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D.97-09-048 Date Signed: 09/03/97 Date Effective: 09/03/97 Date Mailed: 09/08/97 |
Interim Order - Establishes the approach the Commission will take to review past and future expenditures for non-nuclear capital additions put into service by Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Diego Gas & Electric Company, and Southern California Edison Company. We will review capital additions put into service in 1996 and 1997 on an after-the-fact (ex post facto) basis. For capital additions made in 1998 and beyond, we adopt the market control approach proposed by Office of Ratepayer Advocates and others, with certain modifications. |
Word - PDF Date Signed:08/01/97 Date Effective: 08/01/97 Date Mailed: 08/05/97 |
JOINT CUSTOMER EDUCATION PROGRAM - LARGE UTILITIES Grants, to the extent set forth, the June 2, 1997 motion of Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Diego Gas & Electric Company, and Southern California Edison Company, on behalf of the Electric Restructuring Education Group, for approval of the joint statewide customer education plan. |
D.97-08-063 Word - PDF Date Signed: 08/01/97 Date Effective: 08/01/97 Date Mailed: 08/05/97 |
JOINT CUSTOMER EDUCATION PROGRAM - NON-DOMINANT UTILITIES Authorizes separate CEPs for PacifiCorp and Sierra Pacific Power Company up to an amount of $180,000 and $80,000, respectively. Pacific Gas and Electric Company and San Diego Gas & Electric Company are authorized to track the increase in expenses attributable to the increase in calling volumes at their customer service centers. |
D.97-08-016 Date Signed: 08/01/97 Date Effective: 08/01/97 Date Mailed: 08/04/97 |
Grants Pacific Gas and Electric Company's January 16, 1997 "Motion for Adoption of Additional Guideline for Multiyear QF Buyouts." Determines that multiyear buyouts of Qualifying Facilities contracts, as specifically defined in this decision are not subject to Section 818 of the Public Utilities Code |
D.97-07-059 Date Signed: 07/16/97 Date Effective: 07/16/97 Date Mailed: 07/17/97 |
Interim Order - Grants the Office of Ratepayer Advocates' (ORA) motion that Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Southern California Edison Company, and San Diego Gas & Electric Company establish memorandum accounts to track the difference in authorized revenue requirements stemming from the difference in the return on equity adopted in D96- 11-060 and the reduced return on equity in the Preferred Policy Decision and affirmed in the Roadmap 2 Decision, as applied to the investment-related assets for which the utilities seek transition cost recovery. The basis for calculating the difference shall be the 1995 embedded cost of debt for each utility, as established in D96-04-059. In all other respects, ORA's motion will be considered in A96-08-001, et al., the transition cost proceedings. |
D.97-06-108 Date Signed: 06/25/97 Date Effective: 06/25/97 Date Mailed: 06/27/97 |
Interim Order - adopts the recommendations presented in the Energy Division's 3/31/97 report "Consideration of a nonbypassable Gas Surcharge Mechanism as Ordered in D97-02-014) (Gas Surcharge Report), with certain clarifications and additions; denies Southern California Gas Company's petition for modification of D97-02-014. |
D.97-05-060 Date Signed: 05/21/97 Date Effective: 05/21/97 Date Mailed: 05/22/97 |
Denies as moot the Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies' petition to modify D95-12-063, as modified by D96-01-009. Section 390, added to the Public Utilities Code by Assembly Bill 1890, provides for short- run avoided cost (SRAC) reform by establishing that SRAC prices will be based on the Power Exchange's market clearing price, with certain provisions. |
D.97-05-041 Date Signed: 05/06/97 Date Effective: 05/06/97 Date Mailed: 05/07/97 |
Clarifies certain operating rules for the Low-Income Governing Board and the Energy Efficiency Independent Board |
D.97-05-040 Date Signed: 05/06/97 Date Effective: 05/06/97 Date Mailed: 05/07/97 |
