Comments on PSWG Minutes


Last week you asked for comments on the minutes of previous PSWG meetings.
I wanted to add one that should be reflected in the minutes.  These
comments pertain to, I believe the May 12 PSWG Communications sub group

At the meeting there was a discussion regarding that proposals include
economic impacts, cost and benefits.  This consideration is particularly
important for  contentious proposals such as C12.19.

At a previous PSWG meeting I thought it was agreed that addressing
economic/cost implications was to be included in proposals.  The meeting
minutes should reflect this discussion as well as what I thought was the
strong insistence by the ORA (Office of Rate Payer Advocates) that economic
considerations such as cost to customers and market participants is not
appropriate for consideration and should not be included.  Also, the
minutes should reflect that no specific CPUC decisions in the Conclusions
of Law or Order sections were identified that state the economic
considerations including cost to customers or the market are not to be
considered.  As I stated, I have reviewed these sections and am not able to
find any Order or Conclusion of Law that prohibits economic considerations.
Perhaps if someone can reference a particular section, I'd be happy to
reconsider the issue.

Thank you,

Gregory Lizak
Star Data Services
