In Decision (D.) 97-05-040, the Commission authorized the use of load profiles for direct access, in lieu of requiring meters capable of providing hourly data, for customers with a maximum demand of less than 20 kilowatts (kW). The decision also left open the issue of whether load profiles should be permitted for customers with a maximum demand of 20 to 50 kW. D.97-05-040 ordered that a workshop be held to address these issues.
Today's decision approves the use of the interim load profiling approach proposed by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E), and Southern California Edison Company (Edison). This approach is to remain in effect until July1, 1998, when these three utilities will be required to use dynamic load profiles for most eligible load profile customer rate schedules.
The decision also adopts the interim blanket exemption proposal of PG&E and SDG&E. This permits customers with a maximum demand of 20 to 50 kW to participate in direct access through the use of load profiles until September30, 1998, unless further extended by the Commission. These profiles shall be available for use no later than January1, 1998. Today's decision also clarifies that only the utility distribution company (UDC) may be the provider of the metering and meter services to such customers during 1998.
The decision also recognizes that there are a number of other load profiling issues which need to be addressed in 1998. These outstanding issues include: who can create and design load profiles; to what extent should segmentation be allowed; should the inconsistencies in determining who is eligible for load profiles be resolved; should additional metering at certain transmission and distribution points be required; and what type of monitoring data should be retained so as to assess the impact of the metering requirement on load profile customers. These issues shall be explored in further workshops, and if needed, evidentiary hearings will be held to resolve these issues.
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