DIRECT ACCESS Addresses some of the policy and time-critical issues regarding direct access. Permits full direct access for all customer classes beginning on January 1, 1998. In order to avail themselves of this direct access option, customers with a load of 50 kW and above must have meters capable of providing hourly data. Customers with a load of less than 50 kW may participate in direct access through load profiles. Also addresses the registration process for entities offering electrical service to residential and small commercial customers, aggregation of customer loads, affiliate transactions, and access to customer information. |
D.97-05-039 Date Signed: 05/06/97 Date Effective: 05/06/97 Date Mailed: 05/07/97 |
UNBUNDLING OF REVENUE CYCLE (METERING AND BILLING) Determines that competing retail electric service providers should be allowed to offer their customers consolidated billing for electric services, meters, meter reading, and related services. Distribution utilities will be required to separately identify the cost savings resulting when the services are provided by others and make those savings available to ratepayers through separate charges or credits. Competitive retail providers and distribution utilities will enter into service agreements concerning the collection and exchange of usage data. This policy decision will be implemented in the direct access and rate unbundling proceedings. |
D.97-04-067 Date Signed: 04/23/97 Date Effective: 04/23/97 Date Mailed: 04/23/97 |
Modifies the Commission's existing requirements for the filing of applications for performance-based ratemaking (PBR) mechanisms for electric utility distribution services. Authorizes Pacific Gas and Electric Company to file its distribution PBR proposal on or after December 15, 1997. Authorizes San Diego Gas & Electric Company to file a distribution PBR application during the last quarter of 1997. Vacates the requirement that Southern California Edison Company (Edison) file a new distribution PBR application, since D96-09-092 dated September 20, 1996 adopted a transmission and a distribution PBR for Edison and provided for its adaption to a distribution-only PBR |
D.97-04-044 Word - PDF Date Signed: 04/09/97 Date Effective: 04/09/97 Date Mailed: 04/11/97 |
Interim decision - Appoints members to the Independent Board for Energy Efficiency Programs and Governing Board for Low-Income Programs; directs the Boards to file at the Docket office and serve new member nominations by 9/1/99; direct the utilities to provide start-up funds for the Boards; addresses Edison's petition to modify D97-02-014; and makes corrections to Conclusion of Law 2 and Ordering Paragraph 1 of D97-02-014 to bring them into conformance with the decision. |
D.97-04-041 Word - PDF Date Signed: 04/09/97 Date Effective: 04/09/97 Date Mailed: 04/10/97 |
The motion for order instituting rulemaking on standards of conduct for marketing affiliates, filed by Enron Capital and Trade Resources, New Energy Ventures, Inc., the School Project for Utility Rate Reduction, the Regional Energy Management Coalition, the Utility Reform Network, Utility Consumer's Action Network, and XENERGY, Inc., is granted as contained in R97-04-011. |
D.97-03-069 Date Signed: 03/31/97 Date Effective: 03/31/97 Date Mailed: 04/01/97 |
Interim Order - Approves the recommendation of PG&E, SDG&E, and Edison to form a joint, statewide Customer Education Program (CEP); directs the docket office to file as of 10/30/96 a direct access working group report on consumer protection and education; grants the December 3, 1996 motion of the California Energy Commission for leave to file its opening comments to the October 30, 1996 direct access working group report on consumer protection and education; any electric utility willing to participate in the joint CEP efforts, shall file by 5/12/97 a motion in this docket requesting permission to participate; unless Kirkwood Gas and Electric, PacifiCorp, Sierra Pacific Power Company, and Southern California Water Company elect to participate in the joint CEP, by 5/30/97; directs the Energy Division and the Consumer Services Division to file a report by 5/12/97; comments on the report are due within 10 days from the date of service of the report; should any of the investor-owned electrical corporation decide to devise and implement their own CEPs, and request reimbursements from ratepayers for such a plan, they shall file a motion in this docket by 5/30/97; responses and replies to the responses to the motion will be permitted in accordance with Rule 45(f) of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure; authorizes the formation of an Electric Education Trust (EET); the EET administrative committee shall prepare and file a proposed work plan and budget by 8/1/97; parties may file comments on EET's work plan and budget within 14 days from the date of service. |
