Direct Access Implementation

Attachments #2 - 6: QUESTIONS & ISSUES


Questions & Issues

PURPOSE - Conduct a workshop and prepare a report to the CPUC that identifies a process and procedures for end-use customers to apply for and receive direct access services.


1. What direction is contained within the final CPUC direct access decision, and other relevant decisions, concerning direct access implementation?

2. What procedures must the end use customer follow to apply for direct access?

3. If multiple requests for direct access are received simultaneously, how is priority determined for first come, first served processing?

4. What verification is required before an end user data is switched to an ESP for energy supply or other services?

5. How often may an end user data switch ESPs?

6. What lead times and notifications are required when a customer changes ESPs?

7. Do lead times and notifications vary depending on services taken by customer?

8. Who is responsible for notifications?

9. What communications mediums may be used for customers to apply for direct access?

10. How does the UDC know if an ESP is qualified to offer direct access services?

11. How does the UDC know if an ESP is qualified as a renewable energy provider?

12. What requirements does the UDC have to ensure that a customer has made necessary arrangements with an ESP and/or schedule coordinator for direct access service?

13. Is this work coordinated with the Meter And Data Access Working Group, the Scheduling Coordinator User Group and ISO and PX implementation staff?


Questions & Issues

PURPOSE - Conduct a workshop and prepare a report to the CPUC that identifies proposed load profile methodologies for direct access implementation.


1. What direction is contained within the final CPUC direct access decision, and other relevant decisions, concerning the use and applicability of load profiles?

2. What entities are responsible for supervising development of load profiles? Is there a distinction between development of an initial set of load profiles for 1/1/98 and revision of load profiles after this date? What entity is proposed to enforce these requirements, and what resources are available to this entity?

3. What methodologies for developing load profiles can be accommodated by 1/1/98? If cost-effective methodologies cannot be implemented by that time, what mechanisms can be put in place to implement the results of these more complex methodologies? What decisions do the CPUC or municipal utilities need to make to provide for updated load profiles introduced after 1/1/98?

4. What criteria should be developed to guide development of load profiles stratifying a customer class? Are these criteria uniform in their applicability to UCDs and ESPs? Will there be one load profile per customer class, or will multiple load profiles be allowed per customer class?

5. If multiple load profiles will be allowed per customer class, do they have to be developed prior to 1/1/98?

6. What techniques are available to reduce estimation errors due to the use of multiple load profiles?

7. What techniques are available to minimize manipulation of load profiles by end users at the expense of other end users?

8. How is the incremental cost of developing load profiles to be recovered?

9. Does a uniform set of principles for load profiling exist, or can they be created?

10. Who will be responsible for updating & revising load profiles? (UDC, ESP, etc.)

11. If load profile methodology allows or requires dynamic updating from sampling of customer populations with interval meters, how are updated load profiles communicated to all entities who are required to use them?

12. Is this work on load profiles coordinated with other groups? (Ratesetting Working Group)

13. What is the protocol for labeling a revised load profile so that its applicability to a specific set of customers for a specific interval of time can be well understood?

14. What is the division of responsibility betwen the CPUC, the ISO, and other entities for determining and policing acceptable Load Profiling methods and protocols?


Questions & Issues

PURPOSE - Conduct a workshop and prepare a report to the CPUC that identifies proposed technical specifications for metering and communication standards, what entities should be authorized to install meters, and any necessary certification requirements and procedures.


1. What direction is contained within the final CPUC direct access decision, and other relevant decisions, concerning metering standards?

2. What data needs to be recorded in the meter for direct access or virtual direct access? (kw, kvar, kwh, kvarh, etc.)

3. What recording intervals are required for the data in the metering? (15 minutes, 30 minutes, hourly, etc.)

4. What is the required meter read frequency? (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.)

5. What communications capability is required at the meter? (none, real time, dial up phone line, etc.)

6. Do the ISO Tariff and PX Tariff filings to FERC require or impose any specific metering requirements on end use customer? (hourly data, daily reads, etc.)

7. What certification process for new meters and communication systems should be implemented to ensure they comply with standards?

8. What certification process and responsibilities must be imposed on parties performing metering activities for end-use customers, including methods for ensuring compliance with standards and corrective actions?

9. What is a workable definition of "open architecture?"

10. Is "open architecture" a goal of or is it required prior to direct access implementation, and over what time frame? (immediately, longer term, etc.)

11. Are existing utility metering systems adequate for direct access implementation.

12. For what purposes will end-use customer metering data be used, i.e. settlement, billing, load forecasting, and scheduling?

13. Are existing industry metering standards and specifications adequate for direct access implementation?

14. What new systems, procedures, and protocols are required to implement data transfer among parties in a timely, reliable, and accurate manner?

15. Who will be responsible for maintenance and testing of meters?

16. Who will be responsible for verification of meter programs and communications?

17. Who will be responsible for maintenance of meter records?


Questions & Issues

PURPOSE - Conduct a workshop and prepare a report to the CPUC that identifies a process and procedures for retail information flow from the end-use customers to all affected parties that can serve as the basis for direct access transactions, including load forecasting, load scheduling, energy imbalance identification, settlements, and billing.


1. What direction is contained within the final CPUC direct access decision, and other relevant decisions, concerning settlement and information flow?

2. Who are the parties that require end user data in order to complete the direct access transactions?

3. What information is required and when is it required for the settlement processes contained within the ISO Tariff and the PX tariff filings to FERC

4. What information is required and when is it required by the UDCs for distribution and transmission tariff billing?

5. What information is required and when is it required by the ESPs and scheduling Coordinators for direct access transaction settlements, forecasting, or billing?

6. How do end users receive information from the PX or the ISO, such as real time prices, messages to shed load, identification of congested transmission segments motivating schedule changes, etc.

7. What data validation is required before end user data is distributed to affected parties?

8. What communications mediums will be required for data transfers?

9. What is the requirement and process for obtaining customers authorization to provide customer-specific usage information to affected parties?

10. What are the technical requirements for information flow? (format, protocols, size, access, security, etc.)

11. Is this work coordinated with the Meter And Data Access Working Group, the Scheduling Coordinator User Group and ISO and PX implementation staff?


Questions & Issues

PURPOSE - Conduct a workshop and prepare a report to the CPUC that identifies a process and procedures for the release of end-use customer usage data to prospective energy service providers for use in direct access marketing efforts.


1. What direction is contained within the final CPUC direct access decision, and other relevant decisions, concerning the release of customer information?

2. What individual customer information is to be released by the UDCs to eligible ESPs?

3. What aggregated customer information is to be released by the UDCs to eligible ESPs?

4. What is the requirement and process for obtaining customers authorization to release customer-specific usage information to one or more ESPs?

5. What are the data base technical requirements? (format, protocols, size, access, security, etc.)

6. How long must the data base be maintained?

7. Will the data base contain historical data only, or must the data be updated on ongoing basis?

8. What is the cutoff date for historical data?

9. How is ESP eligibility to receive data to be determined and verified?

10. How are the costs of developing and maintaining the data base to be recovered?

11. What communications mediums will be required for data transfers?

12. Is this work coordinated with the Meter And Data Access Working Group?