RE: Sections IV, V and VI for PSWG Plenary Vote on 6/11/98
Subject: RE: Sections IV, V and VI for PSWG Plenary Vote on 6/11/98
From: Thomas Chen <TCHEN@ETCOMM.COM>
Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 11:51:49 -0700
Return-Receipt-To: <TCHEN@ETCOMM.COM>
I believe that VI.2 on retrofit meters as presented here is a clear
case of "OVER-REGULATION", not deregulation. As I mentioned in the
meeting that V1.2 should be stated as follows:
VI.2. Retrofit Meters: Meter may be retrofitted and attached with
other devices or modules as long as the original meter design is not
modified or performance is not affected. For example, adding an
optical pick-up KYZ device to the meter does not change the meter
design or affect its basic performance. The meter and attached module
as a whole revenue metering unit shall be tested for accuracy, labeled
as retrofit and dated accordingly. Any other retrofit and addition
that modify the meter design and change the performance, for example,
adding a complete communication module, shall be tested according to
the certification testing requirement.
The unnecessary certification cost for simple retrofit such as optical
KYZ pick-up is a pure waste. It adds to the high energy cost that
California residents already suffer. Please re-consider your
Thomas J. Chen
eT Communications Inc.
Tel: (408)-557-5355
-----Original Message-----
From: Nguyen, Young []
Sent: Monday, June 08, 1998 10:09 AM
To: ''; '';
Cc: Vahlstrom, Timothy; Stacey, Kirsten;
Subject: Sections IV, V and VI for PSWG Plenary Vote on 6/11/98
PSWG Meter Equipment Subgroup
This document is posted per Jamie Patterson' request:
Attached is the Sections IV, V and VI that have been revised according
the noted changes agreed and voted out in the last PSWG Meter
meeting in San Diego.
This is posted on the web site for your review prior to the PSWG
vote this Thursday 6/11.
Young Nguyen