CCC PPPPP U U CCC N N EEEEE W W W SSS C C P p U U C C NN N E W W W S S C P P U U C N N N E W W W S C PPPPP U U C N N N EEE W W W W SSS C P U U C N N N E WW WW S C C P U U C C N NN E W W S S CCC P UUUU CCC N N EEEEE W W SSS California Public Utilities Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 5301 San Francisco, CA 94102 CONTACT: Armando Rendon June 11, 1997 CPUC-070 415-703-1366 (Res. T-16010) CPUC UPDATES INCOME ELIGIBILITY LEVELS FOR LIFELINE PHONE PROGRAM The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) today updated the annual income levels for individuals and families to qualify for the Universal Lifeline Telephone Service (Lifeline) program. The levels will be in effect July 15, 1997, through May 31, 1998. Lifeline offers discounts on phone use to customers whose household income is at or below a set income per year. Each year the income limits are adjusted by CPUC staff, based on the Consumer Price Index, currently using the 1996 rate of 2.9 percent. The levels by household size and income limit follow: Household Size Income Limitation 1 - 2 $17,000 3 $20,000 For each additional household member, $4,000 Starting in 1998, the effective period for the income levels has been changed to June 1 through May 31. In the past, the publication deadline was set for February 15 of each year. However, because the federal statistical data was not available until the end of January and preparation of a CPUC staff resolution requires about four weeks to process for vote by the Commission, making the deadline has never been possible. The June 1 effective date will eliminate the uncertainty about the income data and effective dates which made it difficult for local phone companies to administer the program. Until July 15, the income levels in effect are as follows: Household Size Income Limitation 1 - 2 $16,500 3 $19,400 For each additional household member, $3,900 ###