 1999. RESOLUTIONS 6/3/99 ALJ-176- Ratification of preliminary 3016 determinations of category for proceedings initiated by application. The preliminary determinations are pursuant to Article 2.5, Rules 4 and 6.1 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure. Adopted. E-3601 Pacific Gas and Electric Company Advice Letter (AL) 2140-G/1854-E, Southern California Edison Company AL 1370-E, San Diego Gas & Electric Company AL 1156-E/1141-G, Southern California Gas Company AL 2792. Requests approval to implement a needs assessment and a California alternative rates outreach pilot; and the The Low-Income Governing Board's (LIGB) request approval for its 1999 Budget and for authority to implement a needs assessment and a California alternative rates outreach pilot. The comments/protests filed by the LIGB, the Community Enhancement Services and the Community Resource Project, Inc., and the Associated Community Action Program, City of Oakland Department of Health and Human Services, Contra Costa County Community Services Department, Economic and Social Opportunities, Inc., City of Berkeley Community Action Agency, Spectrum Community Services, Inc., Community Action Agency of San Mateo County, Inc. are granted to the extent set forth . The remaining protests are denied. Conditionally approved. E-3604 Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E). Requests approval for a deviation from California Public Utilities Code Section 320 in Guernewood Park. PG&E is retroactively authorized to replace four poles and add a third conductor. Approved with modification. SR-102 Los Angeles County Transportation Authority. Requests authority to remove the Florence interlocking plant due to discontinuance of Union Pacific Railroad freight service on the affected industry spur tracks. Granted. SX-24 Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA). Requests authority to deviate from the provisions of Section 6.7 of General Order 75-C to install only one flashing red light on the gate arms of gate-type signals for pedestrians at the at-grade crossings of Vernon Avenue, Gage Avenue, Florence Avenue, and 103rd Street at grade across MTA's and Union Pacific Railroad Company's tracks in Los Angeles, Los Angeles County. Granted. T-16285 Global Telemedia, Inc. Resolution revoking the certificate of public convenience and necessity. Adopted. T-16289 AmeriVox. Resolution revoking the certificate of public convenience and necessity. Adopted. T-16290 UNITEC, Inc. Resolution revoking the certificate of public convenience and necessity. Adopted. T-16291 Communications for America, Inc. Resolution revoking the certificate of public convenience and necessity. Adopted. T-16292 MultiMedia Telephone Service, Inc. Resolution revoking the certificate of public convenience and necessity. Adopted. T-16294 Hospitality Communications Corporation, dba HCC Telemanagement. Resolution revoking the certificate of public convenience and necessity. Adopted. T-16295 Clear network, Inc. Resolution revoking the certificate of public convenience and necessity. Adopted. T-16303 Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program Administrative Committee (DDTPAC). Requests approval of the two year contract between the DDTPAC and Riptide Technologies, Inc. to provide a centralized database system. Granted. TL-18890 Resolution approving issuance of charter-party carrier certificates pursuant to Section 5374(b) of the Public Utilities Code. Granted as set forth in attachment. W-4149 Donner Lake Water Company. Requests authority for a general rate increase producing $62,039 or 17.27% additional annual revenue. Granted as set forth in the appendices. W-4150 Del Oro Water Company, Johnson Park District. Requests authority for a general rate increase producing $4,264 or 5.8% additional annual revenue. Granted as set forth in the appendices. W-4151 Benbow Water Company, Inc. Request authority for a general rate increase producing $35,450 or 37.35% additional annual revenue. Granted as set forth in the appendices. COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 10, 1999 6/10/99 D99-06-030 I89-11-003 - In the matter of the regulation of used household goods transportation by truck. Denies Paula Karrison's motion for intervenor compensation. This order becomes effective 30 days from the date of issuance. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-031 C99-02-028 (ECP) - Ms. Cheryl Duke vs. Pacific Bell (PacBell). Finds that the weight of the evidence fails to establish that defendant violated its tariffs or other applicable law; denies the complaint. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-032 R98-05-031 - Order Instituting Rulemaking on the Commission's own motion into the statewide expansion of public policy pay telephones. Provides the Payphone Service Providers Committee with the responsibility to implement and administer a public policy payphone bidding process under the direction of the Commission's Telecommunications Division. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-033 C97-03-034 - County of Riverside Department of Environmental Health vs. Spring Crest Water and Power Company (Spring Crest). Granted, as set forth. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-034 A97-12-017 - Los Alamitos Race Course. For authority to establish pedestrian- bikeway crossings at Grade at the track of the Union Pacific Railroad Company (Railroad), in the City of Cypress. Dismissed, as there is no basis for maintaining the proceeding due to the abandonment of the Los Alamitos Branch by the Railroad. