D.97-08-056 Table of Contents
I. Procedural Background
A. Electric Restructuring Policy and Decisions
B. The Unbundling Proceeding
II. Scope and Purpose of the Proceeding
III. Retail Transmission Rate Stipulation
IV. Criteria for Evaluating Unbundling Proposals
A. Unbundling Must Be Consistent With the Spirit and Letter of AB 1890 and Other Relevant Law
B. Costs Associated With One Function Will Not Be Allocated to Other Functions
C. Utility Revenue Requirements Will Not Be Modified in This Proceeding.
D. Utility Risk Will Not Change in This Proceeding
V. Utility Revenue Requirements Proposals
B. Edison
VI. Development of the Distribution Revenue Requirements and Treatment of FERC Revenue Requirements for Transmission
VII. Functional Accounts
A. Load Dispatching and Costs Associated with the PX and ISO.
B. Line Extension Allowances
C. Cost of Capital
D. Escalation Factors
E. Catastrophic Events Memorandum Accounts (CEMA)
F. Hazardous Substance Clean-up and Litigation Cost Accounts (HSCLS)
G. Administrative and General (A&G) Expenses
1. Fixed A&G Costs
2. SONGS and Palo Verde A&G Costs
3. Customer Services and Marketing Costs
H. Franchise Fees and Uncollectibles (FF&U)
I. Miscellaneous Revenue
J. Accounts and Charges for Potentially Uneconomic Costs
1. PG&Es Diablo Canyon ICIP Account
2. Edisons MAM
4. Discussion
L. Final Revenue Requirements
VIII. Revenue Allocation and Rate Design
A. Revenue Allocation
1. Methods For Allocating Distribution Revenues
2. Allocation of the Rate Reduction Bond Recovery Costs and Discounts
3. Allocation of the Costs of Public Purpose Programs, CARE, Nuclear Decommissioning/Incremental Cost Incentive Price
B. Rate Design
1. Calculating the CTC
2. Virtual Direct Access
3. CTC Impact on Baseline and CARE Rates
4. Edisons CARE Surcharge
5. Edisons Domestic Seasonal Rate Adjustment
6. Bill Credit Procedures
7. PX Energy Charges
8. Rate Design for Distribution, Public Purpose Programs and Nuclear Decommissioning Costs
9. Unbundling and Continuation of Flexible Pricing Options
10. Large Power Rate Design Issues
11. Distribution Line Losses
IX. Master Meter Issues
A. Minimum Average Rate Limiter (MARL)
B. Funding Costs to Implement Direct Access for Tenants
C. Tariff Modifications for Master-Metered Customers
X. Bill Format Issues
A. Rate Reduction Credits
B. Power Exchange Prices
C. Extent of Unbundling Rates on Bills
D. Other Bill Information