Southern California Edison's
Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project

(Application A.07-06-031, filed June 29, 2007)


Restoration Plans

These files are in Portable Document Format (PDF). To view them, you will need to download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader if it is not already installed on your PC. Note: For best results in displaying the largest files (see sizes shown in parentheses below for files larger than 3.0 MB), right-click the file's link, click "Save Target As" to download the file to a folder on your hard drive, then browse to that folder and double-click the downloaded file to open it in Acrobat..

Habitat Restoration and Revegetation Plan, Segments 6 and 11, Angeles National Forest, Mitigation Measures B-1a, B-3, and B-23 (Angeles National Forest, Jan 2014)
Appendix A. Figures (34.6MB)
Appendix B. Project Impact Matrix
Appendix C. Tree Inventory Reports (62.8MB)
Appendix D. Rare Plant Impact Matrix

Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan, Segments 7 and 8, Mitigation Measure B-1a, Version 4.0 (ICF International, Jan 2014)
Attachment A.1. Figures 1 through 6 (35.9MB)
Attachment A.2a. Figure 7 pages 1-65 (30.5MB)
Attachment A.2b. Figure 7 pages 66-118 (20.4MB)
Attachment A.3, Figures 8 through 12
Attachment B. 2011 Special-Status Calochortus Species Salvage and Translocation Plan (19.7MB)
Attachment C. Seed Mixes and Container Plants
Attachment D. Conceptual Mitigation Package (12.8MB)
Attachment E. CRAM Analysis Data
Attachment F. Topsoil Storage Locations
Attachment G. Cal-IPC List of Highly Invasive Plant Species
Attachment H. Restoration Activity Levels
Attachment I. Restoration Site Maps and Matrix (26.0MB)

Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan, Segment 9, Vincent and Whirlwind Substations (ICF International, April 2013)


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