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-035 I97-07-014 - Investigation for the purpose of establishing a list for the fiscal years 1998-1999 and 1999-2000 of existing and proposed crossings at grade of city streets, county roads, or state highways in need of separation, or projects effecting the elimination of grade crossings by removal or relocation of streets or railroad tracks, or existing separations in need of alterations or reconstruction in accordance with Section 2452 of the Streets and Highways Code. Establishes priority list for projects funded for fiscal year 1999-2000. This proceeding is closed. Cmmr. Hyatt abstained. D99-06-036 A98-11-031 - Red & White Ferries, Inc. (Red and White) and affiliates. For an exemption from Sections 816-80 and 81- 354 of the California Public Utilities Code. Granted, as set forth. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-037 A98-04-038 - USA Shuttle Services, Inc. To amend its certificate of public convenience and necessity as a passenger stage corporation to add service between points in Alameda, San Joaquin and San Mateo Counties on the one hand and Oakland International Airport, San Francisco International Airport and San Jose International Airport on the other hand. Granted, as set forth. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-038 A98-10-026 - Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E). For a permit construct the Monta Vista/Wolfe/Stelling Looping project pursuant to General Order 131- D. Granted, subject to PG&E undertaking certain mitigation measures, as set forth. This order is effective in 30 days. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-039 A99-02-007 - Thelma J. Ayala, dba Monarca Transportation Services. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to operate as a passenger stage corporation between Victorville and San Ysidro with service to and from intermediate points of San Bernardino and Fontana. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-040 A98-10-021 - Nabil Barsoum Fahmy and Therese Fahmy, dba Prince Airport Shuttle. To extend passenger stage authority to transport passengers and their baggage between points and places in the counties of Los Angeles, Orange, and San Diego, on the one hand, and International Airports in Los Angeles (LA), Burbank, Ontario and Santa Ana, LA and Long Beach Harbors, LA Amtrak/Union Station, Downtown LA, Westchester LA, on the other hand. Grants the application as amended. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-041 A98-10-019 - Okab S. Fayad, dba Superporter Express. For authority to operate as a passenger stage corporation between points in San Francisco, Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, on one hand, and International Airports in Oakland and San Francisco, on the other hand, and to establish a Zone of Rate Freedom. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-042 A99-03-032 - Andre Planchon, dba Main Event Limousines. To operate as a passenger stage corporation between the City of Monterey and San Francisco International Airport via Marina, Salinas, and San Jose International Airport. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-043 A99-03-033 - Arthur F. Baisley, dba Arthur's Airport Transportation. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to operate as an irregular route, on-call passenger stage corporation between points in the Counties of Nevada, Placer, Sutter, and Yuba, on the one hand, and Sacramento International Airport, on the other hand. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-044 A99-02-023 - Mohammed Saeed, Kamal Hamid Zeinelabdin, El Fatih Elyas Ahmed, and Izzelding Elyas Ahmed, a partnership, dba Horizon Airporter. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to operate as a passenger stage corporation between points in Alameda, Contra Costa and San Francisco Counties, on the one hand, and Oakland International Airport, on the other hand. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-045 A98-10-011 - San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E). For authority to construct an electric facility: Friars Substation Project. Adopts the mitigated negative declaration for the project and grants the permit to construct. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-046 A59461 - Southern California Edison Company (Edison). For authority to increase Edison's authorization to incur short-term obligations payable at periods of not more than twelve months after the date of issuance, by a principal amount of $292,160,699 in excess of that authorized by the Public Utilities Code Section 823(c) and prior Commission authorization. Supplemental Decision - Grants Edison the authority requested in its petition for modification of D91433 and D96-07-054 to have an extension of the expiration date of D91433, as modified, from June 30, 1999 to June 30, 2005. D99-06-047 R92-03-050 - Order Instituting Rulemaking on the Commission's own motion to consider the line extension rules of electric and gas utilities. Directs the assigned ALJ to develop the record to address the implementation of the accounting change described in D97-12-099. This proceeding remains open to address other matters. D99-06-048 C98-06-037 - William Kent vs. Southern California Edison Company. Extends statutory deadline imposed by Public Utilities Code Section 1701.2(d) until this proceeding is resolved. D99-06-049 A99-01-036 - PacifiCorp and Scottish Power plc (Scottish Power). For exemption from the merger approval requirements of California Public Utilities code Section 854. Grants the application, as set forth; authorizes the merger. