FW: Directions to CTAC
Subject: FW: Directions to CTAC
From: "Nelson, Paul D" <NELSONPD@sce.com>
Date: Fri, 8 May 1998 10:52:59 -0700
From: Nelson, Paul D
Sent: Friday, May 08, 1998 10:43 AM
To: 'pswg@dra1.cpuc.ca.gov'
Cc: Escamilla, Georgina
Subject: Directions to CTAC
Southern California Edison is hosting the May 12-13, 1998, Permanent
Standards Working Group sub-group meetings at its Customer Technology
Applications Center (CTAC) in Irwindale. The meetings are scheduled
for 9 am - 5 pm. Because of morning traffic, I recommend arriving
the prior evening. Attached is a map showing the location of CTAC.
Edison CTAC
6090 N. Irwindale Avenue
Irwindale, CA 91702
Ontario Airport
22 miles East of the CTAC. Closest airport but expect heavy morning
traffic and allow plenty of time to catch the evening return flight.
Take the 10 west to the 210 west, exit Irwindale. South on
Irwindale, turn left at the light on Gateway Center.
Burbank Airport
30 miles West of CTAC. Farther, but less traffic in the morning.
Take the 5 South, to the 134 East which becomes the 210, exit
Irwindale. South on Irwindale, turn left at the light on Gateway
Los Angeles International (LAX)
40 miles South of CTAC. Arrive the night before, return flight in
the late evening. Take the 105 East to the 605 North, to the 210
East, exit Irwindale. South on Irwindale, turn left at the light on
Gateway Center.