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VII. Concluding Principles and Policies

This decision makes several changes to utility regulatory accounting mechanisms, either eliminating them or replacing them. It does not, however, change any regulatory accounts in a way that would affect utility risk, and we do not herein make any changes which would affect the operation of existing utility ratemaking programs. Thus, although we eliminate the utilities' ECAC accounts, their fuel costs remain in a balancing account (the TCBA) except to the extent they will be recovered by revenues from sales made through the PX. Although we eliminate PG&E's ERAM, its distribution revenue requirement is still recovered on a dollar-for-dollar basis notwithstanding sales levels. SDG&E's and Edison's PBR ratemaking schemes are similarly unchanged. As we have stated, other proceedings are more appropriate forums for considering major changes to ratemaking programs.

Based on the foregoing discussion, we list the following principles and policies resolved in this decision:

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