Monday, July 20, Meeting for MUG & EDI Meter Data

As notes below, the MDMA Users Group meeting has been combined into the
previously-scheduled meeting on Monday, July 20, regarding migration of
meter usage data to EDI format, due to a significant overlap of issues.
A proposed agenda is attached, including a description of issues raised
by ABB.  In addition, as input to some of the discussion, I have updated
and attached my proposed EDI implementation guideline for transaction
set 867 for meter usage data, to reflect the final adopted Utility
Industry Group guideline that became available earlier this week.  (If
you want to review UIG's complete guideline for 867 or other
transactions, see

If you plan to attend and haven't already done so, please RSVP to  On Monday, the guard at the front desk will direct
you to the meeting room.

 <<mtg72098.doc>>  <<UIG867s.rtf>> 

Jim Price, ORA,

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Chris King []
> Sent:	Thursday, July 16, 1998 8:03 AM
> To:	Barber, Dan; Board, Afarah ; Buckley, Bill; Camp, Ward; Cano,
> Duncan; Chang, Cathy; Ciardella, Gary; Coles, Ross; Colwell, Larry A;
>; Evans, Mike; Eustis, Conrad;;
> Grooms, Scott; Hardie, Kris; Heirigs, Mark; Hosford, Dave; Dave
> Jackson;; King, Chris; Kristov,
> Lorenzo; Larsen, Wade; Lemon, Bill; Lizak, Gregory; Lucking, Suzie;
> Malane, David; Marsh, Harry; Mazy, Anthony;; McCarty,
> Steve; McKenna. Tom; Nibler, Valerie; Nguyen, Young; Pardo,Ruben;
> Patterson, Jamie; Pelchat, Clifford; Pouliot, Daniel; Price, Jim;
> Powell, Randy; Powers, John;; Rostker,
> Margaret; Rowe, Jeff;;
>; Severin, Sherman; Silva, Rick; Smith, Kathy;
> Stacey, Kirsten; Sweeney, Dave; Taylor, Paul ; Thomas, Richard;
> Tucker, Jim;; "Vahlstrom, Tim" <>
> "Vanderlin, John"; Weller, Patrick; Woychik, Eric;
> Subject:	Meeting will be on Monday, July 20
> Following further requests, and in the interest of consolidating
> meetings
> and working groups (we have way too many!), the MUG meeting will be on
> Monday, July 20. It will be at SDG&E's headquarters at 101 Ash St. in
> downtown San Diego, and run from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm. It will be
> combined
> with the meeting being coordinated by Jim Price on using EDI to
> transfer
> meter-specific information, such as that described in the October 15,
> 1997
> RSIF supplemental report to the CPUC. Key agenda areas for the day
> will
> include:
> 1. SDG&E's request to discuss short-term change(s) to CMEP
> 2. Update on PSWG recommendation regarding migration from CMEP to EDI
> for
> transferring usage data
> 3. Discussion of how to use EDI to transfer meter-specific information
> Thanks for your interest and support,
> Chris King

