Instructions for filing comments on 20-50 kW report

This note provides instructions to parties regarding the procedure they must
follow in order to file comments on the Energy Division's Workshop Report on
Load Profiling for customers with maximum demand between 20 and 50 kW.

That report was filed and posted to this webpage on October 2, 1998.
Parties' comments are due Friday, October 23, 1998.

Pursuant to D.97-10-086, Ordering Paragraph 7, the Energy Division prepared
and filed the workshop report and served it "on those in attendance at the
workshop, and anyone else requesting a copy."  This service was accomplished
via e-mail.  Parties intending to file comments should take 3 steps, listed

1.  File your comments with the Commission's Docket Office, following the
standard procedure.  This is how the Administrative Law Judge and the
Commissioners get their copies.

2.  Post a copy of your comments on this website, along with a note that
explains to viewers how to contact you directly to request a copy through
regular postal mail.

3.  E-mail your comments directly to the list of workshop attendees.  That
list is attached to this note.  It is also available in "Attachment D" of
the workshop report posted on this website.

For your reference, the complete text of Ordering Paragraph 7 of D.97-10-086
is provided below:

7.	The Energy Division shall convene a workshop with the UDCs and other
interested persons no later than May 30, 1998, to assess the impact of the
metering requirement on 20 to 50 kW customers, to determine whether the load
profiles should continue past September 30, 1998, and to examine the
inconsistencies in the load profile cut-off points.
		a. 	The Energy Division shall prepare and file a
workshop report with the Commission's Docket Office within 30 days of the
workshop's conclusion, and serve it on those in attendance at the workshop,
and to anyone else requesting a copy.

			(1)  Interested persons may file comments to the
workshop report within 21 days of such filing.


Steve Roscow
California Public Utilities Commission
Energy Division
phone:  415-703-1189
