[1 Responses were filed by the
Association of California Water Agencies; the Agricultural Energy Consumers
Association, California League of Food Processors, Agricultural Council of
California, Butterball Turkey Company, Calcot, Ltd., California Association of
Winegrape Growers, California Cattlemens Association, California Citrus
Mutual, California Cotton Growers & Ginners Association, California Grape
& Tree Fruit League, California Poultry Industry Federation, California
Tomato Growers Association, Eastside Power Authority, Fresno County Farm
Bureau, Kern County Farm Bureau, Southern San Joaquin Valley Power Authority,
and Western Growers Association, jointly; California Department of General
Services and the University of California, jointly; California Energy
Commission; California Industrial Users, consisting of Air Liquide America
Corporation, Air Products and Chemicals Corporation, Amoco Chemical Company,
Anheuser-Busch Companies, BOC Gases, The Chevron Companies, Eastman Chemical
Company, General Motors Corporation, Hughes Aircraft Company, Kimberly-Clark
Corporation, Liquid Carbonic Industries, Nabisco, Inc., New United Motors
Manufacturing, Inc., Owens-Corning Fiberglass Corporation, Praxair, Inc., and
Steelcase, Inc.; California Large Energy Consumers Association and California
Manufacturers Association, jointly; California Retailers Association; City and
County of San Francisco; Consumers Utility Brokerage, Inc.; Destec Power
Services, Inc.; Division of Ratepayer Advocates; Energy Producers and Users
Coalition, representing Amoco Production Company, Amoco Energy Trading
Corporation, ARCO Products Company, Chevron Corporation, Mobil Oil Corporation,
Shell Oil Products Company, Texaco Inc., Union Pacific Fuels Inc., and Unocal
Corporation; Foster Poultry Farms; Independent Energy Producers Association;
Merced Irrigation District; New Energy Ventures, Inc.; New York Mercantile
Exchange; Praxair, Inc.; United States Department of Energys Oakland
Operations Office; San Diego Gas & Electric Company; San Francisco Bay
Area Rapid Transit District; Southern California Edison Company; Southern
California Gas Company; and Toward Utility Rate Normalization.
2 In the Policy Decision, we stated our intent to begin the phase-in of direct
access and the establishment of the Independent System Operator and Power
Exchange not later than January 1, 1998 (pp. 25, 65). For convenience, we will
use January 1, 1998 to refer to the implementation date in the remainder of
this decision, but this convention should not be taken as a lessening of our
desire to implement the Policy Decision as soon as possible.
3 We do not by this order expand the purposes which we have previously found
appropriate for discounted contracts. Those purposes include deterring
uneconomic bypass, preventing departure to locations out of state, and
attracting new business from out of state.