D.97-02-052 Date Signed: 02/19/97 Date Effective: 02/19/97 Date Mailed: 02/20/97 |
Interim Order - Grants, in part, Pacific Gas and Electric Company's (PG&E) petition to modify D96-12-025, filed on 1/22/97; modifies the authorized calculation methodology which PG&E may use to provide its customers as refund of the 1996 electric deferred refund account balance in order to allow customers to receive their refund in March 1997 without further delays; authorizes this change for 1997 refund only; modifies ordering paragraph 4 of D96-12-025, accordingly |
D.97-02-026 Date Signed: 02/14/97 Date Effective: 02/14/97 Date Mailed: 02/14/97 |
Interim Order - Corrects errors in D97-02-014 as follows: on page 75, delete the entire third paragraph "As discussed above, ... in Section 6.0."; beginning on page 78, fourth paragraph, delete second and third sentences "To this end ... in this proceeding."; on line 7 of page 79, insert "assistance and" after the word "low-income." |
D.97-02-021 Date Signed: 02/05/97 Date Effective: 02/05/97 Date Mailed: 02/11/97 |
Interim order - Denies the applications for rehearing of D95-12-063 and D96-01-009 filed by Pacific Gas and Electric Co.; Southern California Edison Company; Toward Utility Rate Normalization; Agricultural Energy Consumers Association; Coalition of California Utility Employees; Energy Producers and Users Coalition; Joint Application of Agricultural Energy Consumers Association and California Manufacturers Association, California Industrial Users, Destec Power Services, Inc., Enron Capital & Trade Resources, Inc., Illinois Power Marketing, Inc., and Mock Resources, Inc., (Joint Applicants I); and Joint Application of Enron Capital & Trade Resources, Destec Power Services, Inc., Illinois Power Marketing, Inc., Mock Resources, Inc., and California Retailers Association (Joint Applicants II) relating to the Commission's policy decision on electric utility industry restructuring. |
D.97-02-014 Date Signed: 02/05/97 Date Effective: 02/05/97 Date Mailed: 02/14/97 |
PUBLIC PURPOSE PROGRAMS Interim order - This decision addresses threshold issues regarding the administration of public purpose programs under a restructured electric utility industry; establishes a new administrative structure for energy efficiency and low-income assistance programs; establishes funding levels for energy efficiency, low-income assistance and research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) in light of Assembly Bill 1890; allocates RD&D funds to the California Energy Commission consistent with the statue; addresses collection of an aggregated level of funding, with respect to renewables; sets related workshops; directs interested parties to file with the Docket Office and serve nominations for the public representatives to the energy efficiency independent Board and the low-income program governing Board, within 30 days from the decision; directs the Energy Division to hold workshops and file a report by 4/1/97; directs PG&E, SDG&E, SCE and SoCal to file with the Docket Office and to serve information on 1996 authorized funding levels for gas demand-side management and for gas and electric low-income rate assistance programs, within 120 days from the date of the decision. |
D.97-01-050 Date Signed: 01/27/97 Date Effective: 01/27/97 Date Mailed: 01/28/97 |
Corrects errors in D96-12-025: on page 10, ordering paragraph 2, line 4: insert a comma and the word "and" after the word "FERC" and before the word "electric." |
D.97-01-029 Date Signed: 01/16/97 Date Effective: 01/16/97 Date Mailed: 01/16/97 |
Interim Order - Corrects references to "I94-02-032" in the heading of pages 2 through 35 and Attachment A of D96- 11-041 to read "I94-04-032." |
D.96-12-088 Date Signed: 12/20/96 Date Effective: 12/20/96 Date Mailed: 12/23/96 |
