I.87-11-033 et al. COM/cacd Page E-25 \P /pprPRINT~AGPQ /FR Pinnacles Telephone Company Adopted Rates and Charges Incremental Revenue Need $185,619 Incremental Revenue Earn $776 % Increase to Service Co 68.18% Factor Increase: 1.68180 EST.'91 PRESENT PRESENT ADOPTED ADOPTED CHARGE ANNUAL PERCENT SERVICE CHARGES UNITS CHARGE TOTAL CHARGE TOTAL DIFF DIFF DIFF (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) NEW SERVICE 13 $12.00 $156 $20.25 $263 8.25 107 68.75% MOVE AND CHANGE 5 6.00 30 10.00 50 4.00 20 66.67% CENTRAL OFFICE WORK 13 16.00 208 27.00 351 11.00 143 68.75% RECONNECTIONS 13 20.00 260 33.75 439 13.75 179 68.75% PREMISE VISIT 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00% VISIT CHARGE 12 40.00 480 67.25 807 27.25 327 68.13% 56 1,134 1,910 776 Incremental Revenue Requirement to be recovered from CHCF: $184,843 I.87-11-033 et al. COM/cacd Page E-24 Pinnacles Telephone Company Adopted Rates and Charges Incremental Revenue Requ $199,735 Incremental Revenue Earn $14,116 % Increase to Basic Rate 57.66% Factor Increase: 1.5766 EST. 91 MO. AVG PRESENT PRESENT ADOPTED ADOPTED RATE ANNUAL PERCENT LOCAL EXCHANGE UNITS MO RATE YR TOTAL MO RATE YR TOTAL DIFF DIFF DIFF (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) RESIDENCE 1-PARTY--flat 56 $10.70 $7,190 $16.85 $11,323 $6.15 $4,133 57.48% SUBURBAN--flat 47 10.70 6,035 $16.85 9,503 6.15 3,469 57.48% BUSINESS 1-PARTY--flat 36 20.00 $8,640 $31.55 $13,630 $11.55 $4,990 57.75% SUBURBAN--flat 11 20.00 2,640 31.55 4,165 11.55 1,525 57.75% KEY LINE--flat 0 20.00 0 31.55 0 11.55 0 57.75% CO-TRUNK--flat 0 30.00 0 47.30 0 17.30 0 57.67% 150 $24,505 $38,621 $14,116 Incremental Rev. Req. From Service Connection Charges: $185,619