2 proposals for the June 25 PSWG Plenary meeting

PSWG Plenary:

We would like to make two proposals for your discussions and adoption
(maybe?) in the June 25, 1998 PSWG Plenary meeting:

Proposal #1: PSWG Report Format & Structure ( Please see the attached
document, Young will explain this in the meeting)


Proposal #2:  For on-going modifications of CPUC metering
standards/requirements, the following paragraph is proposed to include in
the final report:

"Because metering technology will be changing over time, there will be a
need to have a process in California to revise the CPUC-approved permanent
metering requirements.  However, it is not known how often modification of
these permanent metering requirements should be needed.  Therefore, the
process shall be that when a need for modifying the CPUC-approved metering
requirements arises, an entity (UDC, MSP, ESP, non-profit organization,
etc.) shall file with the CPUC a petition to modify the CPUC-approved
metering requirements.  If the CPUC can decide to modify within its
technical and regulatory capabilities and after the CPUC receives and
reviews comments from other entities, the CPUC will issue its decisions
accordingly.  If the CPUC would like market participants to seek solutions
on this issue, it will order the PSWG to reconvene, discuss the issue and
make recommendations within a reasonable period.  The need for such
modification of metering requirements may be metering technology
obsolescence, new metering standards that are beneficial to consumers,
safety issues, etc."

Personal comments: The PSWG already discussed this at length in the last
meeting, and maybe it is better off to let the Commission decide "when PSWG
shall be needed again."  Surely that when there is such a need, you as a
representative of your own entity will not be shy of submitting such a
petition to the CPUC, and that petition will be the trigger for the PSWG
process, and the CPUC may order the PSWG to reconvene just like what it did
in the CPUC Decision D97-12-048, dated December 3, 1997.  

Please feel free to provide your inputs and suggestions to what is written
above.  How about... let's get it done and focus on the report because time
is running out on us soon.

Tim Vahlstrom and Young Nguyen
(415-973-1084)       (415-973-1686)

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