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-050 C98-09-011 - Ralph Azevedo, Ronald Azevedo, and Albert Ferari vs. Union Pacific Railroad Company and California Northern Railroad Company. Orders the Union Pacific Railroad Company to comply with Section 7626 of the Public Utilities Code to the extent set forth. This proceeding is closed. Cmmr. Hyatt abstained. D99-06-051 A95-05-030 - Roseville Telephone Company (Roseville). For authority to restructure intrastate rates and charges and to implement a new regulatory framework for telephone services furnished within the State of California. I95-09-001, A95-05-031 - Related matters. Denies the October 30, 1998 motion of Roseville for evidentiary hearing on the need for the audit; denies the November 6, 1998 appeal of Roseville to the October 26, 1998 Assigned Commissioner's ruling (ACR); denies the February 25, 1999 motion of the Office of Ratepayer Advocates (ORA) to compel Roseville's compliance with the ACR; denies the May 13, 1999 motion of ORA to consolidate; approves the revised audit scope submitted by ORA on April 19, 1999; orders that the audit shall commence immediately and that the final audit report shall be filed and the notice of availability served by 12/1/99; orders ORA to file in A99-03- 025 a statement from the auditor, as set forth, within 30 days of the final audit report. These proceedings are closed. Cmmr. Bilas filed a concurrent opinion. Cmmr. Lynch abstained. D99-06-052 A98-05-001 - Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E). For approval of demand- side management (DSM) shareholder incentives for 1997 program year accomplishments and second claim for incentives for 1996 program year accomplishments. A98-05-005, A98-05- 013, A98-05-018 - Related matters. Awards PG&E, San Diego Gas & Electric Company, Southern Edison Company and Southern California Gas Company life- cycle earnings for the program years 1994, 1995, 1996 and 1997 demand-side management programs, as set forth; orders the Energy Division to file the revised set of protocols with the Docket Office, and serve a notice of availability; denies PG&E's petition to set aside submission of 5/25/99. These proceedings are closed. Cmmr. Hyatt abstained. D99-06-053 A98-02-017 - Pacific Bell (PacBell). For authority to categorize Business Inside Wire Repair (BIWR), Interexchange Carrier Directory Assistance (IECDA), Operator Assistance Service and Inmate Call Control Service as Category III services. A98-04-048 - Related matter. Grants PacBell's request to re- categorize its business IECDA and certain Operator Assistance Billing Alternatives (OASBA) services from Category II to Category III; grants PacBell's request to increase the ceiling rates for its IECDA service; denies PacBell's request to increase the ceiling rates for its OASBA services, with the exception of Person- to-Person service; grants PacBell's request to re-categorize its Business Inside Wire Repair (BIWR) and Residential Inside Wire Repair (RIWR) services from Category II to Category III; authorizes PacBell to increase the ceiling rates for its business WirePro plan to $1.90 per month; denies PacBell's request to increase the ceiling rate for its per visit BIWR service; authorizes PacBell to increase its residential WirePro plan price floor to cover cost; grants the Office of Ratepayer Advocates motion to place the non-redacted version of its concurrent brief under seal; grants the consolidated applications as set forth. These proceedings are closed. Cmmr. Lynch dissented. Cmmr. Hyatt abstained. D99-06-054 I98-03-013 - Investigation on the Commission's own motion into whether existing standards and policies of the Commission regarding drinking water quality adequately protect the public health and safety with respect to contaminants such as Volatile Organic Compounds, Perchlorate, MTBEs, and whether those standards and policies are being uniformly complied with by Commission regulated utilities. Interim decision - Denies motions challenging the jurisdiction of the Commission. D99-06-055 I98-04-033 - Order Instituting Investigation on the Commission's own motion into the operations and practices of affiliated companies FutureNet, Inc., and FutureNet Online, Inc., dba Future Electric Networks (FutureNet), and individuals in control of operations: Alan Setlin and Larry Huff. Orders FutureNet and Alan Setlin to cease and desist from offering electric service to residential or small commercial customers; fines FutureNet and Alan Setlin in the amount of $1.3 million as set forth. This proceeding is closed. Cmmr. Lynch dissented. Cmmr. Hyatt abstained. D99-06-056 A96-12-009 - Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E). For authority to identify and separate components of electric rates, effective January 1, 1998. A96-12-011, A96-12-019 - Related matters. Grants the petition to modify D97-08-056 and D98-03-050 filed by PG&E on July 31, 1999, to the extent set forth; determines that this proceeding will remain open so that the Commission may consider whether and the extent to which PG&E should be penalized for its failure to implement the requirements of D97-08-06 and its failure to comply with the implementation deadline of January 1, 1999 in D98-03-050. D99-06-057 A98-05-019 - San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E). For authority to increase its authorized return on common equity, to adjust its existing ratemaking capital structure, to adjust its authorized embedded costs of debt and preferred stock, to decrease its overall rate of return, and to revise its electric distribution and gas rates accordingly, and for related substantive and procedural relief. A98- 05-019, A98-05-021, A98-05-024 - Related matters. Approves the cost of capital for 1999 of Pacific Gas and Electric Company, SDG&E, and Southern California Edison Company, as set forth; These proceedings are closed. Cmmr. Neeper dissented. D99-06-058 A98-07-006 - San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E). For approval of consolidated changes in 1999 authorized revenue and revised rate components; the Competition Transition Charge rate component and associated headroom calculations; RGTCOMA balances; Power Exchange credit computations; disposition of various balancing/memorandum accounts; and electric revenue allocation and rate design changes. A98-07-003, A98-07-026 - Related matters. Grants the applications of Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), of Southern California Edison Company (Edison) and SDG&E to the extent set forth; adopts the stipulation filed March 11, 1999 by PG&E, Edison, SDG&E and Western Power Trading Forum regarding audits of utility PX calculations, and the stipulation filed December 18, 1998 by PG&E and Office of Ratepayer Advocates regarding cost allocation and rate design. These proceedings are closed. Cmmrs. Lynch and Hyatt abstained. D99-06-059 A98-06-051 - A & M United Group, LLC and Isam M. Alziq (Alziq) dba EZ Shuttle and Charter Service (EZ). For authority to acquire, and to transfer, a passenger stage certificate of public convenience and necessity and certain other assets, pursuant to Section 851, et seq., of the California Public Utilities Code. Denies the application; revokes the operating authority of EZ; finds Alziq to have violated Rule 1 and Public Utilities Code Section 2114 by intentionally filing false verified documents with the intent to mislead the Commission; orders that Alziq is prohibited from ever holding any interest in a business regulated by this Commission; directs EZ to file corrected Public Utilities Commission Transportation Reimbursement Account fees. