Total Revenue Requirement
  • 1998 base rate revenues determined from escalated 1996 authorized PBR base rate revenues
  • Combined with most recently adopted ECAC revenue requirement
  • Based on that authorized in 1996 GRC
  • Will be adjusted based on 1997 Base Revenue Filing
  • Describes how rate freeze proposal and Rate Settlement are consistent with PG&E's unbundling proposal
  • Proposes to maintain schedule-specific rate levels as of 1/1/96, effective 1/1/97 through 2001
  • Nongeneration base rate revenues and Hydro PBR revenues escalated from 1995 GRC adopted levels
  • Base rate PBR exclusions to be held at 1995 GRC adopted levels
  • Recovery of costs which are fixed with respect to divestiture of fossil units, A&G and general plant not included in the ICIP price through the Nongeneration PBR
  • Reduced scope ECAC remains for minor, limited fuel costs
Transition of Current Cost Recovery Proceedings
  • Describes need to eliminate 1999 GRC due to CPUC's rate cap, the success of SDG&E's PBR, and limited resources of CPUC staff, utility and intervenors
  • Endorses streamlined regulatory process, but points out that some rate cases may continue to be needed
  • GRC shouldn't be eliminated before PBR mechanism is approved
  • Revenue allocation and rate design phases of GRC should be retained
  • Describes schedule for unbundling and restructuring proceedings
CTC Revenue Requirements
  • Will be developed in SDG&E's 8/30/96 CTC filing
  • Details will be provided in 8/30/96 filing
  • Proposes a residual calculation of CTC revenues to obviate need for a separate allocation and rate design

Functional Unbundling of Generation
  • Generation revenues will be derived in SDG&E's Generation PBR
  • O&M and capital-related costs will be directly assigned to business functions
  • Methods of assigning A&G, general plant and common plant expenses are described
  • Presents discussion of "Physical" versus "Contractual" generation and the interaction with PX and ISO
  • Describes a "mapping" approach for aggregated costs and allocation of shared costs
  • Result is $5.1 billion (includes CTC, which will be identified in 8/30 filing)
  • These costs are contained in SCE's July 15 PBR application
  • Describes the mapping process that was used for direct, joint and common costs
Functional Unbundling of Transmission
  • Transmission revenues will be determined by the FERC and will be subtracted from total revenue requirements
  • Implications of FERC and CPUC scenarios are discussed but no preference is stated
  • Demarcation between transmission and distribution must be resolved
  • Transmission will include revenue requirements for all facilities 60 kV and greater
  • Result is $272 million
  • Expects the revenue requirement for transmission will be authorized by FERC based on ISO Phase II filings in early 1997
  • Proposes a revenue-credit methodology to separate FERC jurisdictional revenue requirements
Functional Unbundling of Distribution
  • Once the transmission revenue requirement is identified, it will be subtracted from the total T&D amount to obtain the distribution revenue requirement
  • Estimated using a mapping approach
  • Result is $1.7 billion
  • Proposes to calculate by subtracting the FERC-adopted transmission revenue requirement from the non-PBR revenue requirement that the CPUC will adopt.
  • More fully described in PBR proposal
Further Unbundling of Distribution Functions
  • Emphasizes that meaningful competition cannot be achieved so long as services are bundled
  • Unbundling should occur by 1/1/98
  • Examples of unbundled services are provided
  • Classifying and costing methodology is described in detail
  • Believes that unbundling the five cost categories satisfy the criterion in the June 21 ACR
  • Further unbundling should use the same principles as the Commission applied to the unbundling of generation: no cost-shifting, rate cap, and stranded cost recovery
  • Further unbundling first requires determination of whether it provides customer value
  • Believes that the CPUC's deadline of 1/1/98 requires deferring this determination
  • Notes that parties were directed to focus "only on resolving issues that are necessary for implementation by January 1, 1998"

Revenue Allocation
  • Minimize revenue shifting by continuing use of capped EPMC methodology
  • Use residual approaches for CTC and PGC costs to avoid cost shifting
  • Supports cost-based, uncapped, allocation in the long-term
  • Provides a step-by-step methodology which minimizes revenue shifting
  • Use FERC's method for Transmission allocation, and EPMC for Distribution
  • Use a residual approach for CTC costs to avoid cost shifting
  • Plans to use the currently adopted marginal costs to allocate the unbundled revenue requirements to the maximum extent possible consistent with the new market structure
Rate Design
  • Proposes a single average cost of PX energy for non-RTP customers
  • To minimize bill impacts and to encourage demand side bidding, continue to recover UDC costs via TOU energy charges during a five-year transition period
  • Proposed that all utilities use fixed charges and demand charges to recover distribution costs
  • Describes how the unbundled components will add to the current rate
  • The rate freeze proposal and CTC residual allocation will keep rates capped and avoid cost-shifting
  • Believes that the existing rate structures should remain the same as rates are unbundled
  • Therefore, no change in the relative size of charges in any rate schedule
  • Anything else would violate the goal of no cost-shifting
Transmission Rate Design
  • Presents illustrative rates based on noncoincident demand and energy use (not a 12 CP rate design)
  • States that the FERC must approve any proposed rate design
  • Transmission charges could consist of both energy and demand charges
  • Assumes CPUC jurisdiction of rate design for retail customers
  • Proposes allocation and rate design be based on marginal costs
RTP Metering
  • Proposes universal metering for all customers on a state-wide basis within 5 years, beginning 1/1/98
  • No discussion

CTC Recovery
  • Recover CTCs implicit in UDC rate design to avoid bill impacts
  • CTC percentage and amount can be identified on customer bills
  • Recover CTCs residually to avoid rate impacts
  • Recover CTCs residually to avoid bill impacts
Public Purpose Programs (PGC, CARE, etc.)
  • Recover program costs implicit in UDC rate design to avoid bill impacts
  • If required, percentage and amount can be identified on customer bills
  • Proposes that PPP include: DSM, RD&D, Low-income programs, economic development, and LEVs
  • Estimates program costs at $122 million
  • Proposes recovery as a percent of all applicable charges on the rate schedule
  • If costs are 1% of total revenue requirements, then 1% would be charged on each rate schedule
Billing Information
  • Concerned that there may be too many line-items
  • Proposes that Low-Income Surcharge be included in UDC rates
  • Describes how many line items could be developed and shown, but emphasizes that customers may not need or want all this information
  • Recommends that other means be considered for communication of this information
  • Proposes that the Ratesetting Working Group address this issue
  • Emphasizes that many of the CPUC's proposed line-items would be very small
  • No details provided on what should be on bills
Rate Closure
  • Proposes to close many generation-related TOU options to new customers
  • Not mentioned
  • Not mentioned