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R.98-04-009, Proposed Decision of ALJ Steven Weissman

Changes to Specific Sections of Proposed Rule VIII

A. Strict Enforcement of the Rules

"The Commission shall strictly enforce these rules. Each act or failure to act by a utility in violation of these rules shall be considered a separate violation."

B. Standing

"`Whistleblower complaints' will be accepted and the confidentiality of complainant will be maintained until conclusion of an investigation or indefinitely, if so requested by the whistleblower. When a whistleblower requests anonymity, the Commission will continue to pursue the complaint only where it has elected to convert it into a Commission-initiated investigation. Regardless of the complainant's status, the defendant shall file a timely answer to the complaint."

C. Procedures

C.1 Filing Complaints

In its entirety, this provision states that "[a]ll complaints shall be filed as formal complaints with the Commission." As formal complaints, all of the normal rules of service and notice would apply. PG&E Energy Services proposes adding a clause that requires same-day service on the utility and any affiliate involved in the alleged violation. We will require the complainant to provide a copy of the complaint to the designated officer (discussed below) who should be in the best position to provide quick notice to relevant affiliate personnel. This provision is revised to state:

"All complaints shall be filed as formal complaints with the Commission and shall provide a copy to the utility's designated officer (as described below) on the same day that the complaint is filed."

C.2. Dispute Resolution Process

This section describes the obligations and options available to parties involved in a dispute concerning compliance with the affiliate transactions rules. Many parties have suggested changes to this section.

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