CCC PPPPP U U CCC N N EEEEE W W W SSS C C P p U U C C NN N E W W W S S C P P U U C N N N E W W W S C PPPPP U U C N N N EEE W W W W SSS C P U U C N N N E WW WW S C C P U U C C N NN E W W S S CCC P UUUU CCC N N EEEEE W W SSS CONTACT: Kyle DeVine December 9, 1996 CPUC - 565 213-897-4225 (Res. G-3198) CPUC APPROVES REFUND FOR SDG&E CUSTOMERS The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) today approved a plan for San Diego Gas and Electric Company (SDG&E) to refund revenues it overcollected for purchasing gas and a refund it received from its gas supplier, El Paso Natural Gas Company. The total amount to be refunded is $12 million and will be refunded to SDG&E customers beginning in January through a one time credit on their bills. Credits customers receive will be based on their gas use. Residential customers will see an average credit of $6.70. The revenues SDG&E collected to purchase gas were based on a forecast of what gas would costs and ended up being an overcollection because the forecast were higher than costs. -###-