CCC PPPPP U U CCC N N EEEEE W W W SSS C C P p U U C C NN N E W W W S S C P P U U C N N N E W W W S C PPPPP U U C N N N EEE W W W W SSS C P U U C N N N E WW WW S C C P U U C C N NN E W W S S CCC P UUUU CCC N N EEEEE W W SSS CONTACT: Kyle DeVine November 26, 1996 CPUC - 558 213-897-4225 (A.96-05-022) CPUC SETS 1997 RATES OF RETURN FOR ENERGY UTILITIES The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) approved an all-party settlement which keeps the return on common equity for 1997 at 1996 levels and lowers the return on rate base for three of the four energy utilities in the state. The changes result in decreases or no changes in authorized revenues. The return on common equity remains at 11.60 percent for Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E), San Diego Gas and Electric Company (SDG&E), Southern California Edison Company (Edison), and Southern California Gas Company (SoCal Gas). The following table shows the return on common equity, 1997 and 1996 returns on rate base and revenue changes: Utility Return on Return on Rate base Estimated Revenue Equity 1997 1996 Change (in millions) ΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡ PG&E 11.60% 9.45% 9.49% Electric $5.3 decrease Gas $1.6 decrease Edison 11.60 9.49 9.55 $5.4 decrease SoCalGas 11.60 9.49 9.42 no change SDG&E 11.60 9.35 9.37 no change The Commission adopts a rate of return on common equity which caps the return which common stockholders can receive on their investment in the absence of any additional earnings from Commission approved incentive programs. The adopted rate of return on common equity, which when used with setting rates, provides utilities an opportunity to earn a fair rate of return. The return on rate base caps how much the utility can earn on its total rate base which includes the interest costs for long term debt and the return on preferred stock as well as the return on common equity. Generally a lower return on rate base by -more- itself will lower customer rates. This will apply for gas rates. However, there is a rate freeze mandated by the California Legislature in AB1890 for electric rates; the Commission will determine the rate impact with implementation of the cost recovery plans filed by the utilties and now under consideration by the Commission. PG&E pipeline expansion returns are separated from other PG&E returns and the pipeline return on common equity is decreased from 12.10 percent to 11.60 percent. Its long term debt decreases from 67 percent to 64 percent. The traditional PG&E utility operations' capital structure will see a 30 basis point increase in preferred stock and corresponding decrease in long term debt. SoCalGas equity will increase 60 basis points; long term debt increases 270 basis points. Its preferred stock will decrease 330 basis points, due largely to a redemption of preferred shares. Edison and SDG&E capital structures remain unchanged. The four energy utilities and other parties, including the CPUC Office of Ratepayer Advocates (ORA), submitted a joint agreement to the Commission. The Commission adopted the proposal because it is in the public interest and meets CPUC settlement policies. -###-