ROADMAP DECISION AFTER PASSAGE OF AB1890 Interim Order - Provides an updated roadmap for the necessary steps to achieve the beginning of the transition period for electric restructuring, no later than January 1, 1998. As a result of Assembly Bill (AB) 1890, some new proceedings are required and others are changed in scope. The Revenue Adjustment Proceeding is established as a new annual proceeding to review, track and compare each utility's authorized revenue requirements with actual recorded revenues. The Nuclear Decommissioning Costs Triennial Proceeding is established to determine the nuclear decommissionary costs of the utilities over a three-year period. By February 10, 1997 respondents shall, and interested parties may, file and serve proposals to establish a generic method to review qualifying facilities contracts identifications. Determines that specific utility actions and working group reports which require approval must comply with Rule 17.1 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and procedure, which addresses the California Environmental Quality Act. |
D.96-12-077 Date Signed: 12/20/96 Date Effective: 12/20/96 Date Mailed: 12/23/96 |
Interim Order - Approves the cost recovery plans filed under Public Utilities Code Section 368 by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), San Diego Gas and Electric Company, and Southern California Edison Company, subject to the limitations set forth. Requirements as to PG&E's System Safety and Reliability Enhancement Funds Balancing Account records are attached as Attachment A. |
D.96-12-075 Date Signed: 12/20/96 Date Effective: 12/20/96 Date Mailed: 12/23/96 |
Interim Order - Suspends the preparation of a policy level Environmental Impact Report (EIR) pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in light of AB 1890. The Commission does not have discretion over policy-level electric restructuring decisions, such as the decision to move from regulation to competition and thus a policy-level EIR is not required by CEQA. Specific Commission decisions taking place during the transition to competition may have CEQA implications, which will be discussed in the decision on electric restructuring. Directs the Energy Division to cease preparing the policy-level EIR studying the preferred policy; Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Southern California Edison Company and San Diego Gas and Electric Company shall reimburse the Commission for its consultants costs; grants Toward Utility Rate Normalization's (TURN) motion to accept late-filed comments. |
D.96-12-025 Date Signed: 12/09/96 Date Effective: 12/09/96 Date Mailed: 12/11/96 Description: |
Interim Order - This decision orders PG&E, Edison, and SDG&E to establish electric deferred refund accounts. The electric deferred refund accounts will accumulate credits for electric disallowances ordered by this Commission, utility electric generation (UEG) shares of gas disallowances ordered by this Commission, electric and UEG gas settled amounts resulting from reasonableness disputes, and fuel-related cost refunds made to the utilities based on regulatory decisions, plus interest charges at conventional balancing account interest rates. PG&E, Edison and SDG&E shall return refunds and disallowances, including appropriate interest to customers through an annual refund based on each customer's average monthly energy usage for each calendar-year period, and which shall be returned in accordance with a refund plan filed on or before January 31 of the succeeding year. |
D.96-11-041 Date Signed: 11/26/96 Date Effective: 11/26/96 Date Mailed: 12/03/96 |
Within 10 days of date of this decision, PG&E shall revise its proposed "Amendment to the Electric Preliminary Statement-Interim Competition Transition Charge Agreement" to comply with the determinations of this decision and submit them as an Advice Letter for approval |
D.96-11-016 Date Signed: 11/06/96 Date Effective: 11/06/96 Date Mailed: 11/08/96 |
Interim Order - petition to modify D9512063 as modified by D9601009 by Southern California Edison is denied as moot, because the issues raised have been addressed in the provisions of Assembly Bill 1890 signed 9/23/96 |
D.96-10-074 Date Signed: 10/25/96 Date Effective: 10/25/96 Date Mailed: 10/30/96 |
