CCC PPPPP U U CCC N N EEEEE W W W SSS C C P p U U C C NN N E W W W S S C P P U U C N N N E W W W S C PPPPP U U C N N N EEE W W W W SSS C P U U C N N N E WW WW S C C P U U C C N NN E W W S S CCC P UUUU CCC N N EEEEE W W SSS CONTACT: Kyle DeVine September 20, 1996 CPUC - 542 213-897-4225 (R.95-04-043) CPUC APPROVES PREFIX LOTTERY IF CONSERVATION MEASURES FAIL The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) approved today a lottery system to be used to distribute new telephone number prefixes to telecommunications companies serving customers in the 310, 415 and 619 area codes if conservation measures fail to avert a shortage of prefixes within those area codes. In June, Pacific Bell, the State Code Administrator (SCA) declared a temporary freeze on prefix assignments to carriers serving these area codes because of impending number shortages. New telecommunications technologies and competition for local exchange service have increased telephone number use and new area codes must be introduced statewide to meet that demand. The SCA generally follows standard industry guidelines which are intended to assign codes in an efficient manner. Because of concerns that prefixes in the 310 area code may be used up before a new area code can be introduced, in June the Commission adopted more restrictive conservation measures for assigning prefixes. The Commission is also considering whether similar restrictions should be applied to other area codes. The additional conservation measures the Commission imposed on the 310 area code include: all carriers - cellular, paging, personal communications services, local telecommunications companies and local competitors - must return or confirm that they have unused numbers; disconnected telephone numbers will be reused after two months for residential service and nine months for businesses; and all prefixes, including those that are the same as nearby area codes, will be used. -more- Today's order directs the SCA to report to the CPUC whether conservation measures specified last June will be sufficient to ensure number availability in those area codes or if rationing by means of a lottery is necessary. Since the freeze was declared, Pacific has been meeting with industry representatives to devise additional voluntary conservation measures that would extend the life of prefixes in these area codes. If the voluntary measures are not sufficient, a lottery will be conducted to determine which carriers get the remaining codes within these three area codes. At a later date, the Commission may decide to extend the lottery to other area codes facing similar number shortages. To mitigate risks that new entrants to the telecommunications industry may be denied any prefixes, the lottery would reserve 60 percent of the prefixes for carriers who are new in the area and the rest to carriers that want to expand business in an area. However, to avoid denying new service to customers, priority will be given to a carrier which is the only service provider in a community and has run out of numbers for that area. Area code 310 has 53 new prefixes left and they must last until the area is split in October 1997. Because numbers may run out before the area code split is completed, the Commission ordered the SCA to evaluate the feasibility of splitting the 310 area sooner. The 415 code has 120 new prefixes left which must last until May 1998. The 619 code has 57 to last until December 1997. There are 792 prefixes in an area code, 10,000 numbers in a prefix. -###-