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-060 R93-04-003 - Rulemaking on the Commission's own motion to govern open access to bottleneck services and establish a framework for network architecture development of dominant carrier networks. I93-04-002 - Related matter. Grants limited rehearing to modify D98-12-079; as modified, the applications for rehearing of D98-12- 079 filed by GTE California (GTE), of joint applicants MCI Telecommunications Corp/WorldCom Technologies/AT&T Communications; and of joint applicants Nextlink California/ ICG Telecommunications Group/California Cable Television Association are denied. Cmmr. Lynch abstained. D99-06-061 A99-01-025 - The Utility Reform Network. For rehearing of Resolution T- 16260 approving Pacific Bell's re- estimate of the revenue effect of prices changes ordered in D98-07-033. Granted; the proceeding is reopened. D99-06-062 C98-08-038 - Edwin F. De la Torre vs. Southern California Edison Company. Accepts the comments to the draft decision filed by complainant as being filed on time; denies rehearing of D99- 02-060. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-063 A97-11-004 - Pacific Gas and Electric Company. To identify cost savings for revenue cycle services provided by other entities and to propose credits for end-use customer sin such circumstances for implementation no later than January 1, 1999. A97-11- 011, A97-12-012 - related matters. Grants limited rehearing to modify D98- 09-070 by deleting unnecessary language and correcting typographical errors; denies rehearing of the decision, as modified. These proceedings are closed. D99-06-064 A98-01-008 - Pacific Gas and Electric Company. For Authorization to sell certain generating plants and related assets pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 851. Dismisses Driftwood Marina's application for rehearing of D99-04-026. This proceeding is closed. RESOLUTIONS 6/10/99 ALJ-176- Ratification of preliminary 3017 determinations of category for proceedings initiated by application. The preliminary determinations are pursuant to Article 2.5, Rules 4 and 6.1 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure. Adopted. E-3597 Advice Letter 1352-E of Southern California Edison Company. Requests authority to revise its air conditioning cycling tariffs to provide more flexibility in managing high loads. Approved with modifications. E-3598 Pacific Bell. Requests approval for a deviation from California Public Utilities Code Section 320 in Sierra County to maintain and upgrade existing overhead cables extending from Sierra City to approximately Carvin Creek. This site is within the Highway 49 Scenic Corridor. Granted through the end of 2000 and expires at 12:00 a.m. on January 2001. E-3609 Advice Letter (AL) 8 of Mountain Utilities (MU). Requests approval for an electricity restructuring memorandum account (ERMA). Approved with modifications. The Kirkwood Meadows Public Utility District's (PUD) recommendation to deny MU's AL 8 and consider the ERMA in MU's general rate case A99-01-037 is denied. PUD's protest is granted in part to limit costs booked to the ERMA to those specifically related to development of a Direct Access Implementation Plan. E-3614 Advice Letter 1335-E of Southern California Edison Company. Requests approval for a deviation from Schedule GS-1 in a contract with Metricom, Inc. concerning unmetered electric service for radio repeaters. Granted. E-3616 Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E). Requests approval for a deviation from Public Utilities Code Section 320 in Sonoma County and proposes to relocate distribution pole facilities within the Highway 12 Scenic Corridor. Granted. The Commission authorizes PG&E to use overhead facilities. G-3255 Resolution approving a contract with Larkin & Associates to monitor, audit, and report to the Commission concerning several aspects of the combined operations of Southern California Gas Company and San Diego Gas & Electric Company, as required under D98-03-073, Ordering Paragraph 7. Adopted. TL-18892 Resolution approving issuance of charter-party carrier certificates pursuant to Section 5374(b) of the Public Utilities Code. Approved as set forth in attachment. W-4152 Rolling Green Utilities, Inc., Sewer Division. Requests authority for a general increase in rates producing $10,395 or 22.86% additional annual revenue. Granted as set forth in the appendices. COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 24, 1999 6/24/99 D99-06-077 C98-10-025 - James D. Korn vs. Pacific Bell. Denied. