MUG Conference Call Dial-in Number

MUG Members,

Our conference call is from 8 to 10 a.m. on Thursday, August 13, PDT. The
dial-in is 888-422-7101, then input 249459. Please RSVP, as we have 12
lines available. The agenda will include:

1. Posting data for non-metered Service Delivery Points (Ed McCann, see
attached proposal)

2. Addition to CMEP of a flag to indicate opening and closing meter reads
(Ed McCann, see attached proposal)

3. Clarification of holidays for VEE (Kathy Smith, see her e-mail)

4. Power failure intervals (Kathy Smith, see her e-mail)

5. Prorating data, bad intervals (Kathy Smith, see her e-mail)

6. Reposting of data, how to notify recipient parties (Kathy Smith?, other

7. Update on Service Delivery Point Identifier (SDPI) (Chris King)

Please e-mail me with any additional agenda items.


Chris King

MS Word file

MS Word file