FW: Schedule Info from PG&E

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	DPB2%GIR%BCS@bangate.pge.com [SMTP:DPB2%GIR%BCS@bangate.pge.com]
> Sent:	Thursday, July 10, 1997 1:26 PM
> To:	jep@cpuc.ca.gov
> Cc:	SRS4%GIR%BCS@bangate.pge.com; TxT9%CP%CorpPln@bangate.pge.com
> Subject:	Web Site
> Jim,
> Would you please do us a favor and post this calendar to the 
> Retail Settlement Section of the Direct Access Implementation web
> site?
> Subject			Date
> Reports			7/25
> Policy			8/1
> Formats/Protocols	8/8
> Submit			8/15
> Comments		8/29
> Thanks a lot.
> Dan Barber