FW: 101 DALMATIANS PROJECT PLAN - Revised 6/3/97

Donna L. Shaw for Lynn Van Wagenen
 (619) 654-8271

>Attached is the Direct Access Workshop Project Plan revised 6/3/97.  Please
>refer to the Project Schedule-At-A-Glance (page 15) for changes which have
>been approved by the CPUC.  By way of reminder the Internet is the adopted
>method of distributing all documents for this group.  ORA has also set up a
>WEB SITE  at to access the same documents.
> Instructions for posting documents can be found at
>  See page 5 of this project
>plan for a complete list of "Participants" including their E-Mail addresses.
>If you have any questions about the Dalmatians Project Plan itself, please
>contact Lynn Van Wagenen of SDG&E at (619) 696-4055.