Ratesetting Working Group
July 26, 1996

PG&E Energy Center, 851 Howard St., SF

  1. Selection of Minutes-Taker, Approval of Agenda & Minutes of 6/26 Meeting, Other Announcements, 9:30 - 9:40

  2. Identification and Timing for Analysis of Functions and Products to be Unbundled: Marketers Perspective (Agland Energy Services, et al) 9:40 - 10:30

  3. Clarification and Review of Utilities' July 15 Filings (order to be determined)
    a. 10:30 - 11:15
    b. 11:15 - 12:00

Lunch (Note: afternoon times may be earlier if we work through lunch) 12:00 - 1:00

  1. Clarification and Review of Utilities' July 15 Filings (continued)
    c. 1:00 - 1:45

  2. Identification of Alternative Approaches or Perspectives
    a. DRA 1:45 - 1:50
    b. CEC 1:50 - 2:05
    c. Other?

  3. Definition of Track 1 vs. Track 2 Issues, Strategy for Working Group's 8/26/96 Filing with CPUC, 2:05 - 2:50

  4. Implications and Approaches Concerning PBR 2:50 - 3:00

  5. Set Agendas for Next WG and Subteam Meetings 3:00 - 3:30

Agendas, 7/25 subteam meetings

Interpretation of Existing Tariffs (9:30 AM, Room 4000, CPUC): (1) Baseline rate implementation issues (J. Nahigian, TURN), (2) Identification of issues involving line extension rules (J. Nahigian, TURN), and (3) Functioning of non-firm rates, including termination provisions (continuing discussion). Times will depend on status of materials for presentation. (Identification of master-metering issues (R. Hairston, WMA) will be deferred to Aug. 13 so input in Direct Access Working Group can be considered.) Note change in location: Room 4000 at CPUC, instead of Room 5305.

Analysis (1 PM, Room 5305, CPUC): (1) Review of transmission pricing in WEPEX/ ISO context (A. Jazayeri, SCE, 1:00 - 1:45 PM), (2) Any technical questions that participants wish to explore concerning the utilities' July 15 filings, and (3) Any issues identified in context of 5/20/96 Scoping Workshop that have not been otherwise addressed by WG. (Discussion of telecommunications billing and incremental cost practices need to be deferred to 8/13/96 due to availability of DRA staff.)