ORA RSIF Pre-Workshop Statement

ORA has participated and been influential in discussions with other
parties to the MDCS and RSIF workshops, notably the Consumer Choice in
Electric Services (CCES), and Meter And Data Management Working Group
(MADAWG) groups.  Much common ground has resulted from those
discussions, avoiding the need for ORA to duplicate filings by these
groups in the context of the RSIF workshop.  In addition, the CEC Staff
has shown considerable insight concerning issues to be discussed in
these workshops.  ORA may or may not agree with all points ultimately
made in presentations by these parties, but any refinements in position
can be made at the workshop, after their proposals are in final form.
In particular, ORA prepared sections III.E and III.F, and portions of
section III.I, of the CCES proposal for the RSIF workshop, and is
prepared to present this proposal at the workshop concerning adjustments
for line losses and load profiles, and use of WEnet.
