Southern California Edison's
Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project

(Application A.07-06-031, filed June 29, 2007)


Permits and Amendments

The permits noted below can be obtained from the respective agencies noted.


Issue Date


USFWS Biological Opinion

July 31, 2010


USFWS Biological Opinion Amendment No. 1

January 13, 2012

Change of impacts to California Gnatcatcher and Least Bell's Vireo habitat due to ingressing/egressing of TRTP related vehicles on well-used public roads and the increase in impact to LBVI habitat (permanently and temporarily).

USFWS Biological Opinion Amendment No. 2

August 20, 2013

Change of impacts to California Gnatcatcher habitat along Segment 8 and clarification on use of developed/barren areas within designated critical habitat.

USFWS Biological Opinion Amendment No. 3

June 20, 2014

Change of impacts to Least Bell's Vireo habitat along Segment 8 specifically within the Chino Hills area of the TRTP project.

USFWS Biological Opinion Amendment No. 4

October 30, 2014

CRLF Seasonal Restriction Modification for Wire Stringing Activities

USFWS Biological Opinion Amendment No. 5

October 29, 2015

Allow restoration activities to take place within CRLF restriction areas until November 15, 2015.

USFWS Biological Amendment No. 6

February 2, 2016

Increase in temporary Impacts to coastal California gnatcatcher occupied habitat by 0.14 acre, and decrease of in permanent habitat impacts by 0.07 acre. Repair of erosion at Segment 11 Tower 18 between February 1 and 15, during California red-legged frog exclusion season.

USFWS Biological Opinion Clarification No. 1

February 21, 2012

Clarification on BMP inspection and maintenance at Montebello Hills SRA

USFWS Biological Opinion Clarification No. 2

June 19, 2012

Clarification to Conservation Measure 6 (Least Bell's Vireo) and Conservation Measure 9 (CA gnatcatcher) related to survey and monitoring requirements.

USFWS Biological Opinion Clarification No. 3

December 13, 2012

Segment 6 ARTO Monitoring Crossings - ANF and SCE requesting clarification of Conservation Measure 9, Bullet 5, (Page 14) pertaining to arroyo toad monitoring at road crossings during the dry, non-breeding season.

USFWS Biological Opinion Modification No. 1

November 8, 2012

Approval of Modification of ARTO Seasonal Restriction Time frame for 2012

USFWS Biological Opinion Modification No. 2

March 31, 2014

ARTO and CRLF seasonal restriction changes in support of restoration efforts including manual weed removal, herbicide application and ground disturbing restoration activities.

USFWS Biological Opinion Clarification No. 4

January 23, 2015

Segment 11C CRLF SRA - Request to Conduct Jumper Loop Removal/Reinstallation Activities

CDFW Incidental Take Permit

November 15, 2010


CDFW Incidental Take Permit Amendment No. 1

June 1, 2011

  • Changes the allowed work schedule from "7:00 a.m. to 5 p.m." to "daylight hours".

  • Limits vegetation removal restriction described in ITP Condition 8.3.2 to within 0.5 miles of a Swainson's hawk nest, rather than limiting all vegetation removal activities during the general avian nesting season.

  • Allows for an alternative desert tortoise exclusion fence design with written approval from DFG.

CDFW Incidental Take Permit Amendment No. 2

September 18, 2012

  • Change in contact person for ITP.

  • Recalculates impacts to Riparian Birds and updated surveys of Riparian birds.

  • Inserts a new Condition 7.10 to require notification for any Covered Species observed during Covered Activities.

  • Changes Conditions 8.4: (1) modify survey requirements;and (2) provide for procedural changes, when appropriate, to reduce standard, effective buffers based on physical site characteristics or land ownership where access prohibits conventional surveys.

  • Extends the date to complete mitigation for Covered Species to January 15, 2013 for Desert Species, and July 15, 2013 for Riparian Birds and Swainson's hawk.

