PG&E Accepts DASRs On 11/1/97

PG&E will begin accepting Direct Access Service Request (DASRs) on 11/1/97!  
If you are an ESP who is interested in submitting DASRs to PG&E, please follow 
the preliminary procedures below:

First, obtain the Interim Letter Agreement from the CPUC Website.  The Interim 
Letter Agreement defines interim provisions related to the submission of 
DASRs.  These provisions will be in effect until the earlier of December 31, 
1997 or thirty (30) calendar days after the effective date of the CPUC 
approved DA tariffs.

Next, sign the Interim Letter Agreement and return it to Calvin Yee, ESP 
Relations Representative, at the following address:

Pacific Gas and Electric Company
P.O. Box 770000
M/C H28B
San Francisco, CA 94177
FAX:  (415) 973-8494

Once PG&E has received your signed Interim Letter Agreement, the ESP Relations 
Representative will contact you about the next steps.  PG&E will be accepting 
Interim Letter Agreements up to 5 p.m. on Friday, 10/31/97.  Your Interim 
Letter Agreement needs to be received by this time if you would like to submit 
DASRs on 11/1/97.

Don't wait until it's too late...start electronic data exchange testing NOW!  
Make certain that you are able to submit DASRs and transmit Electronic Data 
Interchange (EDI) information when you are ready.  Please read the important 
messages below regarding electronic data exchange testing.  Experience has 
shown us that if your communication links and protocols have not been tested 
with us, your DASRs are at risk of being rejected due to errors.

All ESPs will need to have the capability to submit DASRs electronically 
through an Internet transfer agent called the Data Exchange Service (DES) 
which allows California Metering Exchange Protocol (CMEP) data to be submitted 
and received between ESPs and UDCs.  To ensure that your system is ready to 
submit and receive DASRs to and from PG&E, please visit the DES Website at for details on DES requirements and testing procedures.

Additionally, ESPs who plan to offer the ESP-Consolidated billing option to 
their DA customers will need to submit charge and payment information using 
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).  To ensure that your system is ready to 
submit and receive EDI data to and from PG&E, please contact Tom Elder, EDI 
Implementation at (415) 973-5119 for information on EDI requirements and 
testing procedures. 