Permanent Standards For Meter Installation, Maintenance, Testing, And Calibration In Direct Access
Standard |
Comments/Reference |
Meter worker qualifications: Until a permanent entity is fully functional, i.e., accepting applications for testing, and administering the tests, the procedures for certifying MSPs that was adopted in D.97-12-048 shall continue. The first four subdivisions in each meter worker class at pages 2 through 11 of Appendix D of the Workshop Report is adopted. Should the UDC question the ability of a MSP to work on a particular meter type, the burden will be on the ESP to prove to the UDC that the MSP that it is using is qualified to work on that particular meter type. |
As discussed and referenced in the text of this decision, Appendix D of the Workshop Report at pages 1 through 12. |
Those MSPs who have been permanently certified prior to today's decision, shall remain certified, provided that they abide by all the permanent meter and meter data standards. |
As discussed in the text of this decision. |
The MSP certification process described at pages 22 to 27 of D.97-12-048, except as altered by the discussion in the text of this decision and Section I.B. of Appendix D of the Workshop Report, is adopted as the permanent MSP certification process. |
As discussed in the text of this decision, and in conjunction withD.97-12-048 at pages 22 to 27, and Section I.B. of Appendix D of the Workshop Report. |
Meter installation and removal standards. |
Appendix D of the Workshop Report, Section II, pp. 20-28. |
Meter maintenance and testing schedule. |
Appendix D of the Workshop Report, Section III, pp. 29-30. |
Meter system testing. |
Attachment D-1 of Appendix D of the Workshop Report. |
Test standards. |
Appendix D of the Workshop Report, Section V. |
ADU: average daily usage
AMR: automatic meter reading
ANSI: American National Standards Institute
CCUE: Coalition of California Utility Employees
CEC: California Energy Commission
DQIWG: Data Quality Integrity Working Group
EDI: Electronic Data Interchange
EPRI: Electric Power Research Institute
ESP: electric service provider
FCC: Federal Communications Commission
FTP: file transfer protocol
HTTP: hyper text transfer protocol
IAEI: International Association of Electrical Inspectors
IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
kVARh: kilovar-hours
kWh: kilowatt-hours
MCAB: Meter Certification Advisory Board
MDM: meter data management
MDMA: meter data management agent
MEP: Metering Exchange Protocol
MSP: meter service provider
MWCO: Meter Worker Certification Organization
MWCAB: Meter Worker Certification Advisory Board
NEC: National Electrical Code
OSI: Open System Interconnection
ORA: Office of Ratepayer Advocates
PG&E: Pacific Gas and Electric Company
PSWG: Permanent Standards Working Group
SCC31: Standards Coordinating Committee 31
SCE: Southern California Edison Company
TOU: time-of-use
UCA: Utility Communication Architecture
UDC: utility distribution company
UIG: Utility Industry Group
VEE: validating, editing and estimating
I. Summary 2
II. Background 4
III. Summary of the Workshop Report 5
A. Introduction 5
B. Meter Equipment 5
1. ANSI C12.1-1995, Code for Electricity Metering 6
2. ANSI C12.7-1993, Requirements for Watt-hour Meter Socket 7
3. ANSI C12.8-1981 (R1997), Test Blocks and Cabinets for Installation of Self-Contained A-Base Watt-hour Meters 7
4. ANSI C12.9-1993, Test Switches for Transformer-Rated Meters 7
5. ANSI C12.10-1997, Electromechanical Watt-hour Meters 7
6. ANSI C12.11-1987 (R1993), Instrument Transformers for Revenue Metering, 10 kV through 350 kV BIL (0.6 kV through 69 kV NSV) 7
7. ANSI C12.13-1991, Electronic Time-of-Use Registers for Electricity Meters 8
8. ANSI C12.18-1996, Protocol Specification for ANSI Type 2 Optical Port 8
9. ANSI C12.20-1997, 0.2% and 0.5% Accuracy Class Electricity Meters 8
10. ANSI C37.90.1-1989 (R1994), Surge Withstand Capability Test 8
11. ANSI C57.13-1978 (R1987), ANSI C57.13.1-1981(R1992), ANSI C57.13.2-1991, and ANSI C57.13.3-1983(R1991), Instrument Transformers 8
12. Applicable Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Regulations 9
13. Registration and Centralized Database 9
14. Other Requirements 9
C. Interconnection, Open Architecture, and Interoperability 10
D. Meter Communications 11
E. Meter Data Management and Meter Reading 14
1. Definition of MDMA Business Functions 14
2. Subcontracting MDM Functions 15
3. MSP's Ability to Subcontract Meter Programming to MDMA 16
4. MDMA Technical/Business Support to ESPs and UDCs 16
5. MDMA Performance Standards 17
6. MDMA Performance Exemptions 18
7. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Implementation 19
8. Meter Specific Information Flows 20
F. Requirements For Validating, Editing, and Estimating Interval and Monthly Data in Direct Access 20
1. Introduction 20
2. Interval Data 22
3. Monthly Data 24
G. Meter Worker Qualifications, Meter Installation, Maintenance, Testing and Calibration 27
1. Introduction 27
2. Meter Worker Qualifications 27
3. Meter Installation 30
4. Meter Maintenance And Testing Schedule 31
5. Meter System Testing 31
6. Test Standards 33
H. Data Security 33
I. Future Of The PSWG 33
IV. Position of the Parties 35
A. In General 35
B. Interconnection, Open Architecture, and Interoperability 39
C. Meter Communications 39
1. ANSI C12.19 39
2. Visual Display 46
3. Type 2 Optical Port 48
4. Interface Standards 49
D. EDI Implementation 51
E. Meter Data Management and Meter Reading 53
F. VEE 55
G. Meter Worker Qualifications 57
H. Meter Installation 60
I. Future Of The PSWG 61
V. Discussion 63
A. Introduction 63
B. Unopposed Recommendations 67
1. Meter Equipment 67
2. KYZ Contact Output 73
3. Meter Password Authorization 73
4. Meter Data Management 73
5. Meter Maintenance And Testing Schedule 74
6. Meter System Testing 74
7. Test Standards 74
8. Data Security 74
C. Contested Recommendations 75
1. ANSI C12.18 Type 2 Optical Port Standard 75
2. ANSI C12.19 - Utility Industry End Device Data Table 75
3. ANSI 12.21 and ANSI 12.22 78
4. KYZ Consumer Protection 78
5. Visual Meter Read 79
6. Definition of MDMA Business Functions and Subcontracting of MDMA And MSP Functions 81
7. MDMA Performance Standards 81
8. MDMA Performance Exemptions 83
9. EDI Implementation 85
10. VEE Rules (Interval and Monthly) 87
11. Meter Worker Qualifications 89
12. Meter Installation 94
13. Future of the PSWG 95
Findings of Fact 96
Conclusions of Law 101
ATTACHMENT A - Permanent Meter Product Standards
ATTACHMENT B - Permanent Meter Communication Standards
ATTACHMENT C - Permanent Meter Data Management and Meter Reading Standards
ATTACHMENT D - Permanent Standards For Meter Installation, Maintenance, Testing, And Calibration In Direct Access
ATTACHMENT E - Glossary of Acronyms