Decision 98-11-044 November 19, 1998
Order Instituting Rulemaking on the Commission's Proposed Policies Governing Restructuring California's Electric Services Industry and Reforming Regulation. |
Rulemaking 94-04-031 (Filed April 20, 1994) |
Order Instituting Investigation on the Commission's Proposed Policies Governing Restructuring California's Electric Services Industry and Reforming Regulation. |
Investigation 94-04-032 (Filed April 20, 1994) |
In Decision (D.) 97-12-090, the Commission approved the concept of a universal node identifier (UNI) system (UNIS). Such a system involves the assignment of an identifying label or number to every node or service delivery point (SDP) on the electric utility's distribution system.1 The identifying number and the associated SDP record would then serve as the point of reference for all the parties participating in the transaction occurring at that particular SDP.
D.97-12-090 authorized the formation of the Universal Node Identifier System Working Group (UNISWG), and directed the group to address the design and implementation issues associated with such a system. A meeting of the UNISWG was convened, and the group submitted its recommendations in the March 25, 1998 Workshop Report to the Commission.2 Comments to the Workshop Report were filed, and subsequently a joint letter addressed to the Commissioners proposed a "preferred alternative" for implementing the UNIS.
Today's decision adopts a UNIS for Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E) and Southern California Edison Company (SCE). These three UDCs shall within 180 days develop and assign SDP numbers to each SDP which serves a direct access end-use customer. These UDCs shall include the SDP number in all information exchanges involving direct access service requests (DASRs) and meter data management.
This decision also requires that all electric service providers (ESPs) include the SDP number in all DASR-related and meter data management-related information exchanges, and that all meter data management agents (MDMAs) include the SDP number in all meter data management-related information exchanges.
1 A node generally refers to the numerous points along the path upon which the energy flows and which is capable of being measured. (D.97-12-090, p. 7.) The joint parties define the SDP as the end point of the utility distribution companies (UDCs) electric distribution network.
2 The Workshop Report is entitled "Recommendations for Implementing a UNIS for California's Electricity Market."