CDFW Incidental Take Permit Amendment No. 3

July 22 2014

  • Change in contact person for ITP.

  • Modifies the scope of the ITP to address impacts to least Bell's vireo and willow flycatcher from covered activities in 500kV UG.

  • Increases impacts to occupied least Bell's vireo habitat.

  • Decreases the desert tortoise and Mohave ground squirrel mitigation obligation based on a reduction of Project impacts that were originally authorized.

  • Authorizes horizontal directional drilling subject to certain conditions.

  • Modifies the acreage requirements and acquisition costs for habitat management lands, modifies the amount of time allotted to the Permittee in fulfilling the compensatory mitigation obligation, and seeks to coordinate Permittee's acquisition of certain habitat management lands with development of the Petersen Ranch Mitigation Bank.

  • Clarifies the location of annual protocol surveys.

CDFW Incidental Take Permit Modification No. 1

November 9, 2011

WP1 - Impact acreage for Mohave Ground Squirrel, Desert Tortoise and Swainson's Hawk.

CDFW Incidental Take Permit Modification No. 2

November 17, 2011

WP1 - Impact acreage for Southwestern Willow Flycatcher and Least Bell's Vireo.

CDFW Incidental Take Permit Modification No. 3

February 17, 2012

WP1 - Implement site clean-up, rehabilitation and close out subsequent to the removal of desert tortoise-proof exclusion fencing

CDFW Incidental Take Permit Modification No. 4

March 26, 2012

WP1 - Implement the addition of anchor weights on Segment 10 Construct 9 subsequent to the removal of desert tortoise-proof exclusion fencing

CDFW Incidental Take Permit Modification No. 5

September 4, 2012

WP2 - Segment 6 final HMMP due date extended

CDFW Incidental Take Permit Clarification No. 1

September 16, 2012

WP3 - Least Bell's Vireo Survey methodology and notification clarified

CDFW Incidental Take Permit Modification No. 6

December 4, 2012

WP1 - Provides concurrence from CDFG for extended work hours between civil twilight time (civil dusk and dawn) for construction activities within Segments 4, 5, and 10.

CDFW Incidental Take Permit Modification No. 7

February 1, 2013

WP1 - Telecom Slicing after Desert Tortoise Fencing removed

CDFW Incidental Take Permit Modification No. 8

March 15, 2013

WP3 - Annual and protocol surveys not conducted due to access issues, specifies construction activities allowed to access Tonner Canyon

CDFW Incidental Take Permit Modification No. 9

April 22, 2013

WP3 - Annual and protocol surveys not conducted due to access issues, BMP Removal allowed to access Tonner Canyon

CDFW Incidental Take Permit Modification No. 10

April 26, 2011

WP1 - Desert Tortoise proposed Exclusionary Fencing Alternative Materials Fencing

CDFW Incidental Take Permit Modification No. 11

May 12, 2011

WP4 - Proposed Nighttime Concrete Pour for the Whirlwind Substation

CDFW Incidental Take Permit Modification No. 12

May 16, 2011

WP4 - Proposed Nighttime Transformer Delivery for the Whirlwind Substation

CDFW Incidental Take Permit Modification No. 13

March 8, 2012

WP1 - Request for additional activity proposed for site close out within suitable desert tortoise habitat areas subsequent to the removal of desert tortoise exclusionary fencing

CDFW Section 1602 Segments 2 and 3 - Windhub Substation

April 15, 2009


CDFW Section 1602 Segments 2 and 3 - Segment 3B

August 27, 2012


CDFW Section 1602 Segments 7 and 8

February 16, 2011


CDFW Section 1602 Segments 7 and 8 Amendment 1

July19, 2011

Add one additional stream crossing resulting in an additional 346 linear feet of jurisdictional streams and two oak trees under the department's jurisdiction

