Draft Report on Load Profiling
Subject: Draft Report on Load Profiling
From: "Reed V, Schmidt" <bwa@slip.net>
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 1997 15:22:25 -0700
June 12, 1997
Dear Toby, Carl, and Bob --
The California City-County Street Light Association (CAL-SLA) has a couple
of comments on the draft report. They are more editorial in nature.
CAL-SLA plans to present more fully our views on load profiling for street
lights, especially for customer-owned lights, in our comments to the
Commission on the final report.
Regarding Section 2, PRINCIPLES FOR THE USE OF LOAD PROFILES, I believe some
parties expressed the need for evidentiary hearings during 1998 on issues
where there were substantial disagreements.
Regarding Section 5, ELIGIBILITY, I suggest moving the discussion on street
lighting from sub-section 5.2, "Customers with maximum demands between 20 kW
and 50 kW", to sub-section 5.1, "Customers with maximum demand of less 20
kW." CAL-SLA disagrees with PG&E's and SCE's eligibility designations for
street lighting shown in that sub-section. Please note, the official name
of the association is the California City-County Street Light Association.
In sub-section 6.2, "Interim segmentation schemes for 1/1/98", please add
CAL-SLA to list of organizations (CEC, ORA, and SPURR-REMAC), on page 17,
that believe additional segmentation should occur on January 1, 1998.
As a clarification, when you use "rate category" in the report, for example
in sub-section 6.2, is that synonymous with "rate schedule"?
Hope that these brief comments are helpful.
Reed V. Schmidt
Bartle Wells Associates