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D.97-12-090, Opinion Regarding The Retail Settlements And Information Flow Workshop And Related Filings

Decision 97-12-090 December 16, 1997


Order Instituting Rulemaking on the Commission's Proposed Policies Governing Restructuring California's Electric Services Industry and Reforming Regulation.

Rulemaking 94-04-031

(Filed April 20, 1994)

Order Instituting Investigation on the Commission's Proposed Policies Governing Restructuring California's Electric Services Industry and Reforming Regulation.

Investigation 94-04-032

(Filed April 20, 1994)



I. Summary

Today's decision addresses the "Report On The July 7, 1997 Direct Access Workshop On Retail Settlements and Information Flow" (RSIF Workshop Report) and the related supplements and filings that were filed in connection with this report.

The focus of the workshop was on retail data quality and integrity (RDQI). RDQI refers to the concept that meter usage data for billing and settlement of electricity transactions be accurate and trustworthy. The meter usage data is integral to determining how much electricity is being used by the end-use customers and the resulting financial obligations of the various parties. If the data is inaccurate or if information is not transferred, the cost of doing business is likely to increase and confidence in the restructured electricity market will suffer.

Many of the issues raised in the RSIF workshop and in the related filings were also raised in the meter and data communications workshop and in the direct access implementation plans. Those issues led to the creation of certain controls regarding meter data collection, processing of the data, and the exchanging of information, which are reflected in Decision (D.) 97-10-087 and D.97-12-048.

Today's decision addresses the additional controls that are needed to ensure the quality and integrity of the meter usage data. We adopt the distribution loss factor (DLF) methodologies proposed by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E), and Southern California Edison Company (Edison) for use in 1998 in their respective service territories. A working group will be formed to examine whether changes to the DLF methodologies are needed in 1999.

A number of other suggestions have been made to improve the quality and integrity of the meter data and the exchange of information. Suggestions have been made to design and implement universal identifying systems, to create a central repository for meter-related data, and provide for an ongoing review of the rules and procedures concerning the exchange of data information. We have authorized the establishment of working groups to look into these kinds of issues.

We have also made some minor changes to Appendix A of D.97-10-087 regarding some customer status issues. In addition, today's decision clarifies some of the bill format issues that parties have raised.

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