CDFW Section 1602 Segments 7 and 8 Amendment 2

April 13, 2012

Add changes at 23 locations of TRTP affecting 12 jurisdictional streams

CDFW Section 1602 Segments 7 and 8 Amendment 3

July 5, 2013

Add changes at one location (M27-T3) resulting in additional impacts of 0.02 acre of permanent and 0.04 acre of temporary impacts

CDFW Section 1602 Segments 7 and 8 Amendment 4

June 23, 2014

Add impacts to eight jurisdictional drainages due to the Chino Hills Undergrounding decision by the CPUC

CDFW Section 1602 Segments 7 and 8 Amendment 5

August 5, 2014

Allowed engineered erosion repairs at M27-T3 resulting in new minor impacts to feature 7-3-S-9

CDFW Section 1602 Segment 11C

October 22, 2013


CDFW Section 1602 Segment 11C Amendment 1

December 17, 2014

Minor amendment to allow construction of a new McCarthy drain in a non-riparian ephemeral drainage (11-5-S-2) located within the Angeles National Forest below the access road to Structure M31-T3 on TRTP Segment 11C.

CDFW Section 1602 Segment 6

October 31, 2011


CDFW Section 1602 Segment 6 Amendment 1

January 3, 2013

Amend the agreement to address 34 changes in existing conditions along the project alignment due to USFS winter road maintenance, new features and changes project design

CDFW Section 1602 Segments 4, 5, and 10

December 27, 2010


CDFW Section 1602 Segment 9

January 24, 2011


USACE Section 404 Segment 11

October 15, 2013


USACE Section 404 Segment 11 Deviation Request

December 3, 2014

SCE utilized contingency acreage for the NWP Authorization (SPL-2013-00314-SLP); therefore, no permit amendment was warranted

USACE Section 404 Segment 6

August 31, 2011


USACE Section 404 Segment 6 Permit Verification

March 15, 2013

Additional temporary and permanent impacts to waters of the U.S.

USACE Section 404 Segments 4, 5, and 10

January 19, 2011


USACE Section 404 Segments 7 and 8

August 5, 2011


USACE Section 404 Segments 7 and 8 Verification 1

April 4, 2012

Additional temporary and permanent impacts to waters of the U.S. due to final engineering

USACE Section 404 Segments 7 and 8 Verification 2

July 31, 2013

Temporary and permanent impacts to one jurisdictional drainage near M27-T3

USACE Section 404 Segments 7 and 8 Verification 3

June 25, 2014

Temporary and permanent impacts to waters of the U.S. resulting from the Chino Hills 500kV Underground activities

SWRCB Section 401 Segment 6

August 23, 2011


SWRCB Section 401 Segment 6 Permit Reissuance

March 7, 2013

Additional temporary and permanent impacts to waters of the U.S.

SWRCB Section 401 Segment 11

October 7, 2013


SWRCB Section 401 Segment 11 Permit Deviation Approval

March 27, 2015

Mac Drain installation at Construct 6

SWRCB Section 401 Segments 4, 5, and 10

January 24, 2011


SWRCB Section 401 Segments 4, 5, and 10 Administrative Amendment

January 4, 2012

Modification of mitigation strategy

SWRCB Section 401 Segments 7 and 8

December 24, 2010


SWRCB Section 401 Segments 7 and 8 Amendment 1

July 13, 2011

Covers the additional permanent impacts to an ephemeral drainage near M57-T1

SWRCB Section 401 Segments 7 and 8 Permit Reissuance

April 4, 2012

Covers additional permanent and temporary impacts to U.S. and waters of the State for construction at M24-T1 and M57-T1 and access roads

SWRCB Section 401 Segments 7 and 8 Permit Variance

July 25, 2013

Installation of a wet crossing in drainage near M27-T3

SWRCB Section 401 Segments 7 and 8 Amendment 2

May 23, 2014

Additional impacts related to construction and operation of the Chino Hills 500 kV Underground alignment

SWRCB Section 401 Segment 9

March 23, 2011



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