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Implementation plan for 1/1/98 should be flexible and should not preclude needed long-term changes. Issues Meter Reading: Identification of meter readers on a customer’s property (impostors) Maintaining site compliance for safety and access, including notification, to customer property Transcription/transmission accuracy Unauthorized use (energy theft) Market participant’s ability to read various meters What has to be displayed on the display? Data and communication security issues Password management Certification/acceptance qualification Process for adhoc reads (aka re-reads, pick up reads) Can customer read own meter? Or under what conditions? What is the auditing process? Who can post data on the server? Minimum frequency of reads consistent with settlement cycle? For load profiling customers between 20kw and 50kw, if no IDR meter, need TOU reads for billing [HANDLE OFF-LINE] Read cycle for customers Metering pilots (SCE) billing cycles for special tariffs Grandfathering; what kind of existing meter reading systems architectures continue to be used and what schedule to do they need to be reintegrated with any standardized meter reading? Interim reads prior to 1/1/98 How do we assure ourselves that particular national standards are in fact relevant to the electric service industries without offering a forum to recontest issues settled in the standards process? Does local regulatory agency (LRA) mandating of ANSI standards violate underlying principals of standards process? Meter Validation: Way to ensure that every participant’s validation process ends up with the same result Certification/acceptance qualification Process to revalidate reads What is the auditing process? Metering pilots Meter Posting/Data Server: Ensuring that MDMA protocol is consistently applied between UDCs and ESPs Ensure data through-put from meter to server Penalties for lack of timeliness of data to server (reciprocal issue) Performance standards for the server itself (7/24) Archiving standards for raw data and validated data Access to archived data Data and communication security issues Password management Backup procedures when servers go down; disaster management procedures should be in place What is the auditing process? Metering pilots Timing of reads Background Information Meter Reading - Interim data set and format is assumed to be substantially what’s posted in the MDCS report (Appendix  E) (Data set is minimum requirement) Meter Validation: - Standards for data storage already in the RSIF MIF supplement (Appendix D of blue book) Meter Posting/Data Server - (security & data elements not resolved by workgroup) PGE has prototype on web Work Arounds Certification / Acceptance Єа/Ѕр=ІЇЈ Љ Њ‚ƒ™ЁГЅ­ЏР)*AДмнєќњњњњќњјњѕѓuU^^cVcƒ„™ЁЂГЅІ­Мb†Ік*>e›гёOСкъ Ь ўР! ќР! ќР!№њР! йР! йР! ќР!№њР! аР! ќР!№њР! йР! ЏР!"ЏџР!BЏР!"ЏР!"ЏР!"ЏР!"ЏР!"ЏР!"ЏР!"ЏР!"ЏР!"ЏР!"ЏР!"ЏР!"ЏџР!BЏР!"ЏР!"ЏР!"ЏџР!b 8˜ў 4џh-а0§аР h˜ў 4€h.Ь ъ Џ " 5 Œ Г Я э §  d ‘ з > V } ‘ ы )*AоJДСмнпР!"пџР!bпџР!BОР! пџР!BпР!"пР!"пР!"пР!"ОР! пџР!BпР!"пР!"пР!"пР!"пР!"пР!"пР!"пџР!BпР!"пР!"ОР! МР!№КР! ОР! ОР! ОР! КР! КР! МР!№ h˜ў 4€h. 8˜ў 4џh-K@ёџNormala .`. 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