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-078 A98-05-014 - Southern California Edison Company (Edison). To report on the valuation process for certain generation-related assets pursuant to D97-11-074. Adopts, for the purpose of transition cost recovery, Edison's proposals for market valuation of retained power plant land, materials and supplies inventories and certain fuel-oil facilities and inventories. D99-06-079 R92-03-050 - Order Instituting Rulemaking on the Commission's own motion to consider the line extension rules of electric and gas utilities. Modifies the Line Extension Rules of Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Diego Gas & Electric Company, Southwest Gas Corporation Southern California Edison Company, Sierra Pacific Power Company, and PacifiCorp, to reflect the deletion of Option 1, along with the irrevocable option selection requirement, as set forth. D99-06-080 A94-12-005 - Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E). For authority among other things, to decrease its rates and charges for electric and gas service, and increase rates and charges for pipe expansion service. I95-02-015 - Related matter. Finds PG&E's response to the severe wind and rainstorms of December 1995 not to be unreasonable, except for unreasonable events relating to support and maintenance of its outage information systems and failure to adequately staff customer service representatives which impacted customer call service on December 12, 1995; fines PG&E for $20,000 and $5,000, respectively, the cost of the fines are to be borne by PG&E shareholders; fines PG&E for the three categories of unreasonable acts occurring during its claims processing, as set forth; denies PG&E's motion to consolidate as moot; grants PG&E's motion to strike Appendices A and B of The Utility Reform Network's opening brief, as set forth; denies PG&E's motion for an order accepting new evidence, and motion for official notice, filed on 2/4/99; denies the California Cable Television Association Time Warner Entertainment-Advance/Newhouse, ICG Telecom Group, Inc,, and Nextlink of California, LLC's petition for late intervention; directs PG&E to make a compliance filing within 150 days from the issuance of the decision, as set forth and to serve a notice of availability on all parties. D99-06-081 A99-04-008 - Access Communications, Inc. dba Access Long Distance. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity (CPCN) to offer local exchange telecommunication services. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-082 A99-03-026 - Telecom Licensing, Inc. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity (CPCN) to provide competitive local exchange service on a resale basis as a competitive local carrier. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-083 R95-04-043- Order Instituting Rulemaking on the Commission's own motion into competition for local exchange service. I95-04-044 - Related matter. Grants certificates of public convenience and necessity to Eagle Communications of California, LLC, US Data Highway Corp., Seren Innovations, Inc., HTC Communications, LLC, Network Plus, Inc., Campuslink Communications Systems, Inc., XL Networks, Inc., Triad Communications Corporation, NTC Network, LLC, DSLnet Communications, LLC, as set forth. D99-06-084 A99-04-041 - City of Fremont (City). For authority to improve the Nunes Lane crossing of the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) Company tracks and designate the improved crossing as an emergency vehicle access to the City, County of Alameda. Granted, as set forth. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-085 A98-07-058 - Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E). For authority to recover 1997 and 1998 non-nuclear generation capital additions in the competition transition charge pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 367. A98-08-012 - Related matter. Adopts a settlement filed by PG&E, the Office of Ratepayer Advocates (ORA), and The Utility Reform Network (TURN) that resolves the issues surrounding PG&E's request for recovery of non- nuclear generation capital additions for 1997 and the first quarter of 1998; approves a joint recommendation filed by San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E), ORA and TURN. These proceedings are closed. D99-06-086 A99-04-002 - Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) and the City of Gilroy. For authority under Section 851 of the California Public Utilities Code to sell and convey a streetlight system. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-087 R95-04-043 - Order Instituting Rulemaking on the Commission's own motion into competition for local exchange service. I95-04-044 - Related matter. Approves a final plan for the implementation of a Public Education Plan regarding the 408/669 area code overlay plan pursuant to D98-11-065; directs the Consumer Services Division to file a report on 10/29/99, as set forth. D99-06-088 A98-11-024 Pacific Bell (PacBell). For arbitration of an interconnection agreement with Pac-West Telecomm, Inc., pursuant to Section 256(b) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Affirms the results adopted in the final arbitrator's report, and the resulting arbitrated interconnection agreement; directs the parties to file the signed interconnection agreement within 5 days from the date of the decision. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-089 A97-04-001 - Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E). For Commission order finding that electric operations during the reasonableness review period from January 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 were prudent. Finds that PG&E's electric operations during the period from January 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 were prudent, except for claimed incentive awards of $2.47 million or ten percent of the benefits resulting from restructuring 25 Qualifying Facilities power purchase contracts during the 1996 Record Period. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-090 I98-02-026 - Order Instituting Investigation on the Commission's own motion into the operations and practices of Paradise Movers LLC, and its chief Executive Officer, James Shioloh. Revokes the household goods carrier permit T-188934 of Paradise Movers LLC (Paradise); denies the Consumer Services Division to reconsider the ALJ's ruling concerning admission if Exhibit 3 for identification. