SCE's Class Load Profiles 10/97 (Part 5 of 6)
Subject: SCE's Class Load Profiles 10/97 (Part 5 of 6)
From: "Bass, Greg " <>
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 14:50:35 -0700
Return-Receipt-To: <>
>On September 17, 1997, at the Ratesetting Tariff Workshop, Southern
>California Edison Company (Edison) agreed to provide load profile data to
>interested parties.
>Attached are these class load profiles based on 1993-1995 data. We may
>update these profiles in early December to reflect 1994-1996 data. Also
>attached is a document which contains the file format, description of the
>load profiles, and the mapping of rate schedules to the posted load profiles.
>Edison expects to use dynamic load profiling for residential, small
>commercial, and medium commercial/industrial customers. Edison currently
>expects to implement dynamic load profiling in the 2nd quarter of 1998. We
>will use static load profiles until dynamic load profiling is implemented.
>The application of load profiles is subject to commission approval.
>Edison expects to use either these static load profiles or dynamic load
>profiles to compute the PX energy costs, pursuant to the CPUC's ratesetting
>decision, and for ISO settlement. These load profiles are consistent with
>those posted on August 1, 1997.
>Due to the size limitation, this posting was done in 6 parts.
>Part 1 contains file documentation and rate schedule mapping.
>Part 2 contains Domestic rate group load profiles: SCE1097A ( 2
>Part 3 contains LSMP rate group load profiles: SCE1097B (4 worksheets).
>Part 4 contains AG&P rate group load profiles: SCE1097C (4 worksheets).
>Part 5 contains Large Power rate group load profiles: SCE1097D (3
>Part 6 contains Street Lighting rate group load profile: SCE1097E ( 1
>If you have any questions, please contact Cyrus Sorooshian-Tafti
> Southern California Edison - Regulatory Policy & Affairs/ Load Research
> or (626) 302-6644, Fax (626) 302-1626