Qualifying Facility (QF) Contract Restructuring
Energy Division Emails to Interested Parties
Interested Parties in QF Contract Restructuring Matters,
As you are aware, Commissioner Neeper and ALJ Econome issued a joint ruling on February 6, 1998 in R.94-04-031/I.94-04-032. The ruling, among other things, addressed the schedule for filing comments on QF contract restructuring and modification issues. On March 3, 1998, ALJ Econome, in consultation with Commissioner Neeper's office, granted an oral request by the Office of Ratepayer Advocates (ORA) for an extension of time to file comments on the February 6, 1998 Ruling.
This request was made and granted in accordance with Rule 48a of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure. ORA is charged with sending formal notice of this extension to the service list of R.94-04-31/I.94-04-032. However, since the original due dates are fast approaching, I send this advance notification regarding the extension of time. The revised schedule is as follows:
"The following procedural schedule is adopted if there are no evidentiary hearings. If we determine that evidentiary hearings are appropriate for some or all issues, the schedule below may be modified.
Opening Comments (include request for evidentiary hearings) March 25th, 1998
Reply Comments (include request for closing argument) April 8th, 1998
Proposed Decision No later than July 8th "
Enclosed is the final February 6, 1998 Ruling in MS-Word 7.0 with the revised schedule (strike-out and underline).
Wade McCartney, Energy Division
Contact: Wade McCartney wsm@cpuc.ca.gov (415) 703-2167