re:MUG-PG&E Request for Time Extension on VEE

Forwarded from Kirsten Stacey:

>I don't think this should raise major technical issues particularly if 
>PG&E is required to produce validated and estimated data within a 
>tolerance range. 
>PG&E's current algorithms are very complex, relying on daily average use 
>by location (for both validation and estimation) which would be expensive 
>to change and not produce any appreciable differences in the quality of 
>the data. On the other hand, PG&E realizes that it would be inefficient if 
>market players had to program the same validation checks/estimation 
>protocols into their system. For this reason, PG&E would like to be 
>grandfathered in with their current systems without hampering other market 
>players with unneccessarily complex VE protocols.
>> Kirsten
>----------------------[Reply - Original Message]----------------------
>Sent by:"Chris King" <>
> All,
>PG&E has requested an extension of time to comply with Commission 
>for monthly VEE as adopted in D.97-12-048. Is anyone in the MUG aware of
>any technical issues this might raise? Thanks!
