LP Workshop Report Outline and Meeting Minutes, from PG&E

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	TxT9%CP%CorpPln@go50.comp.pge.com
> [SMTP:TxT9%CP%CorpPln@go50.comp.pge.com]
> Sent:	Tuesday, May 27, 1997 4:32 PM
> To:	jlondon@wald.com; lmaack@cpuc.ca.gov; mmccay@enova.com;
> tmurea@dwp.ci.la.ca.us; leroy.nosbaum@itron.com;
> mpalme1@ect.enron.com; parti@inetworld.net; j.price@cpuc.ca.gov;
> drichard@epri.com; groberts@oconee.em.slb.com; scr@cpuc.ca.gov;
> wsakari@sdge.com; scottm@sce.com; gsamani2@sdge.com; bwa@slip.net;
> lss@cpuc.ca.gov; mshames@ucan.org; silsbech@sce.com;
> tsolberg@spurr-remac.org; stephens@oconee.em.slb.com;
> pszymans@sdge.com; lvanwage@sdge.com; bill.vogel@cellnet.com;
> rhansen@sdge.com
> Subject:	LP Workshop Report Outline and Meeting Minutes
> Attached are the final version of the outline and the meeting minutes 
> from the pre-workshop meeting on load profiling, held last Friday. An 
> agenda for the Load Profiling Workshop, to be held June 5 at the CPUC,
> is appended to the meeting minutes.
> Please keep in mind that, to be considered at the workshop, proposals 
> on load profiling should be forwarded to representatives of the 3
> IOUs, to 
> ORA's website on Direct Access Implementation, and to the Load 
> Profiling Service list (available shortly), no later than June 2.
> Instructions 
> for submitting proposals are included in the meeting minutes.
> Toby Tyler
> Pacific Gas & Electric Co.