CCC PPPPP U U CCC N N EEEEE W W W SSS C C P p U U C C NN N E W W W S S C P P U U C N N N E W W W S C PPPPP U U C N N N EEE W W W W SSS C P U U C N N N E WW WW S C C P U U C C N NN E W W S S COC P UUUU CCC N N EEEEE W W SSS California Public Utilities Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 5301 San Francisco, CA 94102 CONTACT: Armando Rendon August 16, 1996 CPUC-071 415-703-1366 CPUC OPENS INQUIRY INTO RELIABILITY OF ELECTRICITY GRID IN CALIFORNIA The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) today called for an emergency informal inquiry into the reliability of the electric transmission system in California. President P. Gregory Conlon has invited industry, regulatory, and advocacy group executives from within and outside the state, including the U.S. Department of Energy and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, to a meeting on Wednesday, August 21, in San Francisco. The meeting will seek to determine if there is a serious weakness in the operation and maintenance of the electric transmission grid connecting the Western states and to explore potential remedies. A power outage August 10 knocked out electricity to more than 4 million Californians; a similar outage occurred in July. In issuing the invitation, Conlon noted that such outages cause enormous economic harm to the residents of California, as well as the other members of the Western States Coordinating Council: Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Canada and Mexico. The tentative agenda for the meeting is attached: -more- CALIFORNIA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Emergency Informal Inquiry RELIABILITY OF ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION IN THE WESTERN STATES Wednesday, August 21, 1996 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. Welcome by CPUC Commissioners 8:40 a.m. Introduction of Invitees Department of Energy Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Bonneville Power Administration Nevada Public Service Commission Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Sacramento Municipal Utility District Pacific Gas and Electric Company Southern California Edison Company San Diego Gas & Electric Company Western States Coordinating Council Utility Consumer Action Network Toward Utility Rate Normalization CPUC Division of Ratepayer Advocates 8:50 a.m. Organization and Responsibility of Regional Organizations Western States Coordinating Council Others 9:30 a.m. Review of August 10 Event Bonneville Power Administration Pacific Gas and Electric Company Southern California Edison Company San Diego Gas & Electric Company Other Utilities 11:00 a.m. Coordination and Responsibilities of Regulatory Agencies Department of Energy Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Bonneville Power Administration State Commissions 11:45 a.m. Consumers Utility Consumer Action Network Toward Utility Rate Normalization CPUC Division of Ratepayer Advocates 12:30 p.m. Discussion of Action Items and Next Steps All 1:00 p.m. Close