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QF Restructuring Settlement Conference 5-7-98
Lawlor, Joe PG&E
Kerner, Douglas for IEP
Day, Mike Enron
Foster, Bruce SCE
Mac Leod, Ann CCC
  FMY Associates-repres.
Yazdani, Faramarz Energy Connect
Netzel, Tom Calpine Corp.
Hay, Jim SDG&E
How-Downing, Lindsey Davis, Wright & Tremaine
Marks, Stan NRG
Anderson, Mark NRG
Fellman, Diane for NRG
Woodruff, Jim SCE
McCartney, Wade CPUC Energy Div.
McDonnell, Patrick Enserch Energy
Deulloa, Joseph Attorney-ORA
Pappas, John PG&E
Reid, Alice PG&E
Urick, Lisa SoCalGas
Patrick, Steven SoCalGas
Liang-Uejio, Scarlett ORA
  Brady & Berliner for
Beach, Tom Watson Cogeneration
Jim Scilacci SCE


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