PG&E's Initial Statement To The Ratesetting Working Group
On Modification Of The Rate Case Plan -- January 23, 1997
The June 21 ACR welcomed recommendations from the RWG for modifications to existing filing obligations, including modifications of the Rate Case Plan in the short and long run (page 9). The RCP, as set forth in D.89-01-040, sets schedules for the General Rate Case (Phases 1 and 2), Electric Rate Design Window, Cost of Capital, ECAC (forecast and reasonableness review), and BCAP (then ACAP) proceedings. Significant developments in this area since the June 21 ACR include AB 1890's requirement for a 1999 test year GRC for PG&E (section 368(e)(1)), the Cost Recovery Plan decision (D.96-12-077), and the Updated Roadmap decision (D.96-12-088).
At this time, PG&E recommends that in the short run (1) the RCP not be changed for PG&E with regard to the GRC, RDW, Cost of Capital, ECAC reasonableness review, and BCAP proceedings, and (2) the RCP be changed, beginning in 1997, to eliminate the ECAC forecast phase proceeding and to add the Revenue Adjustment Proceeding. PG&E does not have recommendations at this time for modifications of the RCP in the long run.