CCC PPPPP U U CCC N N EEEEE W W W SSS C C P p U U C C NN N E W W W S S C P P U U C N N N E W W W S C PPPPP U U C N N N EEE W W W W SSS C P U U C N N N E WW WW S C C P U U C C N NN E W W S S CCC P UUUU CCC N N EEEEE W W SSS California Public Utilities Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 5301 San Francisco, CA 94102 CONTACT: Dianne Dienstein November 14, 1996 CPUC - 86 415-703-2423 CPUC ROUNDTABLE ON CELL SITING/ LOCAL GOVERNMENT ISSUES The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has scheduled a Roundtable to discuss cellular facilities siting issues with representatives from local government, the wireless industry, and the public. The Roundtable will be held on Monday, December 2, 1996 from 1:30 - 5 p.m. in the Auditorium of the State Building, 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco. Commissioners convene Roundtables to obtain information and explore concerns about important current regulatory issues. Cell siting is one that has proved troublesome to local communities, individuals, businesses, wireless carriers and community and other organizations. Among the topics to be discussed at the Roundtable are: O local government site permitting processes. O wireless carriers' problems with local government site permitting processes, procedures to identify such problems, and possible statewide remedial measures. O Commission involvement at the local government level. O General Order 159A, which contains Commission regulations relating to cellular facilities siting. O General Order 159A compliance problems and possible solutions. A half hour at the end of the session will be reserved for the general public also to speak to these issues. Demand for wireless and cellular service is skyrocketing and will continue to do so as new technologies and lower prices draw more consumers into the market. As companies try to meet demand, they seek to site facilities in urban and suburban areas. While - more - businesses and individuals may appreciate the service, communities are finding citizen concern about placement of facilities. CPUC cell siting regulations are in General Order 159A. The Commission generally defers to local governments: regulation of cell site location and design of cell sites and switching offices including issuance of land use approvals and notices, and lead agency status to satisfy California Environmental Quality Act requirements and notices. However, the Commission can preempt local government if there is a clear conflict between a local government's action and Commission policy or statewide interests. Personal Communications Services (PCS) companies increasingly come to the Commission complaining about local government roadblocks and lengthy permitting processes. Some communities also are seeking to establish moratoriums on site permitting. The Governor, Legislature and the Commission see considerable need for and benefit to the public, business and the state's economy from upgrading California's telecommunications infrastructure and encouraging deployment of wireless and other new telecommunications technologies throughout the state. The Roundtable will help the Commission identify cell siting issues and explore potential solutions with the industry, local government, and the public. ###