From: Reed V. Schmidt[]
Sent: Friday, February 28, 1997 3:35 PM
Subject: CAL-SLA's Rate Unbundling Testimony
Friday, February 28, 1997
Here is an electronic version of the California City-County Street Light
Association's (CAL-SLA's) testimony and report on electric rate unbundling
in Applications 96-12-009, et al. The following files are attached.
97unbndl.ttp Cover sheet WordPerfect 5.1
97unbndl.tmy Testimony of Reed V. Schmidt WordPerfect 5.1 Inside title page WordPerfect 5.1
unbundling rpt TOC.doc Table of Contents MS Word 7.0
rate unbundling report.doc Report on Rate Unbundling MS Word 7.0
rate unbundling.xls Tables 1-4 MS Excel 7.0
APPENDIX.doc Appendix title sheet MS Word 7.0
The appendix, which consists of copies of selected pages from utility bills
to customers for street light and traffic control signals, cannot be sent
electronically. So they are not attached.
Dave Byers, attorney for CAL-SLA, is mailing copies of the testimony and
report to you and all parties on the service list. I am sending electronic
versions to those parties that have e-mail and to the ratesetting working
group's Web site.
Reed Schmidt
Bartle Wells Associates
Telephone: 415/775-3113
File: 97unbndl.ttp
File: 97unbndl.tmy
File: unbundling rpt TOC.doc
File: rate unbundling report.doc
File: rate unbundling.xls
File: APPENDIX.doc