I.87-11-033 et al. COM/cacd Page E-23 Kerman Telephone Company Adopted Rates and Charges Incremental $75,412 Incremental $51,258 % Increase 86.62% Factor Incr 1.86620 EST.'91 PRESENT PRESENT ADOPTED ADOPTED CHARGE ANNUAL PERCENT SERVICE CHARGES UNITS CHARGE TOTAL CHARGE TOTAL DIFF DIFF DIFF SERVICE ORDER/MOVE & CHANGE 2,037 $10.00 $20,370 $18.75 $38,194 $8.75 $17,824 87.50% CENTRAL OFFICE WORK 1,446 15.00 21,690 28.00 40,488 13.00 18,798 86.67% PREMISE VISIT CHARGE 205 35.00 7,175 65.25 13,376 30.25 6,201 86.43% RECONECTIONS 489 20.00 9,780 37.25 18,215 17.25 8,435 86.25% TOTAL 4,177 $59,015 $110,273 $51,258 Incremental Revenue Requirement to be recovered from CHCF: $24,154 I.87-11-033 et al. COM/cacd Page E-22 Kerman Telephone Company Adopted Rates and Charges Incremental $360,958 Incremental $285,546 % Increase 13.99% Factor Incr 1.1399 EST.'91 MO. AVG. PRESENT PRESENT ADOPTED ADOPTED RATE ANNUAL PERCENT LOCAL EXCHANGE UNITS MO RATE YR TOTAL MO RATE YR TOTAL DIFF DIFF DIFF (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) RESIDENCE 1-PARTY--flat 3,506 $14.80 $622,666 19.40 $816,197 $4.60 $193,531 31.08% 2-PARTY--flat 204 14.75 36,108 19.35 47,369 4.60 11,261 31.19% BUSINESS 1-PARTY--flat 770 26.50 244,860 34.80 321,552 8.30 76,692 31.32% 2-PARTY--flat 5 25.35 1,521 33.25 1,995 7.90 474 31.16% FEX----INCREMENT RESIDENCE 1-PARTY--measured 49 14.00 8,232 15.95 9,379 1.95 1,147 13.93% --flat 55 14.00 9,240 15.95 10,527 1.95 1,287 13.93% BUSINESS 1-PARTY--measured 37 18.50 8,214 21.10 9,368 3 1,154 14.05% TOTAL BUS.+RES. 4,626 930,841 1,216,387 285,546 Incremental Rev. Req. Needed From Service Connection Charges: $75,412 The rate increases are made net of the EAS increment (see Chapter 11, section B.7). The percent increase is calculation net of the EAS increment. After the rate is increased to 150 percent of Pacific Bell's basic exchange rate, the EAS increment is added in. See section B.7 of chapter XI.