By November 15, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Southern California Edison Company, and San Diego Gas and Electric Company should file their total ratebase and baserate revenue requirement based on last authorization and should separate this total between transmission and distribution, consistent with Federal Engery Regulatory Commission orders, etc. |
D.96-10-035 Date Signed: 10/09/96 Date Effective: 10/09/96 Date Mailed: 10/11/96 |
The Association of California Water Agencies' Petition to Modify D905-12-063, as modified by D96-01-009, is denied as moot. Toward Utility Rate Normalization's Petition to Modify D95-12-063, as modified by D96-01-009, is denied as moot. On or before Thursday, October 24, 1996 parties to this proceeding; parties to A89-04-001, A90-04-003, A91-04-003, A91-05-050, A92-04-001, A93-04-0011, A94-04-002, A95-04-002, A96-04-001, A94-11-015, A96-03-054, and A96-05-045; and parties with an interest in Advice Letter 1599-E and Advice letter 1973-G filed by Pacific Gas and Electric Company may file with this Commission, with service to all parties, comments on the direct refund proposal. On or before Thursday, October 31, 1996 the same parties may file and serve replies to the above comments. |
D.96-09-040 Date Signed: 09/04/96 Date Effective: 09/04/96 Date Mailed: 09/05/96 |
Interim Order - The School Project for Rate Reduction/Regional Energy Management Coalition and Insulation Contractors Association are not customers and are not eligible for an award of compensation of this proceeding under Article 18.8 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure and under Sections 1801-1812. |
D.96-08-047 Date Signed: 08/23/96 Date Effective: 08/23/96 Date Mailed: 08/23/96 |
Order correcting error in D96-08-040 |
D.96-08-040 Date Signed: 08/02/96 Date Effective: 08/02/96 Date Mailed: 08/07/96 |
Order awards intervenors compensation to (a) the Agricultural Energy Consumers Association of $61,906.11, (b) the California/Nevada Low-Income Association of $79,014.31, (c) the Environmental Defense Fund of $54,529.83, (d) the Greenlining Institute and Latino Issues Forum of $170,128.62, (e) the Natural Resources Defense Council of $55,694.26, (f) Toward Utility Rate Normalization of $355,824.68, (g) the Utility Consumers Action Network of $189,975.16, and (h) the Union of Concerned Scientists of $69,060.30 for their substantial contributions to D95-12- 063 as modified by D96-01-009 |
D.96-04-054 Date Signed: 04/10/96 Date Effective: 04/10/96 Date Mailed: 04/15/96 |
To the extent consistent with this decision, the "Emergency Motion of Pacific Gas and Electric Company for Adoption of an Interim Competitive Transition Charge Procedure Applicable to Departing Customers" is granted; except as granted set forth, the motion is denied. |
D.96-03-022 Date Signed: 03/13/96 Date Effective: 03/13/96 Date Mailed: 03/14/96 |
Ordering Paragraph 17 of D95-12-063, as corrected and conformed by D96-01-009, is modified; Ordering Paragraph 25 of D95-12-063, as corrected and conformed by D96-01-009, is modified, Ordering Paragraph 26 of D96-12-063, as corrected and conformed by D96-01-009, is modified; By July 15, 1996, PG&E, SCE and SDG&E shall file and serve proposals in this docket to provide information on separating their rates into identifiable components. |
D.96-01-009 Date Signed: 01/10/96 Date Effective: 01/10/96 Date Mailed: 01/12/96 |
Order adopting corrections to D95-12-063; the prohibition on ex parte communications in R94-04-031/I94-04-032 is lifted as of 1/10/96. |
Date Signed: 12/20/95 Date Effective: 12/20/95 Date Mailed: 01/12/96 |
D.95-05-045 Date Signed: 05/24/95 Date Effective: 05/24/95 Date Mailed: 05/27/95 |
Respondents shall, and all interested parties may, file opening comments responding to the proposed policy decision and, at their option, the alternative, by 7/23/95; reply comments are due 30 days thereafter; etc. |
D.94-12-027 Date Signed: 12/07/94 Date Effective: 12/07/94 Date Mailed: 12/09/94 |
Interim order-the procedural schedule for restructuring the electric service industry shall be revised as set Forth; the working group shall file its report with the docket office and serve on all parties by 2/22/95; briefs on federal and state law shall be filed with docket office by 1/31/95; etc. |
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