FW: FYI--Application of SCE Load Profiles
Subject: FW: FYI--Application of SCE Load Profiles
From: "Nelson, Paul D" <NELSONPD@sce.com>
Date: Tue, 5 May 1998 17:21:57 -0700
The proper application of Load Profiles was identified as a gap in DQI
workshop; see the transaction matrix under Processing of Settlement
Ready data. Edison has developed protocols for the application on
Load Profiles and has provided this information at the ESP open house
and recently via a message from Carl Silsbee.
I am proving this information as an FYI for the group.
Paul Nelson
From: Silsbee, Carl H
Sent: Friday, May 01, 1998 8:18 AM
Subject: Availability of Dynamic Load Profiles for Review
May 1, 1998
TO: January/February CPUC Load Profiling Workshop Participants
Entities on SCE's ESP Services E-Mail Listing
Steve Roscow, CPUC
ALJ John Wong, CPUC
cc: CPUC Direct Access Website
From: Carl Silsbee, SCE (silsbech@sce.com)
Subject: Availability of Dynamic Load Profiles for Review
Since early April, SCE has been posting sample dynamic load profiles
(DLPs) for residential, GS-1 and GS-2 customer groups to our website,
www.edisonx.com/rci. (You will need to follow the hyperlinks from this
main page). The process appears to be working well. You can access
these DLPs for review and testing at this time. The DLP files contain
data beginning with transaction day April 1, 1998. Although the DLPs
are based on real data from our load research sample meters, they are
NOT for use in PX/SC and ISO settlement at this time. ESPs should
continue to use the static load profiles we have previously provided
for these customer groups through transaction day May 17th.
ESPs with questions regarding the posted DLPs during the testing phase
through May 17th should send e-mail to Cyrus Sorooshian at
soroosc@sce.com. Cyrus is responsible for preparation of the DLPs
which we are posting. Once we begin posting the DLPs for PX/SC and
ISO settlement, ESPs should contact SCE's ESP Services group directly
with questions or if there appears to be an error in the posted data.
This will allow us to maintain a formal record of your inquiry and
insure adequate follow-through. A courtesy copy or e-mail note to
Cyrus regarding any inquiry directed to ESP Services would be
At an ESP open house, SCE distributed a protocol which sets forth the
specific procedures which ESPs (or their SCs) should use for
determining hourly usage for customers with cumulative meters. A copy
of this protocol is attached for your reference. ESPs with questions
regarding implementation of this protocol should contact SCE's ESP
Services group.
Currently, we are posting data with approximately a three-day lag.
That is, data for a Monday (24 hours ending at midnight), is being
posted via an overnight batch processing "run" which is submitted
during the day on Thursday, and available on Thursday PM/Friday AM.
Once we move to production mode, the posting time will be speeded up
to 62 hours. That is, our objective will be to make Monday's data
available between 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM on Thursday. We are not
planning to process load profiles over the weekend. That is, Friday
data will be posted the following Wednesday (along with Saturday and
Sunday data). I realize that at a workshop last February, we
announced a goal of 48 hours for posting DLP data. If the schedule we
are now planning to follow causes any ESPs a significant hardship,
please contact Robert Ramirez, who is responsible for SCE's load
profiling implementation. Robert can be reached via e-mail at
ramirer@sce.com. We would like to accommodate reasonable concerns for
timeliness of data flow; but of course we don't want to add
unnecessary costs or increase the potential for processing errors.
Since load profiling was first raised as a market mechanism issue in
the original 1995 Direct Access Working Groups, it has been one of the
more contentious areas of direct access implementation, resulting in
seemingly endless, and sometime fractious discussions. I appreciate
everyone's endurance and good spirits in getting us to where we are