Re: MDMA and Meter Reader Certification


The conference call to discuss VEE and CMEP details is scheduled for 9 am
PDT on Tuesday, November 4.  The number to call is 1-800-403-1045, and the
"PIN" number for the call is 501414.  If you have problems getting
connected, call the AT&T conference call coordinator at 1-800-232-1234.  The
conference call will be very technical in nature and any "policy"
discussions will be tabled until the next MUG meeting.


At 08:30 AM 11/3/97 -0800, Chris King wrote:
>Attached are the minutes from the last meeting. The next meeting is
>November 12 at CellNet (125 Shoreway Road building). We are making good
>progress on writing up the certification tests. However, we do need
>volunteers to draft a paragraph describing each of the five meter reading
>certification tests (see minutes). Please e-mail me right away if you are
>able to do so, and which test you will write up. 
>Many thanks,
>Attachment Converted: C:\EUDORA\ATTACHMT\Minutes2.doc
>Chris S. King
>Vice President
>CellNet Data Systems, Inc.
