Customer Data Transaction Subcommittee

Last update: Mon Feb 01 11:00:53 99
21 messages in chronological order

Listing format is the following:

* Subject From (Date)

* What groups are active? Shannon Black (02/01/99)
* URGENT: Implementation Proposal of Mete Sponsel, Susan (10/01/98)
* Rule 22 Subteams; Electronic Commerce P Jim Price (08/04/98)
* RE: Draft EDI Guides for DASR, Acct Main Price, James E. (07/24/98)
* Reminder - Mtg on EDI 810 Billing on JUL Mark Schindel (07/16/98)
* UDC-ESP Mtg on EDI 810 Billing Data - 8/ Mark Schindel (07/12/98)
* July 9 CDT agenda julie blunden (07/09/98)
* final minutes from June 4 CDT meeting julie blunden (07/09/98)
* [Fwd: Final Format of Edison's PX Energy Mark E. Schindel (07/08/98)
* [Fwd: Latest on SCE's Usage History Data Mark E. Schindel (07/08/98)
* Room Update for Continuation of EDI Disc Price, James E. (07/07/98)
* Final Format of Edison's PX Energy Facto Ramirez, Robert (07/06/98)
* Customer Data Transaction Meeting in San chris alba (06/18/98)
* June 4 Agenda Ziner, David (05/30/98)
* RE: PX credit posting consistency analys Nelson, Mark (05/20/98)
* PX credit posting consistency analysis Michele Wynne (05/19/98)
* UDC meter data transaction consistency julie blunden (05/18/98)
* PX credit posting consistency analysis julie blunden (05/18/98)
* May 8th customer data transaction meetin julie blunden (05/14/98)
* April 29 conference call notes on custom julie blunden (05/14/98)
* Posting & Subscribing to this Subcommitt Price, James E. (05/08/98)

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