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-091 R95-04-043 - Order instituting Rulemaking on the Commission's own motion into competition for local exchange service. I95-04-044 - Related Matter. Approves a temporary suspension of the implementation of new 424 area code in response to a petition for modification of D98-05- 021 filed by Assemblyman Wally Knox et al. D99-06-092 A98-12-022 - GTE California Incorporated (GTEC). For authority to lease assets pursuant to Section 851 of the Public Utilities Code. Approves the agreements at issues; directs GTEC to conduct a further review of lease and license agreements that may not have been approved. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-093 C97-04-025 - ARCO Products Company, Mobil Oil Corporation, and Texaco Refining and Marketing, Inc. vs. SFPP, L.P. Grants rehearing of D98-08-033 to consider issues of tax expenses, environmental expenses, dedication, and rates of newly jurisdictional facilities as set forth. D99-06-094 A97-10-024 - Southern California Edison Company. For authority to recover capital additions to its fossil generating facilities made between January 1, 1996 and December 31, 1996 and related substantive and procedural relief. Grants a limited rehearing for the purpose of modifying D99-03-055, as set forth; then denies the rehearing of D99-03-055, as modified. Cmmr. Wood abstained. D99-06-095 A99-02-027 - Pacific Gas and Electric Company. For rehearing of Resolution E- 3582 concerning internet billing. Finds substantial evidence to support the resolution, but modifies the resolution to clarify selected statements bearing on the intent of the Ordering Paragraph 8. This proceeding is closed. I99-06-035 - Investigation on the Commission's own motion into the operations, practices and conduct of ACI Communications, Inc. and Larry Cornwell, in his capacity as receiver for ACI, to determine whether ACI has violated the laws, rules and regulations governing the manner in which California consumers are switched from one long distance carrier to another. I99-06-036 - Investigation into Commonwealth Energy Corporation's operations and practices in connection with providing service as an electricity service provider under Registration No. 1092. I99-06-037 - Order instituting investigation and order to show cause why the certificate of public convenience and necessity of Long Distance Direct, Inc. should not be revoked or suspended. I99-06-038 - In the matter of the order instituting investigation on the Commission's own motion into the operations and practices of Nir Ben- David and Amit Mines, a partnership doing business as Right On Time Moving. I99-06-039 - In the matter of the order instituting investigation on the Commission's own motion into the operations and practices of Mon-Van Moving Services, Inc. and its president, Gary R. Grubb. EXECUTIVE ORDERS SIGNED 6/28/99 D99-06-096 A99-05-042 - Pacific Telekey Network, Inc. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service as a switchless reseller. Granted. This proceeding is closed. D99-06-097 A99-05-039 - PT-1 Long Distance, Inc. For a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide interLATA and intraLATA telecommunications service as a facilities-based carrier. Granted. This proceeding is closed. RESOLUTIONS 6/24/99 ALJ-176- Ratification of preliminary 3018 determinations of category for proceedings initiated by application. The preliminary determinations are pursuant to Article 2.5, Rules 4 and 6.1 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure. Adopted. E-3574 Advice Letter (AL) 1794-E-A of Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Requests authority to establish a Transmission Revenue Requirement Reclassification Account. Approved with modifications. The Office of Ratepayer Advocates' protest regarding the effective date of the AL is granted, and the protest regarding the provision of a termination procedure for the Transmission Revenue Requirement Reclassification Account (TRRRMA) is denied. The Bay Area Rapid Transit's protest related to the immediate elimination of duplicate charges as a result of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's determination is denied, the protest with respect to excluding costs not eligible for recovery in the general rate case from TRRRMA is granted, and the protest with respect to customer or class- specific subaccount is denied. E-3610 Advice Letter (AL) 1150-E and AL 1136- G of San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E). Resolution approving the recommendations of SDG&E, acting on behalf of the California Demand-Side Management Measurement Advisory Committee, for supplemental membership for the 1999 calendar year. Adopted. E-3615 Advice Letter 297-E of Pacificorp. Requests approval for new tariffs to reflect price changes using a performance based ratemaking formula. Granted. L-281 Resolution affirming adoption of D99- 05-048. Adopted. L-282 Resolution affirming adoption of D99- 05-049. Adopted. T-16304 Advice Letter 4 of Nextcom Worldwide Telecommunications, Inc. Resolution revoking the certificate of public convenience and necessity. Adopted. T-16305 ConQuest Operator Services Corp. Resolution revoking the certificate of public convenience and necessity. Adopted. T-16306 California Intercall, Inc. Resolution revoking the certificate of public convenience and necessity. Adopted. T-16307 US Xchange of California, L. L. C. Resolution revoking the certificate of public convenience and necessity. Adopted. T-16308 AMTEL Corporation dba Texas Amtel. Resolution revoking the certificate of public convenience and necessity. Adopted. T-16310 Advice Letter (AL) 20200 and AL 20201 of Pacific Bell. Requests approval to permanently close public offices located in San Francisco, Bush Street and Chinatown, respectively, and to replace them with authorized payment locations. Granted as set forth in Appendix A. T-16312 Advice Letter (AL) 9022 and AL 9025 of GTE California Incorporated (GTEC). Request for approval of two Interconnection Agreements between