MSP Performance Bond/Petition to Modify
Subject: MSP Performance Bond/Petition to Modify
From: Chris King <>
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 09:11:21 -0800
On January 5th, Applied Metering Technologies submitted a petition to
modify D.97-12-048 to replace the $500,000 bond requirement for MSPs with a
$500,000 insurance requirement. The result is the same, the cost is lower.
CellNet will likely file comments in support of this change. Is anyone else
interested in having their name added to a joint parties comment? The
comments would be as follows:
On January 5th, Applied Metering Technologies submitted a petition to
modify D.97-12-048 to replace the $500,000 bond requirement for MSPs with a
$500,000 general liability insurance requirement. The Joint Parties support
this proposal. The proposal would reduce market barriers by lowering the
cost of MSPs to obtain certification from the CPUC. At the same time, the
general liability insurance requirement provides essentially the same
protection to workers and electricity customers as does the bond
requirement. The Joint Parties appreciate the opportunity to comment.
The comments are due on February 4th. Please let me know by Tuesday,
February 3rd if you would like to participate as one of the Joint Parties.
Thank you.
Chris S. King
Vice President, CellNet Data Systems, Inc.