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R.98-04-009, Proposed Decision of ALJ Steven Weissman

Divestiture as a Remedy

"The Commission shall require the utility to divest the involved affiliate(s) if the Commission determines that the utility or its affiliate(s) knowingly violated any provision(s) of Sections III, IV, or V of these rules, and the violation resulted or had the potential to result in substantial injury to consumers of regulated or unregulated products or services, or to competition."

As an alternative, we sought comments on the potential of prohibiting the utility from allowing the use of its name and logo by its affiliate(s), either on a temporary or permanent basis, if the abuse is related to an inappropriately shared identity between the utility and its affiliate.

4 PG&E suggests that the existence of § 377 precludes the Commission from ordering any divestiture of utility property other than under specific circumstances and that, by extension, it would prevent the Commission from ever ordering the divestiture of nonutility property. That section describes the circumstances under which the Commission could prohibit an electric utility from continuing to own generation assets. It is silent as to how the Commission should regard the divestiture of any other type of asset. We are not persuaded that the law addresses the issue we face here, either directly, or through exclusion.

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