GTEC and Southern California Edison, and between GTEC and PaeTec Communications, Inc., pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Granted. T-16313 Pacific Bell (Pacific). Request for approval of two conformed Paging Interconnection Agreements between Pacific and TSR Wireless LLC, and between Pacific and Metrocall, Inc., submitted under provisions of Resolution ALJ-174, and General Order 96-A. Granted. TL-18893 Resolution modifying Resolution TL- 18877 to clarify the requirements for filing certificates of insurance to evidence adequate protection against liability under General Order 160-A by organizations that provide transportation services incidental to operation of a youth camp which are required to register as private carriers pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 5353(n)(2)(A). Adopted. TL-18894 Ross A. Vitalie dba Door-to-Door Airporter Shuttle Service (Applicant). Requests approval of a temporary fare increase to offset increased fuel costs. Granted. W-4153 Advice Letter 314 of San Jose Water Company. Requests approval of an offset increase in rates of $3,304,561 or 3.24% additional annual revenue. Granted. W-4155 Buhl Water System. Requests approval for a general rate increase producing $3,408 or 8.37% additional annual revenue. Granted as set forth in the appendices. NOTICE OF DENIAL OF REQUEST FOR EX PARTE MEETING On September 20, 1996, the Commission adopted Resolution ALJ 169 regarding the "Filing of Notice of Denial of Request for Ex Parte Meeting." The resolution implements an interim procedure whereby a party whose written request for an ex parte meeting with a Commissioner has been denied will be allowed to file a notice of such denial. Copies of Resolution ALJ 169 are available from the Commission's Central Files Office at 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 2002, San Francisco; telephone (415) 703-2045. Copies of tendered notices are available in the Central Files Office for review and/or reproduction under existing procedures. They are also available from the filing party who is under the obligation to provide copies of the notice without delay. NONE FILED NOTICE OF ALL-PARTY MEETINGS (PU Code 1701.3(c)) NONE NOTICE OF EX PARTE COMMUNICATIONS Copies of tendered notices are available in the Central Files Office for review and/or reproduction under existing procedures. They are also available from the filing party who is under the obligation to provide copies of the notice without delay. 71/99 A99-03-062 Southern California Edison Company, for an order under Section 701 of the Public Utilities Code granting Southern California Edison Company authorization to establish a pilot program for reselling bilateral forward purchases into the PX and ISO. Summary: On June 28, 1999, Bruce Foster, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs for Southern California Edison Company (Edison), met with Cmmr. Neeper in San Francisco. Also present were: David Gamson, advisor to Cmmr. Neeper; and Gary Schoonyan, Director of Regulatory Affairs for Edison. Foster indicated that he had agreed with Cmmr. Neeper's memorandum stating that a Pilot Program or Forward Purchases (Pilot) did not violate the Commission's preferred policy decision (PPD). However, Foster also expressed Edison's concern that the language over-reaches beyond the Pilot and if left uncorrected, would preclude transactions involving existing practices that clearly benefit Californians. Schoonyan provided several examples of transactions that have been used previously, but would not be foreclosed by the draft decision (DD). Schoonyan indicated that if the Commission is not willing to approve the application, Edison recommends it alter certain language in the DD that would preclude these previously discussed transactions prior to the end of the transition period. Filer: Southern California Edison Company Contact: Anthony Archer Phone: (626) 302-3104 7/6/99 A98-10-012 Southern California Gas Company, for authority to revise its rates effective August 1, 1999, in its biennial cost allocation proceeding. A98-10-031 San Diego Gas & Electric Company, for authority to revise its gas rates effective August 1, 1999, in its Biennial Cost Allocation Proceeding. A98-07-005 San Diego Gas and Electric Company and Southern California Gas Company, for approval of a gas transmission service tariff. Summary: On July 2, 1999, Greg Blue of Dynegy Marketing and Trade met with Michelle Cooke, advisor to Cmmr Duque in San Francisco. Also present were: Alan Comnes and Robert Weisenmiller, consultant to Electric Generator Alliance (EGA); and James Squeri, outside regulatory counsel for EGA. Written materials (attached to the notice) were used. The EGA representatives presented arguments in favor of a single, Sempra-wide gas transportation rate for electric generation customers. Filer: Electric Generator Contact: Cindy Addad Phone: (415) 392-7900 7/7/99 R95-04-043 Rulemaking on the Commission's own motion into competition for local exchange service and I95-04-044 Investigation on the Commission's own motion into competition for local exchange service. Summary: On July 1, 1999, Richard Smith, Director of Regulatory Affairs for Cox Communications (Cox), met with Cmmr. Wood in San Francisco. Also present was Norman Low, interim advisor to Cmmr. Wood. Written materials (attached to the notice) were used. Smith stated that Cox was a 100% facilities-based competitive local carrier serving residential customers in San Diego and Orange County, and briefly described the challenges faced by Cox as a facilities- based carrier. Filer: Cox Communications Contact: La Tanya Linzie Phone: (510) 923-6220 7/8/99 A99-03-047 Pacific Bell, for arbitration of an interconnection agreement with MFS/WorldCom pursuant to Section 252(b) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Summary: On July 2, 1999, Ronald Sawyer, Executive Director- Regulatory for Pacific Bell (PacBell), met with Tim Sullivan, advisor to Cmmr. Duque, in San