Ratesetting Working Group Agenda, Thursday 9/11/97, 10 AM - Noon, 1 - 4 PM CPUC Training Room, near ATM at Golden Gate Ave. entrance, 505 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco The following topics for informal discussion prior to the Sept. 16-17 Energy Division workshops on rate unbundling tariffs have been received from working group participants. The available time may be divided roughly evenly among the substantive topics: 1. Preparation for Workshop (Relation between this meeting and workshops) 2. Non-firm Rates (Continuation of discussion from past meetings) 3. Must-run Generation (SCE: Recovery of must-run generation payments by UDCs to the ISO. In other words, how would the UDCs modify their rate designs or revenue accounting once FERC approves the must-run contract payments.) 4. Alternatives for implementation of CTC rate design (Example: Southern Energy: Can a method be devised for calculating the PX credit for DA customers that meets everyone's needs, e.g., by minimizing CTC leakage. Southern's proposal is attached. Other alternatives may also be explored.) 5. Load Profile Errors (AECA: How will load profile errors be calculated, and how will they be allocating among customer groups.) 6. Flexible pricing options (AECA: How may they best be applied by energy suppliers and customers.) > > >
Southern Energy Alternative for CTC