Francisco. Also present was David Discher, General Attorney for PacBell. Written material (attached to the notice). Discher explained that MFS/Worldcom (MFS/W) should not be permitted to use UNEs to provide to itself. Discher further explained that MFS/W's request for tandem compensation not warranted by either the facts or the law. Filer: Pacific Bell Contact: Lila Tam Phone: (415) 542-3350 7/8/99 A99-03-062 Southern California Edison Company, for an order under Section 701 of the Public Utilities Code granting Southern California Edison Company authorization to establish a pilot program for reselling bilateral forward purchases into the PX and ISO. Summary: AUGMENTATION REQUIRED. On July 2, 1999, Jonathan Bromson, attorney for the Office of Ratepayer Advocates (ORA), met with Cmmr. Duque in San Francisco. Also present were: Michelle Cooke, advisor to Cmmr. Duque, and Jeanne Hallman, staff member for ORA; and representatives of the other interested parties, including Southern California Edison Company, San Diego Gas and Electric Company, The Utility Reform Network, the Alliance for Retail Markets, Independent Energy Producers, the Department of General Services, Williams, Western Power Trading Forum and Dynegy. ORA representatives stated ORA's support for ALJ Hale's draft decision. ORA representatives noted that the preferred policy decision (PPD) set a very high standard for the Commission to make changes to the policy during the transition period, and that Edison had not established that last summer's price spikes were the type of event that mandated a change to a policy. ORA representative argued that the goal of the PPD of transparency in the operations of the Power Exchange (PX) would be compromised by allowing Edison to enter into bilateral contracts without parties knowing the terms. ORA representatives pointed out that the Federal Energy Commission had recently approved the PX's own block- forwarding proposal, along with a price cap and an anticipated redesign in ancillary services guidelines, all of which should alleviated price spikes. Filer: ORA-Bromson Contact: Susie Toy Phone: (415) 703-2362 7/8/99 I98-03-013 Order Instituting Investigation on the Commission's own motion, into whether existing standards and policies of the Commission regarding drinking water quality adequately protect the public health and safety with respect to contaminants such as Volatile Organic Compounds, Perchlorate, MTBEs, and whether those standards and policies are being uniformly complied with by Commission regulated utilities. Summary: LATE FILED: On June 30, 1999, William T. Bagley, attorney for California Water Association (CWA), met with Cmmr. Wood in San Francisco. Written materials (attached to the notice) were used. Bagley described lawsuits against investor-owned water utilities and stated that if trial juries were allowed to award damages against water utilities, the impact on rates would be devastating and water rates would differ drastically from region to region based on different jury verdicts. Filer: California Water Association Contact: Jose E. Guzman, Jr. Phone: (415) 398-3600 7/6/99 A98-04-016 CORRECTION FROM THE DAILY CALENDAR OF 7/9/99. Pacific Gas and Electric Company, for authorization to sell the El Dorado Hydroelectric Project to El Dorado Irrigation District. Summary Michelle Cooke, advisor to Cmmr. Duque, in San Francisco. Also present were: Dorothy Duda, advisor to Cmmr. Bilas, and Kevin Coughlan, advisor to Cmmr. Wood; Sabrina Miller, Senior Regulatory Representative, Richard Meiss, attorney, Stephanie Maggard, Director, Capital Accounting Department, Steven Peirano, Senior Project Manager, Hydro Generation Department, for Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E); William Hetland, General Manager, and John Kessler, Director, Hydroelectric Department, for EID; and William Marcus, Principal Economist, JBS Energy, Inc. Written materials (attached to the notice) were used. Myers stated that Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) had approved the transfer of the Project's license from PG&E to EID, and that, with the certification by the EID Board of a Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR), this matter would be ready for a decision. Kessler stated that the project had been severely damaged in the storm of 1997 and had been inoperable for electric generation since that time. Kessler noted that, associated with the Project's primary electric generation function, was a public utility and contractual obligation for PG&E to deliver a set amount of water for EID. Kessler stated that that water represented a critical and irreplaceable one- third of EID's water supply to its customers and that, in acquiring the Project, EID sought to ensure a continued supply of water. Referring to a dispute existed in this proceeding, Myers explained that it centered on the economic terms and the "value" of the assets. Peirano stated that PG&E was now foreclosed from renewing the Project license and, without this transfer, PG&E's only alternative would be to decommission the plant. Myers and Meiss both noted that, with the transfer, PG&E would not only be relieved of its water obligation to EID, but highly contentious litigation surrounding that obligation would end. Marcus indicated that the $17 million payment to EID was reasonable. Maggard described the ratemaking treatment for the transfer. Meiss, Kessler, and Myers also stated that the values ascribed to parcels and water being transferred were consistent with restrictions on land use and water rights dictated by the federal, state, and local authority over Project property and water. Myers further noted that approval of this transfer would not create any new consumptive water rights for EID. Myers and Meiss urged the Commission's prompt approval of the CATA after the certification of the final EIR. Filer: Pacific Gas and Electric Company and the El Dorado Irrigation District Contact: Sara Steck Myers Phone: (415) 387-1904